Yevgeni Bondarenko

According to the eponymous novel by Alexander Dovzhenko. About the childhood of the famous Soviet film director Alexander Dovzhenko, who was born on the ancient Chernigov land, off the coast of the Desna. The film consists of two parts. The first is the world shown through the impressions of the six-year-old Sashko. The second is the recollections and reasoning of Sashko, now an elderly colonel who liberates his native village during the war.


Based on the novel by Mikhail Stelmakh “A Big Family”. The second film of the trilogy (“Human Blood is Not a Water”, “Dmitro Goritsvit”, “People Don’t Know Everything”) tells about one of the first collective farms of Ukraine, the fight against the kulaks and the love of the communist Dmitro Goritsvit for Marta, the Petliurist's daughter, who guilty of the death of Dmitro's father.