Wong Ying

"Vampire Buster" Lam Ching-Ying returns as Master Gao in this vampire-filled adventure. Here, he joins forces with his colleagues in ridding the world of restless ghosts, and he, himself, does battle with dozens of jumping Chinese vampires and creepy-looking zombies. Meanwhile, he must also deal with his corrupted senior colleague and a beautiful female ghost, who befriended his two pupils.


Casino owner Mr. Tanaka lose face when he loses 700 million US dollars to an American player. In an attempt to win back the money Tanaka turns to the triads that have a player who possesses a pair of very special skills.


In Hong Kong, Ho Chen-tung is the aging Mob boss, living by a code of honor, keeping peace among rival factions. For years, he has been estranged from his son, Hui, who lives in Australia. Tung has become a sort of father to Han, a Vietnamese refugee who also lives by an ethical code. At the same time that Hui reaches out to his father, the Hong Kong CID conclude their years'-long effort to get the goods on Tung and his associates. Tung expects the younger gangsters to live by the code he loves, but at his trial, he has a surprise coming to him. It may be up to Han to restore the balance.


Return Of The Demon tells the story of a group of treasure hunters who accidentally unleash a malevolent, soul-stealing ghost who is attempting to reincarnate himself. A series of misadventures follow as the heroes try to contain their foe, including an extended sequence where one of the group becomes possessed by the spirit of a dog and transforms into a werewolf-style creature. Fierce, the leader of the treasure-hunting crew, is played by veteran character actor Shing Fui-On


Maggi has transferred to a girls' boarding school in the new semester. No sooner than she has arrived, she has already had an enormous conflict with a group of girls called Purple Dolls. Among Maggi's teachers, Mr. Lau, a biology lecturer has accepted the challenge and started training the girls for the annual physical endurance competition. But when the roommates' spirit is escalating, Maggi is depressed by the destruction of her romance...

A goofy schoolteacher stumbles headlong into a counterfeiting ring after he accidentally picks up one of the gang's bill proofs, hidden in a library book. As the heat comes down, it's going to take more than an apology for him to escape.


A Hopping Ghost terrorizes a local warlord causing the local Tao Priest to compete for his services to rid the town of the menace.


When the vampire comes back to life, hell breaks loose.


Chiu Chi-Lung and Ng Kuai-Tak are two movie stunt actors in Hong Kong and are suspicious of Lung's father Chiu's mysterious behavior. Unbeknownst to them, Chiu was commissioned as a "messenger" by the Spirit World to take newly-departed souls to the other side. When Tak suffers a major accident on the movie set, Chiu keeps Tak's soul from being taken away, thereby, reviving him.


The planned reburial of a village elder goes awry as the corpse resurrects into a hopping, bloodthirsty vampire, threatening mankind. Therefore, a Taoist Priest and his two disciples attempt to stop the terror.


A woman returns to earth in ghost form to find out how she died.

A small town is protected by one of the famous Ten Tigers of Kwangtung. The town is very safe as Ti Lung and his Kung Fu students patrol for criminals. Enter the rival Kung Fu school whom Ti Lung's students have beaten in a lion dance competition and then humiliated in a brawl. The rival school is joined by an opium dealing Kung Fu master who plans to turn the town into a community of addicts!


Traveling swordsman Shen Sheng-yi (Ti Lung) and his lady friend match wits and swords with the last surviving member of the once great Murung family who is determined to rule the martial world by stealing plans to crafting firearms.


Yun Fei Yang is the viciously bullied orphan who takes on the unpleasant tasks at a formidable kung-fu school. Constantly mocked by the other students of the school, Yen counts as his only friend the daughter of the resident master. Any internal wrangling between the various members is put to one side when a swordsman from a rival clan reminds the master of the duel he must take part in once a decade. Unfortunately the defending clan chief is well aware that his rival is more powerful than himself. The expected defeat is further complicated when a wandering swordsman arrives on the scene and joins himself to the injured party, immediately adding to Yen's woes.


Talented, young and handsome, Siu is a hero to the town folks and idol of the girls. Still, he has an avowed enemy, bad man Kam. Lately, several girls are murdered immediately after they met Siu. Sheriff Chiu is unable to find a lead but decides to trail Siu. Siu calls on his long time girlfriend Sien Sien but find her grieved by her sister's disappearance. Something untold does happen to Siu as he walks into an ambush set up by Kam. Chiu rushes to Siu's rescue and incidentally finds blood coming out from a porcelain statue. The statue turns out to be an enameled corpse...


David Chiang and Norman Chu play bounty hunters who both are going after a long-notorious criminal, the Spider. When Chiang is hired to protect a rich businessman who has been targeted by the Spider, he decides to work with Chu to solve a decades-old robbery.


Sammo is Courageous Cheung, a pedicab driver in a rural community who is known around town as the man who fears nothing. Well, this is proved false before the opening credits finish when he endures a particularly frightening nightmare of flesh-eating zombies. But, that's just the beginning of his run-ins with the supernatural...


When a notorious fiend known as the "Bat Without Wings" returns to his small village after a five-year absence and kidnaps a young maiden, it's up to her family and a resourceful swordsmen to brave the horrors of the underworld to bring her back home alive.


Li Mak-Jan is a swordsman who has wandered for a number of years searching for the reclusive master swordsman Hua. After encountering two fellow swordsmen, Li comes across his old love, who tells him that not only has their town fallen on hard times (the temple is in ruins) but, worst of all, in the time he has been away she has moved on and married another man. Turns out, her husband is quite evil, of course, and just a little bit insanely jealous as well as very interested in swords, particularly those belonging to masters. The husband sends his henchman to kill Li, but Li escapes.


Chen Kuan-Tai and Mang Fei team up to bring justice to a ruthless gang of martial arts experts.
