Yelena Kuzmina

Actions of the movie occurred in Post-WWII years in small village. Mother with three children. Father was lost in the war, like many other. 11-year old son rather smart boy is main help in housekeeping. But here was primary school only, and he was sent to study to neighbor village over 50 km. He lives with his mother's friend - woman and two children. Mother brought food one time per 3 weeks, and he cooks and eats separately from householders. To buy more food he plays game 'money'. He was beaten by older boys – usual child's cruelty.


The Soviet intelligence officer Martha Shirke honorably fulfills the command mission, but the Nazis expose her ...


The film is based on the play by K. Simonov. It is the story of an American journalist who spends time in Russia and sees socialism in action. Upon his return to the U.S., a prestigious editor asks him to write a book about his experience. He receives a handsome advance for the project and he and his fiancée are able to buy a house, a car, and other symbols of the American dream. But the editor’s generosity comes with a caveat: the book must present a negative picture of Soviet society. Will he simply keep the money and do what is expected of him, or will he instead tell the truth?


A Russian peasant woman is captured by Nazis and sold into slavery in Germany. Shown in Cannes in 1946.


The spiritual and material misery of a group of people inhabiting the hotel of the title during the War.


The film tells about a band of demobilized Red Army men and two civilians who cross a Middle Asian desert. They are forced to do battle with superior forces of Basmachi rebels for the dry draw-well.


Yussuf and Aliosha are two shipwrecked sailors on an island in the Caspian Sea. They start working as sailor and mechanic for the fishing boats of the "Lights of the Communism" kolkhoz. Here the two friends will fall in love with the beautiful Masha.


Outskirts is an internationally renowned masterpiece of early sound cinema. In a remote Russian village during World War I, colorful and nuanced characters experience divided loyalties: family loyalty vs. personal desire, nationalism vs. transcendent humanism.


A young teacher is sent to a remote province, separating her from her lover, and sets about the difficult task of building a school there.


In the early days of the industrial revolution, a young shop worker falls in love with a soldier before he goes off to war.
