Wong Ching-Ho

A crazy white scientist resurrects a corpse with a werid chemical creating a super hopping ghost. The only thing that can somewhat control it is the sound of music. A Tao Priest and his two assistants try and stop it from destroying the countryside.


Developer Tsang Siu-Chi (Eric Tsang) and his agent (Jacky Cheung) have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung (Sammo Hung) has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.


Two ghostexterminators have been married for many years. But they encounter a ghost they can not manage on their own and therefore ask the wife's old boyfriend for help. This leads to a love triangle while the ghost is stronger than they had imagined.


The final entry in Michael and Johnny Mak's Long Arm of the Law series, Underground Express once again tells a story of gangsters versus police, focusing on the difference between how both factions act depending if they're coming from Hong Kong or Mainland China. There's some decent action that delivers a high body count, but the rushed production and editing that was obviously and clumsily done to avoid a Category III rating regulates this to being just another average Hong Kong cops and robbers flick.


Confirmed bachelor Man Suen, a university professor, must get married by the age of 35 otherwise he and his playboy brother Ray Suen won't inherit his father's fortune of 50 million dollars which will then go to his uncle. He is unaware that his colleague, the prim Miss Cheung, is in love with him and that she dreams of being rescued by her super-costumed hero. His brother has met a young heiress and his uncle has hired a sexy siren to prevent his marriage. This is the setting for the three lead actresses to display a surprising amount of softcore nudity and they are very attractive eye candy


Beautiful Wan Wen Zheng plays a ghost bent on revenge. Originally killed while being raped, she gives supernatural fighting powers to a Kung Fu boxerin this rather slow, atmospheric, serious film.


A rivalry between two brothers causes chaos through out the business world. Can the good brother defeat his greedy elder brother at his own game? Only Wong Jing and his usual cronies can sort out this mess with hysterical results and oddball humor


A cross between Rear Window and The Blues Brothers! A group of gossipy neighbours witness a murder through an open window. Dopey mainland cop Lo Yau Dai investigates by going in undercover as a new tenant.


Fong Sai Yuk's uninhibited arrogance toward a Manchu lord forces him to seek refuge in a Shaolin temple. Although abundantly trained in the martial arts, he is no match for Master San Te, the creator of the 36th Chamber of Shaolin, who constantly overpowers his younger, more agile disciples in matters of both body and mind. Exhausted by his frequent defeats, Fong seeks to escape his prison and crosses paths with a governor, who rewards him with a yellow robe granting immunity from any Manchu. But what are the governor's true intentions? Will Fong feed his foolish ego and betray the Shaolin Temple?


A wealthy businessman gives his wife everything she wants, besides one thing, a passionate sex life. The sexually frustrated woman soon gets into several other relationships and soon also learns why her husband is so uninterested with her in bed.


A martial artist must train incessantly to defeat the brutally powerful thief called Centipede.


In The Master Strikes Back, Hong Kong's Steadicam pioneering director Sun Chung brings back legendary Ti Lung to play famous weapons instructor Tung Tieh-cheng, who is invited to teach a Ching official's soldiers, in this unofficial sequel to The Kung-fu Instructor. But after his son is kidnapped and castrated what follows is a chaotic, human whirlwind of slicing and dicing compliments of the highly touted martial arts director and one of Jackie Chan's kung-fu classmates, Yuan Te.


A small town is protected by one of the famous Ten Tigers of Kwangtung. The town is very safe as Ti Lung and his Kung Fu students patrol for criminals. Enter the rival Kung Fu school whom Ti Lung's students have beaten in a lion dance competition and then humiliated in a brawl. The rival school is joined by an opium dealing Kung Fu master who plans to turn the town into a community of addicts!


Taking place in 1941, Love in a Fallen City centers on Pai (Cora Miao), a young woman who has been ostracized by her family for divorcing her rich husband. A local match-maker, Mrs. Hsu (Helen Ma), takes pity on Pai and decides to bring her to Hong Kong, under the guise of employing her as the Hsu's nanny, but in reality to introduce her to Fan (Chow Yun-Fat). Pai and Fan seem to hit it off, but Fan's refusal to marry Pai soon sours things. However, as the Japanese begin to invade Hong Kong, the two begin to realize their true feelings for each other.


Tou Kuan, a spoiled affluent kid, travels with pal Mai Song to Beijing to challenge 3 Masters to improve Kuan's status. Along the way, they contend with inept assassins hired by Kuan's uncle, who wants the family business and fortune.


The Yangs are betrayed by a government official conspiring with the Mongols. All of the Yang family males except the 5th and 6th brother are killed. Fu Sheng loses his mind after the death of his family, while the other brother takes refuge in a Buddhist temple.


Heralded as the funniest Hong Kong comedy of the early 1980s, this was Shaw Brothers' most popular film of 1983. Alfred Cheung Kin-Ting (who created and produced Jackie Chan's "Highbinders") won the Hong Kong Film Best Screenplay Award for this delightful comedy of modern manners. As director, he also guided co-star Ceclilia Yip Tung to a Best Actress award. Watch for teenage Anita Mui Yim Fong, just beginning her road to superstardom, in the supporting role of the philandering husband's mistress! shaw production


Wong Hsia Yuan is an old-fashioned martial arts master who's so behind the times that he'd rather his school be destroyed than change its ways. He may get his wish, thanks to the young, beautiful, intelligent Chan Mei Ling (Kara Wai Ying Hung), who arrives from the states to open a new branch of the school. Armed with an unfamiliar, modern way of thinking, Mei Ling goes about recruiting new students in strange, and sometimes questionably legal ways. Yuan is furious, but when the local triads enter the picture, the two put their differences aside to take back the neighborhood.


This internationally popular tale of a brother and sister seeking vengeance for the death of their parents through the mythical yin/yang Holy Flame technique is an eye-filling epic. Kuo Chue (a.k.a. Philip Kwok), famous as the star of Chang Cheh's internationally famous "Venom" film series, both co-stars and choreographs this impressive tale - leading to a vaunted "action director" career with both the 007 thriller Tomorrow Never Dies and the cult classic Brotherhood of the Wolf to his credit.


From its evocative title to its gritty filming to its gutsy plot, this sizzling crime thriller struck a chord with international audiences. The robberies, ambushes, double-crosses, and murders multiply as a hitman, a robber gang, and two obsessed cops clash with increasing deadliness and danger


Master Liu and Master Law are rival masters of Shaolin style kung fu, and Wudang style sword fighting, running schools in the same city. Their top students, Chao Fung-wu, and Hung Jun-kit, are actually close friends. After observing the two students fighting at a brothel, the Lord determines that the two styles are dangerous, and he must learn both.


