Yelena Koreneva

This is the story of one day in the life of Elizabeth Glinka, the head of "Fair Care" foundation, a philanthropist, a doctor and a human rights activist. As the day starts, Elizaveta and her husband Gleb are going to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Liza is planning to spend some time with her family, waiting for her sons and close friends to arrive. The last thing to do is to drop by Paveletsky train station to check the campaign of the Fund for sending humanitarian supplies to people in need. Suddenly, she is addressed by the father of a girl suffering from a severe disease, and Doctor Lisa agrees to help. This request yields lots of unexpected circumstances into the well-planned day.

Mark Ginzburg is a talented artist who is always depressed. He's 52, but personal and professional success has escaped him. Many years ago, Mark moved from his native Riga to Tel Aviv to get away from his oppressive father, Viktor, who still supports him financially. Victor Ginzburg is a famous conductor. His work is his life. He never cared about Mark's feelings and tried to mold his son in his own image. Their highs and lows turned long ago into a love-hate relationship. More hate than love. Father calls his son by his childhood nickname Birdie, which infuriates the son. Son calls his father Your Majesty, which infuriates the father. After Viktor is diagnosed with a fatal illness, the father and son set off on a difficult journey that leads from hate to love.


Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being reported from space. What military forces find outside the ring is shocking.


Contemporary Moscow. Svyatoslav, a poor boy, falls in love with Asya, a rich girl, and wants to marry her. To support her in the manner in which she is accustomed, he opens an upscale restaurant. But he soon discovers he has a unseen enemy.


Leningrad, one summer in the early eighties. Smuggling LP’s by Lou Reed and David Bowie, the underground rock scene is boiling ahead of the Perestroika. Mike and his beautiful wife Natasha meet with young Viktor Tsoï. Together with friends, they will change the destiny of rock’n’roll in the Soviet Union.


A young Russian woman, trying to make it in the big city, is hired for an off-the-books government operation, which involves seducing and later exposing a number of prominent political opposition figures.


Igor and Alexandra are 30 -years old lovers.She is a theater production designer.He is an actor.She works hard,he drinks.They cannot leave and cannot get on.This story is about eternal problem of choice and talent to listen to ones heart .About a dangerous illusion of the youth that there is a lot of time to make mistakes and that is too early to make decision,to get married,to give birth to a child.The main characters have to realize that there is no time and there is no rough copy we have to live present moment because tomorrow may never come.


When a 7-year-old son of the well-known businessman is kidnapped, he has no idea what awaits him! It turns out that the mysterious kidnapper does not need any ransom, but has only one claim: during the next day father must decide who will die of the two: his child or himself...


She is 17 years old, she is romantic and dreams of a prince on a white horse, completely not guided in the real world. In addition, her name is Elsa ... The story of how some small and seemingly insignificant act can cause a real avalanche of catastrophes and personal misfortunes.

One more year is likely to appear in the traditional Eastern horoscope- the Year of the Golden Fish. The film's protagonist, a singing red-haired beauty, Lada Rybka, had decided to fulfil at least three cherished wishes, written on a piece of paper. Everything in her life has gone well - concert tours, a TV recording and love. Lada gathers some ex-classmates for a women's reunion party before her marriage to Vadim. The young ladies talk about life, and Lada persuades teacher Asya, policewoman Masha and business lady Nina, that in life everything is possible - you simply have to know what you want. The friends write their desires on pieces of paper, and Lada promises them that they will come true -- for sure. Except that Fate has already made its own arrangements.


Day of the Full Moon, a series of vignettes from Russia past and present, summons the spirit of Ophuls’ La Ronde, Altman’s Nashville and Short Cuts, and the time-shifting strategies of Resnais (Mon Oncle d’Amérique) to tell provocative, connected stories illustrating the waltz of years and whim of memory. In 1948, a young man, a boy, and a waiter are captivated during the full moon by a mysterious woman in a lilac dress. The effects of this event ripple across the years, washing over more than 80 characters, including a disc jockey, a fairy princess, a gangster, Alexander Pushkin, and a nostalgic dog. But which of these are dreams, and which reality? Director Shakhnazarov continues his career-long focus on the intersection of past and present with this mysterious, exhilarating mosaic of humankind, which in the end both seduces and satisfies.


Eccentric post-apocalyptic take on gangster cinema.


About two Russians in California

Daniel Corban reports his wife Elizabeth missing to the police. A priest arrives and says he has found her. When he brings her in, Corban insists she is not his wife. When several other people arrive and verify she is Elizabeth, Daniel feel's he is loosing the grip on reality.


