Xinghuo Zhong

A small inn is in disordered management and bad service. The authority appoints new manager to reform the management and improve service.

Liu Hong, an old railway worker, goes back where he fought against the japanese invaders during the war.

Evening Rain, a feature film co-directed by Wu Yigong and Wu Yonggang, is about the years of the Cultural Revolution. It won the Outstanding Film Prize issued by the Ministry of Culture in 1980 and the Best Feature Film Prize at the First Golden Rooster Awards in 1981.


A murder investigation in Donghai City leads to a larger conspiracy.


Aolei Yilan lead her tribe to defend against russian invasion in 17th century China

In this delightful comedy, a cheerful farmer's wife (post-Revolution superstar Zhang Ruifang) in a village commune puts her marriage in jeopardy when she takes her cadre spirit a little too far.


It is policeman Ma Tianmin’s day off, and his chief’s wife has fixed him up with Liu Ping, a young woman she knows. But, on his way to keep the date, Ma, who embodies all the qualities of an exemplary member of the new communist society, stops many times to help people in need. In a Shanghai fully involved in the Great Leap Forward, will the kind-hearted socialist hero get the girl?


This biography film is based on the life of the real historical figure Li Shizhen.The story focuses on the social injustices suffered by Li as well as the difficulties he overcame in writing the famous Encyclopedia of Herbs.


Soldiers stay in Hainan Island and fight Japanese invaders in harsh conditions.