Yun Fei Yang is the viciously bullied orphan who takes on the unpleasant tasks at a formidable kung-fu school. Constantly mocked by the other students of the school, Yen counts as his only friend the daughter of the resident master. Any internal wrangling between the various members is put to one side when a swordsman from a rival clan reminds the master of the duel he must take part in once a decade. Unfortunately the defending clan chief is well aware that his rival is more powerful than himself. The expected defeat is further complicated when a wandering swordsman arrives on the scene and joins himself to the injured party, immediately adding to Yen's woes.


A Hong Kong taxi driver suffers after being cursed by a sorcerer he accidentally hit with his cab. After the driver's wife is raped and killed by teenage hooligans, he pleads with the sorcerer to lift the hex and restore his wife to the land of the living. Otherworldly zombie chaos ensues.


The Weird Man" is popular director Chang Cheh's bizarre screen adaptation of the famous Chinese literary classic "Romance Of The Three Kingdoms". Chang is famous for his lone swordsman and hero films, and freakily, "The Weird Man" is no exception. The film's star Cheng Tien-chi playing a righteous, beheaded priest with supernatural powers that returns from the dead to wreak havoc against one of the corrupt kingdoms.


Chan Chiao a.k.a. The Cat (Adam Cheng) and Pai Yu-tang a.k.a. The Rat (Alexander Fu Sheng) compete in various flamboyantly choreographed duels before realizing that they must seek the judgment of their master (Lau Kar-wing). He disappoints them by ruling that their abilities are perfectly equal, then being so completely impartial as to give the Rat a nine-ringed sword which he can use to defeat the Cat, and giving the Cat a spear to defeat the sword which he just gave the Rat. A few more contests result in ties before a subplot gets underway involving a precious jade seal owned by the Emperor Yung Hsi (Gordon Lau) and the thieves out to steal it. This, finally, is what forces the Cat and Rat to work together and overcome their rivalry.


Respected actor and action choreographer Hsu Hsia didn’t waste his chance to direct — inviting three other kung-fu designers to help on this fight-filled thriller. Wang Yu, co-star of such classics as Dirty Ho and The Kid With A Tattoo, here takes center stage as a young rascal caught between master martial arts actor Jen Shih-kuan (Once Upon A Time In China) and violent Huang Cheng-li (Snake In The Eagle’s Shadow). From there on, it’s one masterful kung-fu bout after another.


Legendary Weapons of China is a martial arts fantasy film taking place during the late Qing Dynasty when Empress Dowager Cixi dispatches her agents to various factions of the Boxer Rebellion in order find supernatural martial artists that are invulnerable to western bullets. When one of the leaders of these groups disbands his forces, assassins from the remaining factions are sent out to kill him.


This delightful action comedy came out a full two years before Ghostbusters premiered. Coincidence? You be the judge. Whatever the inspiration, nothing can compare to this amazing showcase of wushu and wizardry as one of the best all-star fighting casts take on spectres, spirits, and phantoms as well as each other.


Story revolves around a possessed young police woman who seems to be out killing everyone who gets in her way. Her boyfriend, photographer and boss at work are all suspicious of her and are out to find out what's the problem. With a story focusing on possession, vengeful spirits and murder, you're steadily entertained with a flick that manages to keep it's head above water.


Guo Jing and Huang Rong return to Peach Blossom Island and are shocked to see that Guo's first martial arts teachers, the "Seven Freaks of Jiangnan", have all been murdered except for Ke Zhen'e. Guo Jing is tricked into believing that Huang Rong's father, Huang Yaoshi, is responsible for the murders and he attempts to avenge his teachers by fighting Huang Yaoshi. The intelligent Huang Rong eventually uncovers the truth and reveals that the murders are actually part of a plot masterminded by Ouyang Feng and Yang Kang. Ouyang and Yang want to make Guo Jing and Huang Yaoshi kill each other and Yang can learn Ouyang's newly mastered skills from the fake copy of the Nine Yin Manual.


This is it: one of the most talked about cult films ever made -- a maniacal masterpiece of the macabre, the martial arts, and the just plain weird. Shaw's first international star Lo Lieh stars as the insane swordsman who makes Chinese lamps from, yes, the skin of his enemies' sisters, mistresses, and wives. Although insanely conceived, it is beautifully filmed and unashamedly performed by a first rate cast of sexy starlets and kung-fu favorites.


Here Chang Siu Tai (Alexander Fu Sheng) is the son of Master Chang (played by Ku Feng), a renowned chiropractor/bone-setter operating a clinic in a poor neighborhood in an unidentified city in early 20th century China. Siu Tai works for his father and studies bone-setting and kung fu under him, but gets into lots of trouble, especially after white foreigners and their westernized Chinese enablers descend on the town in hopes of acquiring a valuable statue of the Goddess of Mercy on display at a local Buddhist temple.


Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned, but hell, literally, really has no wrath like a lusting ghost scorned! Muscular "Venom" Lo Mang discovers just that when the demon arranges to have his true love killed in order to possess her. Chaos, revenge, insanity, violence, tragedy, and even romance ensue. Director Kuei Chih-hung, already famous for Bamboo House of Dolls, Killer Snakes, Ghost Eyes, Corpse, Hex, and many other cult classics, shoots the works with this amazing horror love story.


13 family members are murdered and then dumped in a well. 30 years later their descendants are cursed...


Phillip Kwok plays the orphaned son of a general disgraced and executed by his political enemies... which has nothing to do with the rest of the movie. Raised to be a righteous martial artist, Yuan kicks off the story proper by finding a cave containing a skeleton, a treasure map, and a manual teaching him the Golden Snake style. Obeying a request hidden in the manual to give a portion of the treasure to the Golden Snake's old girlfriend, Yuan begins to seek the woman out - on the way solving the riddle of the Golden Snake, and how he came to his end.


Wong Fei Hung (Gordon Liu) and his friend are constantly having contests to see who has the better martial arts skill. After getting in trouble with their fathers, Wong Fei Hung settles down and starts to train seriously, while his friend still horses around. After his friend is hurt by a rival school, Wong goes to the school for retribution. Instead his skill is tested through a series of events which climax with him taking on a Northern martial artist (Wang Lung Wei). In an excellent battle of skill (and choreography), he earns the respect of the rival school. Also stars Mai Te Lo and Hui Ying Hung.


