Yasuko Tomita

Sousuke Aoyama is a college student who suffers painfully from the loss of his parents in a traffic accident. He meets Kozan Shinoda, a suibokuga (India-ink painting) artist, at an exhibition. Kozan becomes interested in Sousuke and surprisingly accepts him as his disciple. However, Kozan's niece is dismissive of Sousuke and declares to compete with Sousuke for the "Kozan Award." Although Sousuke seemed uninterested in painting at first, he gradually becomes drawn to it by each stroke he draws...


The story takes place in a certain high school. Masaki Nitta arrives as a new music teacher, but the school is greatly disturbed by the disappearance of the previous teacher. While playing the piano in the music room the night before work, Masaki meets Sae Izumi, a student who is running away from one issue. Sae is a student in the class in which he is an assistant teacher. The two of them, gradually develop a bond through the disappearance.

When Sendawara Ichika was in the 2nd grade of high school, a doctor told her she only had two years left to live. More than two years has passed since that diagnosis. Sendawara Ichika is now a university student. She spends her days not knowing if this will be her last day. Sendawara Ichika enjoys attending Yurugi Akifumi’s philosophy class. Yurugi Akifumi’s class is popular, but the students don't pay attention to his lectures. Sendawara Ichika though listens attentively. He often talks about the meaning of life and its importance. Sendawara Ichika and Yurugi Akifumi slowly get closer, but Yurugi Akifumi suddenly quits his job at the university and disappears. One day, Sendawara Ichika meets Yurugi Akifumi again and she hopes to continue their relationship, but Yurugi Akifumi tells her something unexpected.

Maiko Misono, who had been working abroad to become a professional ballet dancer, gave up on her dream and returned to Japan. With nothing else to do but ballet, she starts working as a Japanese language teacher at a high school near her parents' home. But for Maiko, who has just given up on her dream, high school is an ironic place full of dreams and hopes. In addition, she is made the advisor of the volleyball team, a position she has no experience in, and her homeroom class is full of unique students, which only adds to her anxiety.

Mikuri and Hiramasa both work and share housework duties. They have peaceful days together. One day, Mikuri learns that she is pregnant. They decide to marry, but they soon face problems. Mikuri suffers from pregnancy sickness and Hiramasa decides to take a paternity leave before an important project is finished. The couple experience unfamiliar situations involving childbirth and rearing. They go through difficult times.

Tokiko’s mother died 20 years ago and her father Tetsuya is now in his 70's. Her father has a free spirit and is cute. Tokiko is in her mid 40's and still single. She has a strong personality. In their past, Tokiko and Tetsuya did not have a good relationship. It got so bad that they almost ended their relationship, but now they occasionally meet. They go out to eat together and have conversations. Tokiko decides to publish an essay about her father Tetsuya. To collect information for her essay, she meets Tetsuya and listens to various stories, but it's not just pleasant memories.

Twenty-eight-year-old Mei Aihara is a single working woman with no time or talent for housework and romance. But when she is forced by her sister to hire Nagisa Shigino, a middle-aged male housekeeper, hilarity ensues in this must-see romcom!

Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi facility in Japan risk their lives and stay at the nuclear power plant to prevent total destruction after the region is devastated by an earthquake an tsunami in 2011.


Based on the TV series from the same name, Mentai Piriri stars Hanamaru Hakata, the icon of Hakata, Fukuoka, alongside Yasuko Tomita, who both starred in the television show playing husband and wife respectively. With additional scenes not depicted in the original show.

Shunnosuke Katagiri is a samurai and a bookworm. He receives a mission to help a daimyo move. With the assistance of Genemon Takamura and Oran, Shunnosuke Katagiri carries out his mission.


Born in 1937 in Osaka as the eldest daughter, Kawahara Kimiko moves to Shigaraki with her family at the age of 9. She works to support her family from a young age. Eventually, she jumps into the male world of pottery and becomes a pioneer of female ceramic arts. After marrying her husband who is also involved in ceramics and owning her own kiln, she raises her two children while struggling to create unique ware.