Lysistrata led the women of ancient Greece in forcing men to stop the war, that was devastating the land for 21 years. At secret assembly of the women delegates from both sides of the conflict, Lysistrata declared: "We must refrain from the male altogether - till the men come to terms of peace". Her instruction to every wife or mistress was to refuse all sexual favors whatsoever, and sit prettily dressed in best transparent silks, till the men yield to peace.


Ivan Bibic returns to his Pittsburgh PA suburb after surviving a Japanse POW camp, causing regular nightmares. All the time he remained faithfully devoted to his childhood love, fellow ethnic Yugoslavian virgin Maria Bosic. She dates him again, thus ruining a virtual engagement to captain Al Griselli. Against Ivan's dad's advice, they get married. But Ivan became psychologically impotent, feels unworthy of her and starts wondering, even looking for another girl. Meanwhile slick guitar-and-song-busker Clarence Butts moves in to South-Western PA, and seduces Maria.


The series tells about how police officers, investigating the case of robberies and murders in hotels, managed not only to neutralize, but also to expose major plunderers of socialist property.


Stories from the lives of the tenants of the Moscow's communal apartment: Kostik, who is a college student, lives with his aunt while studying; Arkady Velyurov who is a performing artist; Khobotovs, who are a divorced couple; and Sava, who is Margarita Khobotov's new fiancé. All these people live in one apartment and their lives constantly touch each other's.


British MP Sir Robert Chiltern is known for his honesty and integrity. To match his wife, Lady Chiltern, who is an example of high morality. However, the past of Sir Robert, as it turned out, is not at all perfect. Famous socialite adventurer Laura Cheveley, with evidence of his long-standing dishonorable act, is trying to blackmail Chiltern. Not only Sir Robert's reputation and career are at stake, but also family happiness. His best friend comes to the rescue — Lord Goring.


Doctor Nechayev lives by the concerns of his patients. This is a man of remarkable mental qualities and a highly qualified specialist in cardiology, but he is completely unadapted to life in everyday life and imperceptibly lost himself, did not do much of what he dreamed of and did not understand the selfless love of a young student Alya. The doctor gradually puts an end to his hopes and dreams – they fade into the background, supplanted by work in the hospital.


Ardently falling in love with the daughter of a pawnbroker, dashing hussar could not imagine to what extent the future father-in-law is greedy. But the hussar was no fool and took the same old sensualist and hunks around your finger, producing money from him.


Story of the lives of three Soviet pilots who are united by disaster in a small town in the mountains.


The evolution of a nation during six decades of turbulent history is dramatized via two families from opposing classes.


A philosophical and poetic portrait of the famous (or maybe infamous?) Baron Munchhausen. His crazy, yet very merriment, stories, views and behavior is what sets him apart from others. He becomes alienated from the society that failed to grasp his brilliance. In fact, his brilliance is what underlines the faults with the society itself. It's a beautiful yet tragic story that is filled with dense and intellectual dialogue.


Early XI century. Envoys of Henry, King of France, arrive to Kiev and ask Prince Yaroslav for the hand of his youngest daughter Anna. Rich, young and beautiful Anna Yaroslavna, accompanied by the envoys and warriors, sets off to Paris to meet her groom the King of France. But the Byzantine diplomats would do anything to prevent the alliance from happening.


A love story based on a famous Ivan Turgenev novel.


Based on the novel of the same name by Vera Panova. Twenties of the XX century. The country lived in the mainstream of the “peaceful” revolution — a young life was raging, not knowing fatigue and compromises. Shura Sevastyanov is a beginner in a small newspaper, with two classes of a parish school. Following the spirit of building communism — an ardent fighter against philistinism in any of its manifestations. Having two loyal companions — Zoya the big and Zoya the little — a principled and unyielding Shura at one fine moment realized that he was in love with his "ideological adversary" — Zoya Bolshaya — beautiful and self-absorbed, dreaming of a completely different life than he was.


Based on the play of the same name by A.P. Chekhov.

A drama about two young lovers who got separated by fate.


About the life and work of the poet Sergei Yesenin, his connection with his native country, its people and nature. Childhood, love, painful searches for his place in the new, revolutionary Russia — everything found a place in Yesenin's lyrics. Frames illustrating Yesenin's poetry and poems are side by side in the film with episodes of the poet's biography: the film reflects the days of his stay in America, World War I, revolution and village round dances, a daring uncle, a wise mother...


A few hotel guests are constantly getting into various funny situations.