A story of a coffin maker who tells a story about a policeman who was murdered by his wife and her lover. Eventually released constable loose of some grave robbers, the constables ghost is out to make the lives of all those involved in his death miserable. (A Shaw Brothers production)


A necrophiliac killer is murdering the prostitutes at Madame Lan's brothel.


shaw production


A young boy betrays his family who hides a refugee and tells the pursuer (Lo Lieh) where the hiding-place is - just because he wants a valuable telescope for reward. His father decides to kill the boy in order to restore the honor of the family.


Cheng (Kara Hui Ying Hung), a beautiful martial arts ace, battles to keep her inheritance from the ruthless Yun Wei (Johnny Wang Lung Wei), but her efforts are sabotaged by Yu Tao (Hsaio Ho), her wayward and irrepressible great-nephew. Following a frenzy of spectacular comic mishaps, the hapless duo are setup and imprisoned and the deeds to Cheng's estate are stolen. She is held hostage after a doomed attempt to reclaim the papers back from Yu Wei's place, and the stage is set for a savage fight to the death.


A teacher comes across a secret list of anti-Ching rebel names and quickly becomes a target for Ching loyalists. The Five Venom's actor Lo Meng teams up with kung-fu comedic actor Wang Yu (not Jimmy) to bring some of the best lion dancing action footage ever seen on film. The amazing lion dance sequences alone gives this film major historic significance where it's the first time Northern and Southern lion dancing skills are compared.


This mystery-tinged 'Martial Arts World' epic was one of director Chu Yuan and novelist Ku Lung's last together for the Shaw Studios, but it's another action-filled winner. Liu Yung and Sun Chien (the Korean kicking 'Venom' from Chang Cheh's internationally popular series) team to investigate the martial arts murders of a supposedly mortally wounded swordsman, only to find deception, death, double-dealings, imposters, and one deadly duel after another. No less than three choreographers are on hand to handle the multitude of magnificent martial arts.


Li Xunhuan comes back to his home after three years of wandering. He had decided to have a normal life, but a group of skilled martial arts fighters and leaders are bent on killing him, so they can be ranked top by Bai Xiaosheng in his renowned list of the best warriors in the martial arts world. Li Xunhuan battles them as he searches for his estranged friend A'fei, who is now married and living in seclusion. Li asks A'fei to join forces and fight against a new threat that wants to rule the world: the Money Clan.


Spoiled Yuen Si Si, the naive daughter of an affluent merchant, lives her cosseted life dreaming of meeting her idol, the heroic Qin Ge. When her father decides to marry her off, she runs away in search of Qin Ge, with her fiancee in pursuit. What she doesn't realise though is that her kung-fu skills are not what she thinks they are and that the outside world is far less chivalrous that she expected.


A tale of deadly deception and betrayal unfolds when the leader of the respectable Iron Flag clan is assassinated by The Spearman while the clan fights the villainous Eagle clan. Iron Flag's eldest brother, Lo, the second brother accepts the responsibility for the deaths of the Eagle clan and goes into hiding from the authorities. Meanwhile, Chow Feng takes charge, using his position for disreputable purposes. Seeing Lo, as a potential threat, Feng sends the "nefarious" Ten Killers of the Underworld to finish him. But Lo defeats them and confronts Feng with the aid of The Spearman who hopes to atone for having unwittingly killed a righteous man, Iron Flag's former leader.


Actors David Chaing and Alexander Fu Sheng join director Chang Cheh and the rest of the Five Deadly Venoms crew for a supernatural martial arts epic that takes the action to another plane of reality entirely. When a fallen angel descends to the Earth on a mission to storm the underworld, a love shared between angels and humans offers telling testament to the power of a lucky ghost. In the battle that follows, both the living and the dead will discover that a war waged in hell could have consequences that resound forever


Constantly mistreated by her cruel husband, the frail Chan Sau-ying awaits certain death from tuberculosis. The new servant girl, Yi-wah takes pity on her mistress' plight and the pair proceed to drown him one evening. They dump his body in a near-by pond but Sau-ying believes that the man's bloated corpse has risen from the bog to seek vengeance.


A treasure hunt sparks the continuing violence in this Hong Kong action film, yet the film does not focus only on the violent nature of some of the characters. An enamored Ting Tien (Pai Piao) spends a cold winter's night waiting to spot the love of his life, Ling Shuang-hua (Szu Shih), when she makes her usual morning excursion onto her balcony. The theme of his love for her is treated with sensitivity, though his love does not affect the fate in store for both himself and the woman he worships. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi


Kao is given a mission by his elderly master to take a cursed sword and solve petty squabbles between skilled martial masters.


The workers of a dye factory have their pay cut by 20% when the factory owner brings in some Manchu thugs to try and increase production. Desperate to reclaim their full wages, the workers hire an actor to impersonate a priest and kung-fu expert from the temple of Shaolin. The factory owner proves the actor a fraud, and punishes all those involved. The young actor feels he has let the workers down, and promises to atone. He sets out for Shaolin, determined to be accepted as a kung-fu pupil at the elite temple.


Gao Jian is a lazy and arrogant student of the martial arts school ran by vain Si Fu Shi Chen-chung. One night after his punishment in his school a wounded man reaches his house. He is Jin Tien-yun, a legendary warrior fleeing from a fight in which he was stabbed in a sneak attack and now has to hide from his pursuers, the Three Devils. Gao helps him and in return, Jin decides to teach him some serious kicks. Gao has to live alone for a year after Shi believes that he is traitor of his school. Then he tries to kill him but Jin interferes in order to save Gao and as his wounds are not fixed yet, he gets into a final battle with the three Devils. So it is Gao's turn to seek for revenge.


One of Shaw Brothers' most productive directors, Sun Chung's action films had strong tension, snappy editing and slow motion which influenced up and coming martial arts director John Woo. Starring kung-fu comedienne Wang Yu, a ballistic kid on a mission to clear his father's name, The Kid With A Tattoo features plentiful ripsnorting martial arts by Jackie Chan's long time kung-fu classmates Yuen Hua and Yuan Pin, and Shaw Brothers' best martial arts fighting villain Wang Lung-wei.


Determined to escape from the harsh regime of China to the freedom of Hong Kong, three youths are captured by Mr. Hok, a sadistic human smuggler who subjects them to an unrelenting assault of degradation. Pushed to the limits of human endurance, the prisoners must fight for their lives in an unforgettable, action-packed climax.


