Yana Poplavskaya

A bright and independent lawyer in her thirties suffers from amnesia and is told that now she's twenty years old.

This is a story of Nick, a 5th grader of Donetsk school, who stays in the classroom during the bombardment. All alone with his fear he suddenly finds the support. The most common school board becomes a portal to the past. Nick meets the same little boy, but from 1941. They both are locked in the school under fire, and both want to live, be happy and enjoy the childhood.

What would you do if a relative recently released from prison would move to your house? And you accidentally killed him...


Screen adaptation of the play by Maxim Gorky "Vassa Zheleznova". Saga of the death of a merchant family. For many years, Vassa Zheleznova has been leading the family business and, despite the inconspicuous children, her dissolute husband, alcoholic brother, and revolutionary daughter-in-law, is trying to maintain at least the appearance of a normal family... 1913 is coming, and everything that was dedicated to her life is wrecked.


Fourteen years old Anutsa is often forced to stay alone while her father leaves for business trips.

A young boy is trying to arrange money in order to build aircraft.


A comedy about a civil registry official whose job is to register newlyweds and who just discovered that her husband has been cheating on her for 3 months, her daughter met a guy she doesn't approve of, and her life has suddenly become a fuss of the fusses.


A sequel to the well-known story about a Little Red Riding Hood (Krasnaya Shapochka). This time, a family of a slain wolf decides to avenge his death. So they falsely inform Little Red Riding Hood that her grandma is sick and prepare to eat her on her way.


A first-grader dreams to perform with his cat in the circus.


Beginning of WWII. Zinaida, a Russian woman, is taken prisoner by the Germans and sent to Auschwitz concentration camp together with several other women. She is imprisoned with her baby son, Gena, who is learning to walk and takes his first steps in the snow, in the concentration camp. They spend a few years together in the camp until they are separated, first within Auschwitz itself, then, for good, when the Germans are losing the war and decide to evacuate.


The basis of the picture is not only the storylines of the heroes, but also the principle of continuous action of actors with the audience. Each of the five different short stories leads to the fact that for the decision: to maintain relationships or destroy them? This choice has to be made by the viewer himself.