An ex-journalist Masuda whose article caused a scandalous fatality now works at a small factory. He learns that his colleague Suzuki is a former convict who killed some children back in middle school. Trying to get back his old job, Masuda secretly starts to write a piece on Suzuki while befriending him. The more he learns about his colleague, however, the more Masuda remembers his younger self, a boy who triggered his classmate's suicide.


A television film based on the autobiography of anime screenwriter Mari Okada.

Ueki Hitoshi to Nobosemon is based on the autobiographical novel Nobosemonyaken by actor Komatsu Masao.

Tooru Igarashi is a lecturer with charisma, working at a prestigious preparatory school. Recently, he drinks a lot, and his life falls apart. Maki Endo is a student at a part-time high school. Every day, she is exhausted with working multiple jobs to cover her expenses. One day, Tooru and Maki happen to meet each other. Maki wants to graduate high school to get a regular job and asks Tooru to tutor her for her test–retest. After Tooru quit his prep school job, he has lost his pride and passion for teaching but he agrees to teach Maki and get her into the University of Tokyo.

Masaatsu Naito (Kuranosuke Sasaki) successfully completes Sankin-kotai (required ritual to visit the shogun). On his way home, he hears that an insurrection by peasants has taken place in his hometown of Yunagaya. Masaatsu Naito knows that it is a counterattack by Matsudaira. He returns to Yunagaya, but finds that his castle is gone.


Shunsuke Fujii was a bullied middle school student. He took his own life. A letter left behind referred to his classmate Yu Sanada as a friend. Sayuri Nakagawa was a girl that Shunsuke liked. Her birthday is the same day as the day Shunsuke commited suicide. Shunsuke's father can not forgive Shunsuke’s classmates and his mother's life has been destroyed by his death. They have spent 20 years of their life carrying their own cross since Shunsuke Fujii's death.

A series of events leads single, 25 year old Mikuri Moriyama and 36 year old Hiramasa Tsuzaki to marry as a cover.


Umeda Mina is a pianist whose father is a famous conductor. She has set her sights on winning an international piano competition. However, she has faced countless setbacks and this is her last chance at the age of 35. Mina has been married to her husband Shinji for 10 years, but they do not have children for some reason. One day, a filthy boy with an impassive face breaks into their garden. It turns out that he has been abused and he is put in a home. But several days later, he appears in their garden again. Believing that it is fate that brought him to their house twice, Shinji secretly starts to look up on child adoption … …


Tasuku Okano is a diligent young man who was raised by decent family. He works as a new teacher at an elementary school. Tasuko deals with his students the way his head teacher told taught him, but the situation in his classroom isn't very good. He notices that one of his students might be abused, but he tries to ignore it by reasoning that he is too busy to become involved. Tasuko though feels terrible about the situation and decides to help his abused student. Masami was raised by an abusive mother. She is now violent towards her own 3-year-old daughter Ayane. Masami can't help lashing out at her daughter since her daughter was 10-months-old. When she hangs around other mothers in the park, she tries to justify her abusive manners by thinking the other mothers treat their kids the same way.


Set in Tokyo, Japan near the end of World War II. 19-year-old Satoko (Fumi Nikaido) lives with her mother (Youki Kudoh) and her aunt. The war is turning more grave. Even though Satoko is near the age to get married, she can't even think of marriage due to the unstable situation. Satoko then begins to communicate with her neighbor, Ichikawa (Hiroki Hasegawa). He has avoided military service due to failing his physical test. As Satoko communicates with Ichikawa, she begins to awake as a woman.