Police corruption is the theme of this brutal harbinger of the bleak "new wave" crime thriller. Pai Piao, Danny Lee, and "Venom" Sun Chien star as idealistic police school graduates who run afoul of such vicious, murderous depravity that the cop who is killed first could be considered the lucky one.


Two friends who long to be heroes join the fight against a Ching warlord and his students. They get help from a Kung Fu student and a rebel. They also save Hung Si Quan's life.


Venom regulars Philip Kwok, Chiang Sheng, and Sun Chien star as a gang of unemployed martial artists who spend their days stuffing their faces at local restaurants and letting the staff beat them up instead of paying the bill. Their fortunes appear to improve when the head of a local security agency hires them to take out the competition, who their new employer insists is up to no good. But the boys are being played for fools, and after an unfortunate misunderstanding, they unite with their former adversary to take out the true villain.


Three inmates in an asylum tell their stories. Story 1, a husband and wife discover they should be careful what they wish for. Story 2, a naked female ghost gets revenge from her watery grave. Story 3, a dead prostitute returns as a ghost.


Liu Chia-Liang returns to the success of his first directed film, "The Spiritual Boxer", which also stars the original film's bumbling ghost controller, Wang Yu. Hoping to make the lightning of success strike in the same place, Liu had his two brothers Lau Kar Wing and Gordon Liu not only act but also help with the fights. The end result is a martial arts film masterpiece filled with breathtaking action and set pieces.


Leaving behind an inch of sword in the spent corpses of his opponents, Tuan Changqing (Lung Ti) is known as the Deadly Breaking Sword. After barely surviving a duel, one of his foes is treated by the diabolical Dr. Kuo, who uses his powers of mind control to transform the man into a somnambulistic killer. After Tuan Changqing teams up with Rabelaisian gambler Xiao Dao (Sheng Fu), the story proceeds as a comical kung fu buddy flick.


After his parents are murdered, Jiang Xiao Yu (Fu Sheng) is separated from his twin as a baby and taken by a family friend to "Villains Valley," where he is raised to be a "villain" by a host of outlaws, each of whom has a special skill. When he's old enough (and grows up to be Fu Sheng), he devises clever means to trap each of his "uncles" and escape the valley to head off into the outside world. A chance encounter with a beautiful girl dressed as a man leads to a treasure hunt and eventually a confrontation with the Princess of Yi Hua Palace, the one who murdered Xiao's parents in the first place. Eventually, a reunion with his twin will occur.


An old man of the village tells kinky ghost stories to a few of it's inhabitants after all the kids have gone to bed. What follows are stories that have horror elements and some soft-core nudity thrown in.


A talented young swordsman (Derek Yee) has beaten many veterans before his inherited martial arts manual gets stolen. After encountering his first defeat in life, in despair, he comes across a gorgeous girl (Liza Wang), daughter of the head of a mysterious sect...


In the vein of "Romeo And Juliet", Hong Kong style, the small ensemble cast and little-known director Michihko do a big league job with their rendition of "Romeo And Juliet" in "The Young Lovers". Although poor boy (Derek Erh Tung-Sheng) and rich girl (Yu An-An) are from opposite ends of the spectrum, their undying love refuses to let anyone get in their way, including their parents. Shakespeare would be moved.


Hui Ying-hung, legendary director Chang Cheh's discovery, and the protege of equally legendary director Liu Chia-liang co-stars with Liu's nephew, Liu Chia-yung in this fast-paced, action packed comedy of kung-fu characters. Liu Chia-yung is saved from drug smugglers by Hui Ying-hung, whose godfather is a drunken master and whose leprous godmother is mistress of the fairly off-putting Leprosy Boxing style.


A disgraced former Kung Fu expert makes a living as a merchant with the help of a hot headed friend. When the men are harassed by gangsters, the merchant decided to teach his friend monkey boxing so they can defend their business.


A young man who is thrown into jail simply because he displeases a police inspector. But even when he's eventually released, the police continue to persecute him until he feels he has no choice but to become a real criminal.


Comedy / fantasy involving ghosts.

Shaw production


Skilled martial arts director Lau Ka Leung offers you another Kung Fu treat! this Asian classic introduces viewers to the Shaolin Mantis way of fighting! The tale takes you back to the Qing dynasty & Wei Feng, the son of a Qing official who tries to unveil facts about a revolt. The grand daughter of the farmer community where his investigation takes him, sacrifices her life to save him in the end. Managing to escape unscathed, he promises to hunt down the girl's killer and therefore creates the effective technique of Shaolin Mantis.


The thrills continue in this second part of this cherished adventure, created by the renowned director Chu Yuan and ingenious novelist Chin Yung. Only the union of the title weapons can save the six remaining martial arts sects who are vying for mastery. So just sit back and enjoy the movie event which spawned a legacy that continues even today with a long-running, internationally loved television series, a role-playing game, and even collectible replicas of the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre themselves!


Huang Rong is taken hostage by Ouyang Feng, who attempts to use her to seize the Nine Yin Manual from Guo Jing. Guo and Hong Qigong rescue Huang Rong and Guo gives Ouyang an "edited" version of the manual, that will eventually cause Ouyang to become insane after he practises the skills in the manual wrongly. Ouyang, Hong and Guo get into a fight, in which Ouyang Ke is injured, and Guo and Hong use the opportunity to escape. However, Hong Qigong is also wounded and he gives Huang Rong his Dog Beating Staff, effectively handing over his leadership of the Beggars' Sect to her. Ouyang Feng and Ouyang Ke pursue Guo Jing and Huang Rong to a deserted town for revenge. Guo and Huang take shelter in an abandoned tavern inhabited by a only a retarded girl called Shagu.


Ti Lung is the Nameless Swordsman bent on defeating the faceless King of Swords to claim the title, and the glory, for himself. Hordes of fighters lunge from the shadows to cut down the mysterious challenger. Even a cunning seductress takes a stab at him in a revealing bath house assassination. It is said that a man's weapon reflects his utmost dreams, desires and fears. A warrior with no name and one motive has a soul as merciless as cold steel.


The anti-Ching patriots, under the guidance of Ho Kuang-han, have secretly set up their base in Canton, disguised as school masters. During a brutal Manchu attack, Lui manages to escape, and devotes himself to learning the martial arts in order to seek revenge.


A kung-fu student is instructed by his dying teacher to track down five of the teacher's ex-students. Each of the five is equipped with a lethal martial arts skill, and the teacher fears this might be used for evil purposes. However, not only does the teacher not know the identity of the students (who all wore masks under his training), but some of the students also don't know each other!


