Yan Shikui

On the Mountain of Tai Hang tells the story of the Sino-Japanese war and the commander-in-chief, Zhu De, leading the main force of the Eighth Route Army to the battlefront against the Japanese invaders. Presented are several important campaigns, from September 1937 to May 1940, including the Pingxingguan victory, the surprise attack on Yangmingbao, Xinkou campaign and Huangtuling campaign, where Abuguixiu, lieutenant general of the Japanese army, was shot down. The film also reflects the close relationship between the Eighth Route Army and the people.


Set in the turmoil years of China, a foreign girl is saved and protected when she suicides because of her Chinese lover has been put into prison for mourning Premier Zhou.

Police attempt to stop Nationalist agents from destroying public buildings in Ruancheng after the Red Army occupies the city.