Ritsu Hayakawa, a college student lives in happiness together with his sweet family; younger brother, younger sister, and mother, Kyoko. Their smile and Mom’s rice omelet always make him happy. However, Kyoko has to be hospitalized for cancer. He goes back home in gloomy feeling and sees that his siblings, who don’t know about their mother’s disease, are excited about a pizza-to-go for dinner. Ritsu can’t stand to see them, so he runs away to kitchen, then he find a notebook that his mother wrote down her recipe. He notices how deeply Kyoko loves her family, and how important meals are, then he decides to prepare meal for them to maintain his family’s life. One day, Ritsu comes to know that he doesn’t related by blood with Kyoko. He is an adopted child. Ritsu goes to see his biological mother, Maya, then he sees Maya treating his biological brother, Ruka, cruelly. Then he becomes to want to help Ruka from his mother.

After years of trying, Kyoko and her husband Takehiro are finally pregnant. But their joy at the prospect of becoming parents ends suddenly when they learn Kyoko has stage four cancer. They now must face agonizing decisions that force them to choose between the life of Kyoko or the health of their baby. Adapted from a true story.

A small clinic in Kumamoto Prefecture begins accepting anonymous drop-offs of unwanted newborn babies at a residential building. The name of the controversial new program is "Stork Nest."

Teacher Akira Suzuki breaks away from long-held customs and norms at his school. He tries hard to have the ideal classroom by using his own "Suzuki method". The new semester begins. His homeroom 2-A class is about to have a student council election and preparations for a school festival. A man then takes a female student hostage...


Tamako (Atsuko Maeda) graduated from a university in Tokyo, but she now lives with her father back in Kofu. Tamako doesn't help her father or tries to get a job. She spends her time just eating and sleeping throughout the four seasons of the year.


853 refers to the precinct where Detective Shinnosuke Kamo used to work. But this was before he accidentally shot a criminal in his custody. After that incident, Detective Kamo is reassigned to a smaller, rural jurisdiction. For 10 years, he keeps his nose to the grind, continuing to do great investigative work despite the demotion to a smaller police precinct. Until one day, he is called back to put his detective skills to work again in the 853.

Nonoue Junichi is a psychiatrist working in the counseling room of a cancer treatment center by the beach. While tending to the patients, part of his job involves taking dictation from them when they want to send a letter to a loved one.


Chacha, the woman of the blood of Nobunaga, who loved with Hideyoshi, and feared Tokugawa.


Middle-aged farmer Noda Masao (Daichi Yasuo) is a good, honest man, but his attempts for marriage have all met with failure. Through a friend, Masao meets Liberty (Ruby Moreno), a Filipino woman working in Japan. When they decide to get married, Masao borrows money from his Agricultural Association and travels to the Philippines for the wedding - only to discover that it was all a scam. Stranded in Manila with no money, Masao ends up staying to work. One day he meets a beautiful farmer's daughter, Christina (Alice Dixson), reawakening not only his chances for love, but also his love for farming.


Shinjiro Katsuragi is a samurai informally known as Momotaro. Unlike the traditional samurai, Momotaro has no aspirations for power. His only goal is to live a carefree life, but his strong sense of fairness often pulls him into battles with powerful people who take advantage of those who are weak and trying to live an honest life. He defends the common people and fights against injustice.

Do you believe in love after death? On the eve of her 19th birthday, Mizuki (Kuriyama) doesn't have a lot to celebrate about. Her mother recently committed suicide, her stepfamily bothers her, her boyfriend has been cheating on her and her best friend has betrayed her. Hurt and disillusioned, Mizuki runs from everything and is drawn by some unknown force to a dilapidated estate. Deep within the house Mizuki discovers the mysterious Adam (Hyde), playing a hauntingly familiar melody on the guitar. Melancholy and full of secrets, it seems that Adam, and the house, have a strange, irresistible link to Mizuki. Can Mizuki's boyfriend and a couple of well-meaning schoolchildren uncover the secret of what happened 19 years ago and free Mizuki before the last quarter of the moon falls?


Has one person changed your life? A proud but lazy loser, Takumi dreams of getting rich as he gambles his girlfriend's money away. One day, he is rescued from a fight by a strange young man named Tokio. Tokio tells a weird story -- that he is Takumi's son from the future and has come to save his old man from a tragedy! Before this can sink in, Takumi's girlfriend disappears. Can they save her? Or will the future change for the worse?