Despite its stand-alone title, this mixture of martial arts and exploitation is a semi-sequel to Shaw Brothers's Flying Guillotine series. This time, the focus is Rong Qui-yan (Chen Ping), a kung fu student turned dutiful wife whose life falls apart when her husband is murdered by a squad of government operatives led by the duplicitous Jin Gang-Feng (Lo Lieh). Qui-yan is forced to go into hiding as she plots her revenge and finds allies in fellow fugitive Ma Seng (Tsui Siu Keung) and ex-lover Wang-jun (Yueh Hua). Meanwhile, Jin Gang-Feng sends out an array of killers to track them down. Complicating things further is the fact that Qui-yan is pregnant and struggling to keep her unborn child safe while fighting her way to safety.


Sensual Pleasures features a collection of three, ghost story, sexual vignettes starring a viscerally sensual trio of hardcore experience with the well endowed Chen Ping, Chinese adult film legend Shirley Yu and the innocent doe-eyed Shaw Yin-yin.


A Shaw Brothers production directed by Kuei Chih-hung.

The Embroidery Bandit is stealing treasures while blinding his victims. The hero Liu Xiaofeng is called in to solve the mystery. The evidence points to the all-woman Clan of the Red Shoes - but appearances can be deceptive....


Three North Shaolin teachers (Lu Feng, Chang Sheng, and Sun Chien) are called on by the Manchus to teach their soldiers and are urged to challenge the current South Shaolin teachers. They defeat the South Shaolin teachers and, that night, the head general (Wang Lung Wei) kills the South Shaolin teachers and blames their death on the North Shaolin teachers. The South Shaolin master sends more of his pupils, who are killed accidentally by the North Shaolin teachers. He finally sends two more (Wei Pai and Lo Meng) of his students to train with old masters and trains one student (Kuo Chui) himself with the goal of finally defeating the North Shaolin experts.


The emperor's reign of terror expands. Heroic outlaw Ma Teng joins a squad of female rebels, whose leader is torn between family loyalties.


Sun Chung had made a name for himself directing satirical comedies and modern day crime thrillers when he started exploring the kung-fu genre with this fascinating tale which mixes music and martial arts. Revered choreographer Tang Chia leads a great action cast (including "Dirty Ho" - Wang Yu, and award-winning actor - Ku Feng) in a tale of conflicting clans and a mysterious song called "The Proud One" which leads to slowly blossoming love as well as sudden death.


The beloved king of Hong Kong comic book characters, Old Master Q, is back in live action again by popular demand. This hilarious sequel to Mr Funny-bone finds him, and his delightful sidekick "Big Potato", opening an Old-fashioned healing clinic - leading to a fun and fascinating clash (cultural and otherwise) when the old ways smack face first into ultra-modern Hong Kong. But, this being the great Mr Funny-bone, he triumphs in spite of himself and his large-cranium companion.


Li Han-Hsiang's adaptation of the classic Qing Dynasty novel will take viewers to the heightened pleasures of love and the despairing depths of betrayal. Timeless beauty Brigitte Lin Ching-hsia appears as Chia Pao-yu in her first attempt at a gender-bending role, an art she will wield complete mastery over in later films. Pao-yu is in love with his cousin, Lin Tai-yu (Sylvia Chang), but his family has other marital plans for him that will leave both broken-hearted.


Struggling to survive the murderous gang wars of Hong Kong, Tan Tung, a young martial arts street fighter, successfully takes on all challengers—until he runs up against the savage underworld empire of Hong Kong's Triad mafia. Escaping to San Francisco, he again tangles with criminal gangs, but this time fights his way to the top of the city's most feared gangster organization led by the White Dragon boss (Kuo Chui). At last, his rise to power leads to a final, murderous, gang-land war for control of all Chinatown. And in the end, Tan Tung must decide whether he will use his awesome skills to fight for evil...or for to help his best friend Yang Ching.


A timeless and titillating tale of the immoral private lives of the royal court's high officials. All the bed and body hopping is not exclusive to the family, either. Their maids and servants get involved as well, leading to flesh, fibs, and suicide, among other things. Taken all together, this is an all-time classic of sumptuous sexuality.


Emperor Chien Lung uses disguises to experience life among his subjects.


Young man returns from studying abroad to take over management of the large family farm, and falls for the daughter of a tenant farmer. The unique twist is that her pet, best friend, confidante and protector is a cobra - but he hates snakes because his mother was bitten and killed by one when he was a child.


At the wedding feast of Shen Hsiu Chang (Chung Wa), a guest named Tu Fu Liang (Lau Luk Wa) suddenly announces that he had an affair with the bride, Yun Ching . The bridegroom is furious and turns on her. She disappears sadly. The next morning, her headless body is found in a lonely spot. A couple of days later, a hunter named Wu Hsiung finds a badly decomposed human head and returns it to the widower. He is rewarded with 1000 pieces of silver as the bereaved family thinks it is the head of the dead bride.

Master of the "swordplay thriller" genre, Chor Yuen and renowned kung-fu choreographer Tang Chia tell the fabulous tale of the "Fastest Swordsman in the World" facing the "1000 Face Devil" and no less than seven murderers.


Set in early 20th century Shanghai, this Hua Shan actioner stars former Golden Harvest regular Nora Miao Ke-hsiu as Bobo, a village girl who has journeyed to the big city in search of her father. Not long after her arrival, Bobo witnesses a gang fight dominated by a man she was friends with as a child. Now known as Jaguar, he works as a bodyguard for mob boss Kam, who is having a row with one of his partners. Jaguar makes trouble at one of the man's casinos as a part of a plan to smooth over the situation. Ace gunman Ko Tang is also in town and the two strike up an alliance to take over Kam's empire. Jaguar's lust for power soon alienates Bobo, who realizes that she was simply a pawn in his plan to gain control of the Shanghai underworld. Held a virtual prisoner, Bobo's one hope for revenge is Luo Lie, another friend from childhood and now her fiancee, currently imprisoned in Germany.


Lo Lieh stars as Sima Jun, a killer working for a corrupt lord whose orders are followed without question or hesitation. When the lord (Ku Feng) suffers from a life-threatening boil on his back, he is told by the Imperial doctor that an herb called "Longevity Rattan" offers the only cure and is grown in a remote village by an herbalist named Tan. Lo is sent on a mission to get the herb and bring it back before it's too late (seven days). A jealous aide saddles Lo with six other fighters to accompany him, i.e. steal the herb when they get the chance and race back to the capital so the aide will get the credit. Lo doesn't trust the six and none of them trust each other. At one point, one of the six nearly botches the whole mission.


