Xavier Rudd

An uplifting story about two best friends, Isaac and James and their discovery of the cause and effect relationship between our cities' storm drains and the world's oceans, lakes and rivers. Helping the kids along this journey are a concerned Crane from the coast line, a surprisingly insightful Surfer Dude and James' Mom.


-Flag -Hanalei -While I'm Gone -Follow The Sun -Warrior -Come Let Go -Come People -Sacred -Nanna -Rusty Hammer -Creancient -Struggle -The Mother

1. Lioness Eye, 2. Solace, 3. Better People, 4. Follow The Sun, 4. Spirit Bird, 6. Messages / Guku, 7. Soften The Blow, 8. Time To Smile, 9, Whirlpool

Xavier Rudd recorded live by Channel [V] Australia on 14 August 2004 at the Enmore Theatre, Sydney Australia and supplied courtesy of XYZnetworks Pty Limited.