Wynton Yates

An unprecedented film by Academy Award winner Herbert Kline detailing the revolution in art instigated by Cezanne that became Modern Art. Features rare and unique footage of great modern artists in their studios creating and explaining their work with narration and illuminating commentary by Orson Welles. Visits the great collection at The Louvre, the Guggenheim and The Museum of Modern Art. Illustrates the growth and dynamism of Modern Art and each stylistic development: Impressionism, Expressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Surrealism, Pop Art and Conceptualism.

In the 1940s South, an African-American man is wrongly accused of the killing a a white store owner. In his defense, his white attorney equates him with a lowly hog, to indicate that he didn't have the sense to know what he was doing. Nevertheless convicted, he is sentenced to die, but his godmother and the aunt of the local schoolteacher convince school teacher go to the convicted man's cell each day to try to reaffirm to him that he is not an animal but a man with dignity.


A black matriarch in the early 20th century is determined to free her children from the bonds of prejudice.