A young girl with leukemia travels a pilgrimage by skateboard.

After not having seen him for several years, a woman working as a clerk at a stylish boutique finds herself drawn to her old lover from college after seeing him again at a class reunion. While he is also attracted to her, there are the small matters of his wife and her boyfriend to be considered. Will they remain faithful to their partners, or fall back into each other's arms?

Kizaki, who moved to Tokyo from the Kansai region to become a manga artist, is assigned to work at a used electrical appliance store where he works part-time as a store keeper and repairman. One day, a woman comes to the store drenched from the rain. She is Setsuko, the only daughter of the store's president and a returnee. Since then, Setsuko often comes to the store. Kizaki becomes concerned about Setsuko, but Setsuko has something to do with Oshi, a senior who used to work at the store...


Boy with time bomb standing on golden meadow

Aggie is suffering a great pain after the death of her Grandmother. She has no one else so she moves in with her Godmother and her son, Louie. Aggie does not speak a single word, the pain she is going through is unimaginable, and this portrayal is simply stunning in its sadness and grief. Louie and Wah try to make her feel at home, and soon Aggie's passion for cooking shines through her sadness.


"Atlanta Boogie" centers around a mock track meet between the "normal" and "good" citizens of Yokohama and those they want to expel from the neighborhood: the illegal foreign workers, the deadbeats, the juvenile delinquents, and elderly.

Tony Au directed this Hong Kong-Japanese co-production lovingly adapted for the screen by Joyce Chan. Tony Leung stars as Ryuichi Okagawa, a Japanese writer who worked as a reporter in China and has been sick ever since his return home. While in China, Okagawa had met a devoutly religious girl named Jin-hua. Okagawa was born with a predisposition to agonizing recurrent migraines, but found happiness with Jin-hua and married her. Unfortunately, he already had a wife in Japan, and this revelation crushed Jin-hua. When Okagawa returned home, leaving Jin-hua behind, she was forced to work as a prostitute, catching both a severe case of the flu and a rather less socially acceptable condition. Meanwhile, Okagawa's guilt has torn him apart enough for him to return to China in an attempt to bring Jin-hua home with him to get medical attention, but the girl is already too far gone for his help.


An office lady (Yasuko Tomita) who has a bitter memory of Christmas Eve breaks up with her affair partner (Shoji Sadaoka) and finds a new love.

Furuchi and Hama are two unsuccessful repair agents and electronic engineers. One day Furichi finds a so-called Kotatsu heater. Soon after this Furichi dies in a traffic accident. But with the help of a stun gun succeed Hama Furichi bring back to life, but also Kotatsu heater comes alive then.


Based on a celebrated book by Kuniko Mukoda, this film directed by Yasuo Furuhata tells of a close friendship undone by love....


Romance story about the first female manager of the Nihon University Phoenix

Mugiko, an 18-year-old attempts to escape her unhappiness with village life by going to Tokyo to live and work in the geisha house run by her aunt. The daughter of a once great geisha, Mugiko is entitled by blood to train in the geishas ancient art of classical Japanese song and dance.


A lonely high schooler suddenly meets the love of his life out of thin air. Is she a real person or a figment of his imagination?


Four sisters with no consanguinity are living together since childhood. When facing misfortune and grievances in lives, they give support and encouragement to each other, even sacrifice oneself to help others...


Yamano Aoi, a seventeen year old high school girl, decides to take on her mentally ill father’s sushi restaurant. Adults around her are startled by her decision and tell her it is impossible for a woman to be a sushi chef. She then reunites with her old baseball coach Shoukichi Umeda. On one snowy night, Aoi challenges Shoukichi to a baseball match. This match shines a light of hope to Aoi’s “wasabi” like life.

About a police investigation unit made up entirely of hikikomoris.

A grieving young mother employed at a video game company is recruited to test and train a new virtual world. She finds a character in this world of fantasy who becomes her new albeit virtual daughter.