Xiro Papas

In a remote village in occupied Europe, the SS pursue their inhuman treatment of captured partisans in efforts to force them to betray their comrades.... while Fraulein Krast, a sadistic biologist, concentrates her efforts on the womenfolk with refined tortures and humiliation, leaving them to the mercy of a sex-crazed half-man, half-beast she has created with experimental injections.... And as advancing Allied forces approach the village, Krast herself becomes a victim of her own fiendish rituals....


Letizia moves to her aunt and uncle after having lived at school. They are unable to have kids themselves and are hoping for her to be able to help them get through some of the grief they have been feeling. But that's before she starts controlling the family into destructive behavior through the use of her mind.


Brazzi plays mad Dr. Frankenstein, Dunn is an evil dwarf and Lugosi (no relation to Bela) is a Neanderthal man. Add a monster named Hulk, and some nude women for sexploitation value.


The 1800s: scholarly Karl Schiller believes he's found the ring of the Nibelungen, which holds great power. It's at Castle Dracula. His twin, Franz, a gambler, asks if vampires frighten Karl; Karl shows him an Egyptian amulet, which may protect him. Franz takes the amulet and sets out ahead of his brother, arriving at the castle first. There he finds a countess who invites him to dine. Later that night, Karl arrives. Coincidently, it's the Night of the Virgin Moon, a night that falls every fifty years and draws five virgins from the surrounding village to the castle not be heard from again. Can Karl protect his brother, find the ring, and rescue any of the women?


The plot involves the murder of a prostitute in a Paris brothel (run by early 60's sex symbol Anita Ekberg). It's blamed on a jealous client, but the lead detective ("Bogey") suspects otherwise. And when the murders continue after the suspect's ironic-if-he-were-actually-guilty demise, his suspicions are confirmed.


God Is My Colt .45


Italian nunsploitation movie from 1972


This comical spaghetti western inspired by the success of Lo Chiamavano Trinita and its sequels benefits from expansive cinematography by future cult filmmaker Aristide Massaccesi (a.k.a. Joe D'Amato). Stan Cooper and Gordon Mitchell star as a pair of bumbling conmen who wander through the West looking to make a fast buck. Their plans go awry when they run into a blustering, foul-tempered Mexican general who wants them eliminated.


A mad scientist creates a monster called "Mosaico," who breaks out of the laboratory to hunt down and kill beautiful women.


Luigi Batzella directed this spaghetti western under the pseudonym "Paolo Solvay." Gioffredo Scarciofolo stars (using his standard alias, "Jeff Cameron") as Tom Carter, whose brother was murdered and robbed by the evil Ringo Brown (William Mayor) shortly after taking all his money out of the bank to marry Cora (Krista Nell), a local saloon girl. Tom is suspicious of Cora, but she helps him unmask the real killer.


The town of Tombstone is overrun by Ramon, Pedro, Miguel, Ryan and Slide -- five outlaw brothers who are taken on by gunslinger Burt Collins and a deadly lawyer.


Two brothers, Ray and Pot, exercise their bank robbing talents. They rob and get robbed in rapid succession. After acquiring a new partner (Steve) and accumulating a good haul, Ray is killed for the gold and Steve is captured by Lobo, a Mexican bandit.
