Yan Qingyu

The film tells the touching story of Yin Lingzhi, a young girl from a mountain village who experienced the severe test of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, and eventually grew into a staunch communist fighter and sacrificed her life for it.

Often cited as China’s first independent feature film, this low-budget drama, filmed largely in the director’s Beijing apartment, depicts the life of a single mother (a topic considered taboo at the time) caring for her mentally challenged son. Shot with a documentary aesthetic that includes interviews with families of mentally challenged persons, the film helped kick-start the Sixth Generation of filmmakers (including Wang Xiaoshuai and Jia Zhangke) and their ethos of employing documentary realism to depict the true conditions of contemporary China.


Before dying from HIV, a man names three college girls that he had sexual relationships with while working at Southern University. A four-member special investigation team is formed to track them down