Yara Martinez

An angry Latinx dyke in her twenties wants to make the world a better place, but can barely keep her own life together. Fernanda and her friends deconstruct their lives, fuck them up, and then continue to deconstruct them.

When the Los Angeles County’s Sheriff dies, an arcane rule forged back in the Wild West thrusts the most unlikely man into the job: a fifth-generation lawman, more comfortable taking down bad guys than navigating a sea of politics, who won’t rest until justice is served.


Alonso Santos, an aspiring mixed martial arts fighter from Miami, struggles to make it into the professional MMA circuit as he battles with Multiple Personality Disorder.

Ever judge someone just by looking at them? Of course, we’ve all made snap judgments about people. But what if we really got to know them? How would our opinions change? And what if we were forced to become them… how would the shoes fit then? Stressed-out high school teacher Trish Fahey can’t understand her students’ lack of effort and why their parents don’t seem to care. This perspective dramatically changes when Trish meets Molly, a mysterious stranger intent on helping her see things differently. When Trish wrecks her car, Molly is there as Trish wakes to find herself living the life of Cindy Kremer, the woman she has personally judged and criticized. Trish discovers that there is often more to the story and learns a powerful lesson that affects everyone she interacts with. Her husband, her daughter, the ex-Marine next door… No one is left unchanged.


Federal Prosecutor John Robson lives in Sherman Oaks with his young family. He is driven, brilliant and intuitive. Robson is fiercely certain that there is a link between all the crime factions in L.A., and that there is one overlord whose capture will topple them all. Despite losing support from the FBI, despite the nagging doubt of his assistant prosecutor, Diana Palos, and despite the mounting pressure from his wife to spend more time with their family, Robson won't back down from his conviction and set the wheels in motion, not for the first time, to try to get to the top via one of the middlemen, Lucas Reynosa. Before he can close the deal with Reynosa, however, Robson is brutally beaten, shot in the head, thrown into the river and left for dead - but manages to reach a phone for help and winds up in a hospital, where, after being in a coma for three months and learning that his family has been killed, he emerges, a new man with an old agenda: Eddie Pray.


Boldly Going Nowhere was a proposed American television show for Fox. Rob McElhenney, Glenn Howerton, and Charlie Day, the producers and stars of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, created the show along with their Always Sunny writers' assistant Adam Stein. While they did not plan to star in the show, they were the executive producers.


Junction addresses the modern day opioid crisis in America, and asks how did this happen, from three different points of view. The CEO of a pharmaceutical company, a doctor, and a patient.