Xander J Turian

A deranged serial killer known as "Clownface" terrorises the residents of a small town.


The story revolves around a group of teenage boys. When one of them suddenly gets a chance to make a pact with the devil things shift quickly in their lives.

Rotten Love is the Brain Child of Swedish/Polish Horror Queen Sarah Giercksky and First Time Director Xander Turian. After a hard day of work, a visibly stressed young man by the name of Leo, heads home to find that something is disturbingly wrong.


With the police closing in on his business Matt decides to get out before it is to late, however he is forced to deal with the unexpected.

Sargad is about a young woman, Elina, that drives to a cabin with her mom and younger sister to spread her dad's ashes. They encounter three brothers that will make their weekend a living hell.


Two mimes are preparing for the evening's show, but one of them has got something more sinister in mind.


The recently unemployed Henrik assembles a group so that they can rob his former workplace.


This experimental short-film tells the story of a recently divorced man who encounters a mysterious sect leader.
