Xavier Elorriaga

On Spain's Costa Blanca, a girl writes notes, sticks them in bottles, and tosses the bottles into the sea: "Hello, Stranger! I'm Paula and I'm 10." Fernando, a solitary man of 59, finds one of the bottles and writes to Paula. A correspondence ensues in which she tells him about her personal life (her father dead, her mother remarried, her friend gone to Algeria) ; he tells her he's not happy. Fernando's wife asks who the girl is in a photo on his desk. He makes up a story. Paula calls him ("How did you get this number?"), her mother wants to get rid of her dog, she'd like to meet Fernando. Where is this leading?


Pedro Liniers, a literature teacher, comes back to Madrid after his wife has just left him. Meanwhile, Aurora Villalba, came to Spain from Argentina, running away from the militaries, she has a special way of living her own way. Pedro wants to get back the job as a teacher through an old friend, Bruno Baena, who is the head master of the school. Aurora starts going to Pedro's classes. Pedro will become "El hombre de moda", very soon.
