Wolfgang Winkler

A border region village between the Czech Republic and Germany tells the love story of TOMMY (19) from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and JULIA (18) coming from a wealthy family. Julia is getting unexpectedly pregnant. Against their parents opinion Julia and Tommy want to build a future with the child. Money is a big issue for Tommy who works as a baker's student. Tommy is offered a risky deal - drug smuggling. The young relationship is put to the test.


When their ship is sunk in the Indian Ocean during the first world war, 50 men have to cross infinite stretches of sea and desert, avoid enemies, find allies and finally make it home to Germany. A breathtaking real-life odyssey.


The writer Sofie lives with her daughter, her son and her motherly friend Rosa in a pretty Leipzig city villa. Her life seems to have a firm grip on the single mother - if it were not for this writer's block that prevents her from completing her new romance novel. To make matters worse, her childhood sweetheart Vincent emerges completely unexpectedly. Vincent, Rosa's son, left her 15 years ago overnight. She has never heard from him since. Therefore, she tries to keep secret from him that she connects far more than a broken love ...


During the Cold War, Ulrich and Heike Molitor's attempt to escape from the GDR with their children hidden in the car ends in a prison conviction and both kids going to adoption unless they accept to leave daughter Rebecca behind to that fate and choose 'exulsion' with son Klaus. When the kids near adulthood, Klaus is frustrated that his parents only wine about his lost sister. Meanwhile, the time is ripening for the Berlin wall to come down. Rebecca's adoptive pa resists his wife's bitching to leave the Stasi.


East-Berlin, 1961, shortly after the erection of the Wall. Konrad, Sophie and three of their friends plan a daring escape to Western Germany. The attempt is successful, except for Konrad, who remains behind. From then on, and for the next 28 years, Konrad and Sophie will attempt to meet again, in spite of the Iron Curtain. Konrad, who has become a reputed Astrophysicist, tries to take advantage of scientific congresses outside Eastern Germany to arrange encounters with Sophie. But in a country where the political police, the Stasi, monitors the moves of all suspicious people (such as Konrad's sister Barbara and her husband Harald), preserving one's privacy, ideals and self-respect becomes an exhausting fight, even as the Eastern block begins its long process of disintegration.


A comedy directed by Manfred Stelzer.


Immer wieder Sonntag is a German television series.


East Berlin, 1989: 30-year-old photojournalist Georg follows a beautiful, mysterious dancer Miss Albena. Blinded by love, he dreams about her. His imagination and reality – a world in the midst of radical social change – get mixed up.


To gain lands from the prince of Saxony, a group of orphans seeks Mozart, in order to obtain the very rare score of one of his compositions.


A village has to be destroyed for coal mining. Henning, a 15 years old boy, who wants to visit his grandfather one more time, realizes that nothing will be the way it used to be.


Film by Ulrich Thein.

Germany, 1949. Three children are crating a secret society in order to help families in need.

Two years ago, cinema poster painter Jonathan had agreed in his divorce to leave the sole custody for his son David to David′s mother Ruth. But at the boy′s ninth birthday, Jonathan all of a sudden returns to their house. In the meantime, Ruth has found a new Partner, Franz, whom David has accepted as his surrogate father. Although everybody tries to solve the new situation with a lot of tolerance, Franz and Jonathan become rivals. But this rivalry comes to an end when David has an accident. Now, the boy is allowed to visit his father Jonathan on the weekend whenever he wants to. But before that, David goes on one last adventure: On a trip to a vacation camp, Jonathan "kidnaps" his son to spend several days hitchhiking alone with his son. Then, he gets him back to the vacation camp.

In 1938, a young woman leaves Germany to search for her love, Erich, in Reichenburg, Bohemia. Erich is secretly fighting the fascists, so Hilde ends up becoming a housemaid in the home of a German joiner in order to carry on their relationship. The joiner's son notices the passionate love shared between Hilde and Erich. To him, the young lady embodies the feminine ideal. When Hilde receives news of Erich's death, she descends into an uninhibited lifestyle in an attempt to forget.

Young construction worker Ralf Reider leaves his home village Katzsprung in the Rhön mountains during the "Berlin Initiative". In the capital, he wants to earn enough money in construction to build his own house for his wife and his child. But Ralf is an unconventional character who soon becomes an outsider because of his behaviour.


Things are not going well for Klaus Wensloff. It is the last year of World War II. At school the boy hears Nazi propaganda, while at home his mother tells him Bible stories and his father explain the world revolution.


Nine years old Flori must deal with a lot of problems after his father leaves the family.


35-year old ballet soloist Peter ends his career as a performance dancer and, on the occasion of his last stage performance, looks back on his career and his life. Peter′s retrospection is centred on the relationship with his professional and romantic partner Lotte, who he had once met at a joint performance. Peter remembers the landmarks of their love: their marriage, their child, and Lotte′s severe illness that threatened to end her career. In flashbacks, the film shows how the couple survived this crisis by working sacrificially to return to the stage and celebrate international success.

Film by Ulrich Thein.