It's back to the Shaolin Monastery for one of the most unusual action-paced tales to invade its hallowed halls. Lo Lieh is the ringleader of the Snake Sect, intent on reviving a deadly faction known as the "Five Poison Web." In order to do so, he has an affair with the sexy ringleader of the Scorpion Sect, Angela Yu Chien. However, there is also the Centipede Sect to contend with, as well as other assorted martial artists, among them played by Shaw Brothers talents Yueh Hua, Ching Li, and Lily Li.


Ah Ying (Chen Ping) is a former gangster trying to lead an honest life, and occasionally using her fighting skills to help out the girls in the factory where she now works. She befriends young colleagues Chong Lee and Shao Yin-Yin, teaching them self defence because "girls can't be weak anymore". Trouble starts when her old gang finds out where she now works.


A Shaw Brothers production featuring a supernatural tale of revenge. Liu Miao-Li suffers a string of terrible events. Once pushed to her limit, she decides to take back control of her existence, but chooses an unlikely path to vengeance.


A widower forces his three beautiful daughters to work in his seedy bar and must do what they are told no matter what. The film features Lin Chen-chi who had just starred in Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold.


Two rival swordsmen in imperial China, poncho-clad Fu Hung-Hsueh and Yen nan-Fei (Lo Leigh, 5 Fingers Of Death) vie with a power-hungry villain for the deadly Peacock Dart and fend off waves of expert killers during their journey.


Emperor Chien Lung, bored with imperial traditions, disguises himself as a commoner to experience a different side of life.


Liao Jiang is the lowest ranking member of a gang that holds up a jewelery store. Subsequently the three other gang members die, and their gold haul goes missing. Liao Jiang and his new gang member Huge Eyes are then forced to turn to a triad gang to help get back their gold from a rival group.


Despite Kuang Hsu's enthronement as the last reigning Emperor of China, his ability to rule effectively is overshadowed by the ever-present power of the Dowager Empress. When his attempts to reform the Imperial system are thwarted by the Dowager Empress, he attempts to curb her power. His efforts are not successful, and this failure leads directly to his own death and the end of Imperial rule in China. The Dowager Empress, though, ends her days comfortably and in peace.


An anthology film featuring three true-crime stories that took place in Hong Kong in the early 1970's. Part 1: Hidden Torsos' A woman and her daughter are murdered by her abusive boyfriend. Part 2: 'Valley of the Hanged'-A man murders his wife and her lover. Part 3: 'The Stuntmen' - A gang boss is murdered by his wife's lover


Snake Prince (Ti Lung) is wandering with his snake buddies when he happens upon a beautiful maiden (Lin Chen-Chi) singing a prayer for rain. The song soon turns into a funky dance with the whole drought-blighted village, so the prince and his pals assume human form and join the party. The prince is so smitten with the maiden that he offers to share the snakes' river with the village if he can marry her. The villagers aren't too fond on the idea of marrying off their No. 1 babe to a snake, prince or no, but they really do need that water. (MrBooth/HKMDB)


Ling (Lo Lieh) and Guan are the Black and White Chiefs of the Eagle Escort security firm: during the opening credit sequence, we see them recover a stolen shipment of gold; by the time the credits have run, the two are literally knee-deep in bodies.


Gu Hui, a member of the ‘Wolf Head Gang’ becomes unhappy after their new chief decides to abandon their old code of conduct. After the chief kills a travelling family and kidnaps the daughter, Gu frees her and escapes, hiding out in a nearby town and trying to start a new life as a humble shoemaker. Unfortunately, the gang refuses to let him go and put a bounty on his head, forcing him to face up to his responsibilities.


A wronged female ghost is out for revenge.


An office girl and a writer who have taken the same commuter ferry to work and have ogled one another for a long time eventually get to meet. The two have a romance and then a live-in relationship, but the girl's parents are not content with this, and want to see her married.

It stars David Chiang, as the taxi driver, a young guy just trying to get by yet he seems to be wise far beyond his age.


Wang Yu plays a vagabond who earn a living on people's superstitions, but also puts things right. (A Shaw Brothers production)


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A romantic melodrama about an affair between a 16-year-old boy and a neglected wife.


Song dynasty lotus and Han Shilong before marry, Korea's home office, thedragon's heart ached.After lotus appeared dead, the dragon as the reunion was determined to marry, have a friend Zhang Tie strongly opposed, and find a Taoistspirits.The dragon the obstacles of their marriage, lotus to spend a night after the found.


Ghost Eyes concerns a female hair stylist (Chen Szu-chia) who is seduced by the vampiric ghost of a former optometrist (Szu Wei). Using supernatural contact lenses to control her mind, he gradually drains her life essence as she is forced to find new victims until tries to make a stand and rid herself of this terror once and for all.


Shih Hsin-chiao (Ling Yun) is a journalist who trained under mentor Lu Tao-jan (Chin Han). Lu's daughter, Chih-pai (Tien Niu) is infatuated with the good-looking and intelligent Shih, but Shih sees her only as a child. When he returns from a long stay abroad, he finds that things have changed. Chih-pai is now an attractive young woman in a relationship with rich boy (Wang Yu). A miscarriage and Lu's death throw Shih and Chih-pai back together again.


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A young man who has been beaten, abused, humiliated and laughed at all his life finds that he has an unusual empathy with snakes. He can talk to them and they understand him, and eventually he finds that he can get them to do his bidding. He decides to use his newfound friends to take his revenge on everyone who ever did him wrong.


As the Heng Seng Index reaches unprecedented heights, people from all walks of life go stock speculation crazy. A security guard and his landlord learn firsthand that money is ‘Easy Come, Easy Go’ as their fast fortune disappears overnight in a Macau casino. Meanwhile, greedy neighbours and infidel couples cheat each other and even blue-collar workmen dive into the frenzy. Inevitably, the market tumbles as do the people’s bittersweet lives. A hilarious but ironic tale featuring some of Shaw’s biggest stars.


Everyone's looking to win the annual Lion Dance trophy, including Huang Fei Hung (Chung Tien Shih). The kindly physician has only 20 students, but when he decides he wants something, he usually gets it. Among his students is "Ghostly Legs" ("ghostly" meaning fast) Ah Chi (Bruce Le, channeling the spirit of Bruce Lee). At one point, the opposition, led by Shen (Shih Kien, who played Han in ENTER THE DRAGON), tries to frame Huang Fei Hung by placing a decomposing corpse in his village hospital. This gives Lu Wei the chance to pretty much steal the show: he's a corrupt cop who's more than willing to look the other way when it comes to The Law- as long as he's being properly compensated. He's more than willing to charge Hung with harboring a criminal (because the dead man was a pickpocket), drug dealing (the man was also an addict) and murder (since the man is now dead).


