Wolfram Handel

Adaptation of Theodor Fontane's novel.

Because her boyfriend had instigated her to steal cigarettes, Sabine is sent to a youth detention centre. At the age of 18, she is released and wants to start a new life. She rents her own room and starts to work in a shoe factory. Although she is strong willed, Sabine remains insecure, because she is still in love with Jimmy. At her new workplace, she has a tough act to follow because her colleagues are untrusting and refusing towards her.


A funny adventures of a two young boys who are trying to rebuild the ship called "Emma" for their friend - the old captain.


Film by Rainer Bär.


In 1944, SS-Obersturmbannführer Becher arrives in Budapest in order to obtain material for the Waffen-SS. At the same time, he starts to gather private property by offering an insidious choice to the corporation′s Jewish majority shareholder, Dr. Chorin: Either Chorin assigns the company to Becker "on his own free will" – thereby obtaining the permission to travel abroad - or he his family will end up in an extermination camp.

Based on a true story of inmates at KZ Buchenwald that risked their lives to hide a small Jewish boy shortly before the liberation of the camp.