Max Stricker, an old anti-fascist, informs a class of eighth graders before their planned visit to the former concentration camp in Buchenwald. But the boys and girls are not very interested in Max′s lecture and instead stop his lecture with their constant interferences. On the trip to Buchenwald, the class roughnecks around wannabe hoodlum King also want to cause trouble. Thus, a small group of pupils secretly leaves the train before it arrives. Max notices the runaways, follows them, and offers them a bet: He challenges them to get to Weimar on their own, with only five Marks left.

A film about the time of the blast furnances - 1917 - 1933 - about the development of an industry, about a perfect machinery which had to run itself to the point of its own destruction.


The little African girl Asina is eagerly waiting for her new friend Karli. Karli is a young sailor from Rostock who has promised her a gift on his next arrival in Coccatuttibana. Karli keeps his promise and smuggles a stowaway onboard the “MS Wismar”. Kasimir, a snowman, finds shelter in a cooling chamber. Although the journey turns out to be turbulent, Karli and Kasimir manage to arrive in Africa in good health.


A funny story about fifth grader Ottokar who is always ready to fight for justice.


The five-part feature, based on the novel by Helmut Sakowski, focuses on the friendly but also rival relationship between Druskat and the self-righteous Max Stephan, an old pal with different attitudes towards life and socialism . Druskat came to Mecklenburg as a refugee after World War II, became an integral part of the community, but also repeatedly caused a stir. Since the death of his wife he lives only with his daughter Anja, although there were enough women who wanted to be with him. Now he´s chairman of the LPG, the "volutary" federation for agriculture and animal husbandry. One evening, two men from the public prosecutor's office come to pick him up. He seems prepared, but Anja doesn't know why. Her first way leads her to Max Stephan, LPG chairman in the neighboring village. She happened to be there during the last argument between them, Max threatened to literally destroy Daniel. Did he carry out this threat? In conversations with the villagers, she gradually learns the truth.

For thirty years, Karl Achilles has been working at the chemical collective in Bitterfeld. But now his last day as a master at the plant has come. He is about to retire; even if Karl, who finds ending his working life difficult, wanted to stay on, it would not be possible. Karl’s colleagues have arranged a farewell dinner for the retiring master at an outdoor restaurant. But on his last day of work, before the farewell dinner, he meets all sorts of people: both colleagues and people, who do not work at the plant. A mosaic of the biography of a person who found fulfilment in his work and now has to look for the meaning of his life anew.


15-year old Klaus Kambor, called Kurbel, is living in a village in Lusatia and already thinks of himself as an adult. He can hold a lot of rhubarb wine and has already kissed a girl. But with his new method of lawn mowing, which he thinks is brilliant, Klaus makes a big mistake: He causes a wild fire in the forest. Then he does not react adult-like at all, but shirks the responsibility, which leads to the break-up with his girlfriend Daniela. Furthermore, Klaus does not realize that several of the places he likes the most in his environment are now going to be sacrificed to mining. When Klaus becomes friends with the teacher Konzak and with the construction worker Jule, he feels understood for the first time and starts to take more responsibility.


Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow worked for the railways his entire working life. He took up service at the small station of Luege 34 years ago. Now, the line is to be electrified and Platow, who cannot cope with the new technology, has to work on a secondary local line. Georg, his son, a railway worker as well, is to attend a training course, but Georg refuses to go. Then his father comes to a surprising and highly unusual decision. He pretends to be Georg Platow, making himself twenty years younger than he really is and registers for the course.


Susanne and Christian get to know each other during a wonderful week in summer - and fall in love. This, however, leads to conflicts: up to now, Susanne has been living with Wolfgang, a biologist. This shared life was harmonious and based on mutual trust. Wolfgang is not only resolute and in full command of social situations; he has also always been the stabilizing force in the relationship. This is precisely why Susanne now feels drawn to the unsettled, unsteady and frivolous Christian, the complete opposite of the calm, well-balanced Wolfgang. And Christian, working as a shift boss on a natural gas derrick, has become more aware of his personal and social responsibilities as a result of loving Susanne.


April 1945: Gregor Hecker, 19 years of age, reaches the outskirts of Berlin as part of the Red Army's scouting team. Having fled Germany with his family when he was eight, he is confronted with the dilemma of having to fight men from the very country he was born in. Through dealing with challenging situations (e.g. he is appointed commander of Bernau, talks to many disillusioned Germans, and is once and again attacked by scattered groups of German soldiers), he grows more confident that not all hope is lost for post-war Germany.


The Rabbit Is Me was made in 1965 to encourage discussion of the democratization of East German society. In it, a young student has an affair with a judge who once sentenced her brother for political reasons; she eventually confronts him with his opportunism and hypocrisy. It is a sardonic portrayal of the German Democratic Republic's judicial system and its social implications. The film was banned by officials as an anti-socialist, pessimistic and revisionist attack on the state. It henceforth lent its name to all the banned films of 1965, which became known as the "Rabbit Films." After its release in 1990, The Rabbit Is Me earned critical praise as one of the most important and courageous works ever made in East Germany. It was screened at The Museum of Modern Art in 2005 as part of the film series Rebels with a Cause: The Cinema of East Germany.