An Iron Bodyguard (head of a security firm) called Wang Wu (Chen Kuan Tai) meets a scholar (Yueh Hua) and forms a strong friendship with him after they fight some villains together. The scholar is a member of the reformists - a group of scholars pressing for social reform in China towards the end of the Qing dynasty. The Emperor is actually all for reforms, and appoints this group to run the country. This doesn't suit the Empress Dowager though, as she has no intention of losing her power. She orders the reformists to be arrested, and Chen Kuan Tai hence gets drawn into politics despite having no real political views himself.


Pirate Chang Pao-Chai (Ti Lung) springs a leak after an otherwise successful raid on a foreign ship. He goes ashore to get materials to patch his ship up, where he encounters corrupt Qing officials and poor, oppressed peasants. Being a good man at heart, he decides to help out and becomes an even bigger outlaw in the process.


Set in the waning years of the Ching Dyansty, this dramatic, tragic, romantic, blood-soaked martial arts tale of betrayal and revenge explores one of the most sensational scandals in Chinese history and marked the true ascension of its director and actors to superstar status. In fact, Ti Lung won Taiwan's Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Performance as the challenging role of a jealous provincial governor who kills his friend in order to steal the man's wife.   The 11th Golden Horse Awards: Special Award for Outstanding Performance (Ti Lung)


Legendary fighter Wu Song is sent to prison in Mengzhou province after murdering his sister-in-law and her lover. There he meets with the prison officer Shih En, who saves Wu from the baton punishment required for new prisoners. Wu learns that Shih's restaurant, "The Delightful Forest" has been occupied by Chiang Chung. Wu returns to the restaurant- a place he's dined in previously.


After a career spanning more than forty years and dozens of films as director or writer, Yueh Feng used everything he learned on a final few martial arts epics, of which this is one of the most memorable. It's not easy to forget a hunchbacked, one-armed protagonist, nor the "Poisonous Dragon Sword" style, nor the luminous and lethal Shih Szu as the title swordswoman, who is out to avenge her father's death at the mid-autumn festival.


3 martial arts directors united for this unique anthology film. Yueh Feng writes and directs a clever love-and-kung-fu triangle, Cheng Kang both writes and directs kung-fu courtesans battling brigands, and the ""godfather of the kung-fu film,"" Chang Cheh, creates a cliff-hanging, swashbuckling mini-movie with maxi-action.


A small village is taken over by the "nasty" Japanese, who kill the town's top kung fu fighter in order to scare the populace into submission. Escaping the wrath of the Japanese, the son of the master (Chuen Yuen) flees into the hills, where he trains with a group of rebels led by Gam Kei-Chu. Fast-forward ten years, and Chuen returns to the village armed with his father's secret technique of the "Thunderbolt Fist" with the hopes of killing the leader of the Japanese (James Nam Gung-Fan).


No list of the screen's comic geniuses would be complete without Michael Hui Kwun-man. He created a hilarious and lovable comic persona that was both uniquely Asian but also universally beloved. This, his first film, not only showcased his incomparable sense of humor but revolutionized Hong Kong comedy. Evoking Chaplin, he plays a warlord in early 20th Century China, but makes the role his own with both laughs and some of the sexiest ladies on the Shaw Brothers lot.


A young boxer joins a martial arts school to increase his skill so he can enter a martial arts competition. He leaves the school when he hears that a local gangster is terrorizing the town. He comes to the aid of a young singer and brings on the wrath of the local gang. He eventually enters the martial arts competition after learning iron palm technique and takes out all competition.


18 year old Ainu (Lily Ho) is kidnapped and sold to a brothel. Her good looks and wild personality make her very popular with the lustful clients, but also draws the lesbian attentions of brothel madam Betty Tei Pei. Betty teaches Ainu the ways of lust and the ways of kung fu, and Ainu becomes more and more similar to her captor. But rage at her treatment is still burning inside her.


The corruption in the Sung Dynasty of 11th century China is so rampant that it inspires a band of Oriental Robin Hoods - the Honorable 108. Mountain bandits who nevertheless live by a scrupulous code of conduct, the Honorable 108 pledge to end the repression of the brutal overlords.


A perennial Chang Cheh favorite, Anonymous Heroes focuses on two vagabond brothers, Meng Kang (David Chiang) and Tieh (Ti Lung) who, in the search for fame and fortune, join in a rebellion against a provincial general. Used to shaking down local vendors for food and gambling away their limited funds, they are recruited by a local rebel leader (Ku Feng) who promises them a glorious adventure. The rebels plan is to steal a huge cache of new rifles set to be delivered to the barracks of the local army. With the help of an officer’s daughter (Ching Li), their plan starts out well, but inevitably slips toward a heroic but tragic finale.


A noble swordsman and a one-armed swordswoman go up against the vicious Crimson Charm gang of thieves and cutthroats. The lovely and lethal Ivy Ling Po teams with the amazing Chang I for a classic tale of good versus evil in which the best man and one-armed woman wins.


Feng Fei Fei, an excellent swordswoman, seeks revenge with her nephew for the murder of her old sister, who got killed by some rogues on her way home. She soon finds out that the murderer is the son of her father's best friend and her future husband.


Lei Li lost his right-arm in a sword duel with the master of a martial arts school, long ago. Now, he is able to defend himself well with just his left arm, and kung fu techniques. That he proves with just the help of his friend Chung-Chieng, when he crosses his path with a beautiful girl in need, Pao Chiao. Even against impossible odds, he will prove a great warrior.


This tale is about a decapitating swordswoman who will let nothing stand in her way when she falls in love with a bandit's son. Chiao Chiao, made famous in One-Armed Swordsman, is the girl who won't let such trifles as craniums keep her from freeing her man from jail.


David Chiang plays a driven and violent martial artist bent on avenging his older brother, killed by a cabal of four wicked businessmen and a cheating wife.


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The notorious “One-Armed Swordsman” who has spent the last two years retired from the martial world as a simple farmer with his wife. Of course this idyllic life is about to be sliced to ribbons by Chang’s wicked imagination. He concocts a savory setup when he introduces, not one, but eight unique villains known as the Eight Kings of Swords and their sword-wielding entourage for Wang Yu to eventually chop his way through.


