Wong Fung

A young still relatively unknown Chow Yun Fat stars in this low-budget critically panned police action-comedy. Fresh out of the academy, straight-laced and obtuse rookie cop Chu quickly lands in hot water when his integrity and by-the-book manner gets his colleagues in trouble. When he accidentally exposes his British boss' illegal gambling ring, the humiliated now ex-cop sends a gang of roughguards after Chu.


A Shaw Brothers produced film.

Most of the Liang family are murdered by Ling Guixing and the surviving son Liang Tianlai (Ng Wai-Kwok) wows to bring him to justice. Fighting against corruption in several courts, his only main witness is beggar Afeng but as Ling has people around him willing to bribe and murder, soon Liang is left alone. All up until he meets what seems like the last upstanding official...

The beloved king of Hong Kong comic book characters, Old Master Q, is back in live action again by popular demand. This hilarious sequel to Mr Funny-bone finds him, and his delightful sidekick "Big Potato", opening an Old-fashioned healing clinic - leading to a fun and fascinating clash (cultural and otherwise) when the old ways smack face first into ultra-modern Hong Kong. But, this being the great Mr Funny-bone, he triumphs in spite of himself and his large-cranium companion.


Emperor Chien Lung, bored with imperial traditions, disguises himself as a commoner to experience a different side of life.


The two lead roles (Liang Tien & Chang Ying) are in competition (never really explained why), teaching people lesson (including each other), but when the going gets tough, they join forces.


This 1975 comedy is about two tricksters, one who is bad and will work for the highest bidder and the other who works always for good, a Robin Hood in China film.


The place to be is flat number 8 on the second floor of the Gossip Street apartment building, where all the neighbors gather to gossip. The sitcom turns serious when a local mobster wants to change the place into a gambling den.


Everyone's looking to win the annual Lion Dance trophy, including Huang Fei Hung (Chung Tien Shih). The kindly physician has only 20 students, but when he decides he wants something, he usually gets it. Among his students is "Ghostly Legs" ("ghostly" meaning fast) Ah Chi (Bruce Le, channeling the spirit of Bruce Lee). At one point, the opposition, led by Shen (Shih Kien, who played Han in ENTER THE DRAGON), tries to frame Huang Fei Hung by placing a decomposing corpse in his village hospital. This gives Lu Wei the chance to pretty much steal the show: he's a corrupt cop who's more than willing to look the other way when it comes to The Law- as long as he's being properly compensated. He's more than willing to charge Hung with harboring a criminal (because the dead man was a pickpocket), drug dealing (the man was also an addict) and murder (since the man is now dead).


Wong Fei-Hung takes on the the five wolves gang.

An adventurous tale featuring Wong Fei-Hung

A fantasy film with an appearance from Huang Fei-hong

Loosely based on Maxim Gorky's The Lower Depths

Wong Fei-Hung Goes to a Birthday Party at Guanshan is a Wong Fei-Hung movie starring Kwan Tak-Hing.