Yeelem Jappain

Summertime. While a pandemic spreads overall, Paul, his wife Hélène and his little sister Lisa, isolate themselves in their countryside house. There, they meet old friends : Bruno and his sister Mélanie… Some of them love each other but say it wrongly ; some of them don’t even dare to say it ; some of them hate each other… What will strike them first? Disease or despair?

After his wife allegedly commits suicide, Vincent starts behaving very strangely, throwing away the weapon and moving the body, leading the police to start asking questions.


Candice Renoir had put her career on standby for 10 years. When she returns from Singapore to resume service in a port town in the south of France, she feels a bit “rusty”. Despite the obvious defiance of her unit and a cynical superior who doesn’t make her job any easier, she is determined to turn her so-called weaknesses into strengths, solving the most complex cases with her common sense, her acute observation and her practical nature seasoned by a busy daily routine. Only Candice can catch a killer because she knows the chemical composition of a window-cleaning product or determine the hour of a murder from the cooking-time of kebabs… Candice is only naive on the outside, and nobody can resist her!


France, Normandy, towards the end of World War II: Young French women are recruited as wives for American GIs. In US Army recreation camps, the so-called "Cigarette Camps", they are being prepared for their trip to the US - to men who have married them.


Both detectives on a sickening murder case struggle with being alone and childless in their 40s. As they investigate the young man found beaten and strangled to death, platonic friends Karine and Herve unravel a love story between Vincent, and Rebecca a high school girl. The teenage lovers quickly plunged into the kind of amour fou the flics fear to chance for themselves. Rebecca is missing, and unknown to her, the boy was a homosexual Internet hustler. The ordinarily blasé male investigator is appalled to find that on-line dating is a world the sexy Karine knows well. Is Rebecca the killer, another victim or ?


Bertrand (Vincent Lindon) dutifully visits his terminally ill wife every day, braving the long train and bus ride to and from the hospital. Lorraine (Emmanuelle Devos) not so willingly visits her boyfriend who was diagnosed with colon cancer. They bump into each other during one of their visits and begin to meet for coffee. Coffee turns into Lorraine offering to drive Bertrand to the train station and the two turn to each other in their time of grief and confusion.