Ying Ke-Feng, head of Peerless Manor, is an expert swordsman whose escort business transports 200,000 taels of silver to the capital each year. This year, however, he is afflicted with an infirmity that renders him unable to use his sword. Rather than give up this important commission and let the martial world know of his precarious health he means to entrust the consignment to two young knights in his manor, Hsiang Ting and Yun Piao-Piao. As it happens, these two are also betrothed; clearly they have their swordsmanship in common. At Peerless Manor, everyone is suspicious of malevolent strangers who may be sniffing around the silver transport. So when Le I appears astride a high-quality charger but otherwise clearly down on his luck, Hsiang Ting thinks Le I may be a spy for the bad guys in the Flying Tiger Manor. It doesn't help that Le I and Yun Piao-Piao hit it off right away. Even or especially when Le I saves Yun Piao-Piao from a Flying Tiger thug.


Ming dynasty traitors have sent a secret message in a jade goddess statuette, containing their plans of treason to help tribal warlords usurp power from the Ming government. The message and statue being intercepted, powerful swordsmen (and a swordswoman) of a famed security company are hired to protect the statue and its hidden message.


Li Zhishan is a rich man, but wealth cannot keep the loyalties of his wife, who has been visiting the bed of a rival. She helps plot against him, and the Vicious Long Brothers invade his home and steal the Golden Dragon Blade - a sword that makes its wielder unbeatable. Zhishan, crippled in the attack, and his young daughter are whisked away by a devoted servant, and the trio soon find shelter in the home of an herbalist. Years pass, the daughter grows up to be a lovely young woman and a powerful fighter, and the Long Brothers use the Golden Dragon Blade to gain power in the region. Zhishan's family of sorts has managed to stay well hidden, but a trip into the city - the daughter's first - sets off an old power struggle as Zhishan's wife discovers her daughter is quite alive.


A mortal, a ghost and a fox fairy come together against evil in this supernatural wuxia film.


The bandits of Hulu Valley murder the chief of Mei Clan while searching for a treasure map. In retaliation, the clan’s leading swordsman Feng-chun (Chan Leung) infiltrates the bandit’s fortress hideout in anticipation of a surprise attack by a larger force and unexpectedly finds himself romantically involved with the bandit leader’s feisty daughter (Cheng Pei-Pei).


Shaw Brothers double trouble comedy

The Silver Fox is a throwback, the last of its kind where the heroic swordsmen are women. Lily Ho (before she became one of Shaw Brothers' great erotica actresses) portrays the feared swordswoman Silver Fox, who as a child saw her father senselessly wounded and her mother raped. It's 18 years later and it's payback time.


Hong Kong remake of the European spy movie Passport to Hell: Secret Agent 3S3. A military plane carrying a nuclear load explodes mid-air after being hit by mysterious electronic rays. Secret agents are immediately ordered to trace its source. Sculptor Liang Tien Hong (Paul Chang Chung) returns to Hong Kong having been recalled by his uncle. He arrives to discover his uncle killed by agents. Liang’s uncle, inventor of the secret ray, dies after being tortured for information. The authorities believe the transmitter is still in Liang’s home. Steps are taken to find and destroy it for world peace.


Love knows no limits in the grand period romance, Lady Jade Locket. A young fighter inadvertently falls for the spirit of a beautiful woman, who died years earlier avenging her own father's murder. The beautiful ghost is in fact the sister of his fiancee. Experienced as an actor in many such romances, director Yen Chuan keeps the tone perfect. Plus, with period specialist Li Li-hua in the lead and the attractive and acclaimed Li Ching playing the ghost girl, he really can do no wrong.


Huangmei Opera movies like The Pearl Phoenix are unique to 1960's Hong Kong culture, a product of the Swinging Sixties but considerably more in touch with their Chinese roots. This one is complete with a gender-bending tale where the male lead is played by female and the female lead poses as a man, plus movie queen Li Ching and the singing voices of Ivy Ling Po and Jing Ting. Sit back and enjoy!


A young woman lost her fiancé from the plane clash , later she discover that she becomes pregnant with his baby.She question herself what should she do between keep the child safe until she give a birth or she abortion the child.


Film about Shan Shan and her life.


Some 40 years ago when warlords rode rough-shod over the Chinese people, circus acrobat Pao Te-cheng took to the hills and began robbing the rich to help the poor. His daring feats earned him the nickname of “The Masked Robber”. Trying to intercept a large sum of money to be turned over to public security chief Cheng Kuan-hsi, he is nearly caught. Partner Hsiao Chung is jubilant over his safe return. But in the government office, chief detective Ma Pu-yun frantically plots his arrest. Ma Chien-li, son of the chief detective, devises a clever trap set for Ma Pu-yun’s birthday party. Among the guests is Huang Tan-ping who is engaged to Doctor David Lee. Ma Chien-li proposes to her without knowing this.


Not a love triangle but a love rectangle, Rose, Be My Love is a romantic drama that represents the high standards achieved by Shaw Brothers in both star power and technical polish. Set on the eve of Pearl Harbor and Hong Kong's invasion by the Japanese, the tragic romance takes on added poignancy in light of the future fate of leading lady Li Ting, the "Rose" of Rose, Be My Love who committed suicide a mere three months after the movie's release.


The Weiss Advertising Co under manageress Lo Yu Chun (Pat Ting Hung) and the Jen An Advertising Co. managed by playboy Tsao Chung Nien (Peter Chen Ho) are business rivals. The former works hard but without much success. The latter, with most of his staff perusing racing form or yellow journals, gets far more business. The anticipated arrival of a business tycoon from Malaya starts another battle and Lo Yu Chun goes all out to win over the prospective customer.

Jimmy Wang Yu plays a young kid who heads off to Dragon Valley to meet the childhood friend who was promised as his bride. When he gets there, he finds that the family of the bride might not be an entirely honest bunch of people though. What is the story behind their feud with the monks at the Temple Of The Red Lotus, for a start?


The socialite Pai Li-Lan's life is disrupted when she contracts tuberculosis.


Gui Wu happens upon a kidnapping with his wife Gan Lian-zhu at the Red Lotus Temple. Lian-zhu sends Wu to go for reinforcements while she stays to fight the kidnappers. Fortunately, the mysterious Scarlet Maid is surreptitiously helping her.


A musical staring Carrie Ku Mei as a singer named Xiaoyun Shi, who comes to Hong Kong after a tour of other Asian countries, hoping to develop her career.


Hong Kong fantasy film directed by Chiu Shu-San.

呂四娘大破血滴子 is a 1956 martial arts film from Singapore.