Yevgeniya Igumnova


Once there were seven of them. They were engaged in science and did not assume that their secret experiment to create a person close to the ideal would be successful. They thought that no one would ever find out. But years passed, and it turned out that someone else was privy to their secret. They began to die. One by one. One after the other. Scary and inevitable…

The main character of this one - Antonina - a wife, mother, mistress of the house, wakes up after an unusually bright dream and realizes that she has not lived her whole life as she wanted. There were strangers around, people she didn't like, and it wasn't her life at all. She realizes this so clearly that even at the funeral of her own husband, Antonina does not cry, is not killed, and it seems that this death does not concern her at all. And this is despite the fact that my husband lived a long and prosperous life...


When he refused to support power-hungry witch, the good shoemaker's boy, Jacob is transformed into a hunchbacked dwarf with overlong nose. Of their mother no longer recognized, mocked by the people of the city and driven away, Jacob runs one day a goose on the road. Together with the spring animal - in fact the king's daughter Greta enchanted - Jacob is now trying to make the transformation to reverse and put the wicked witch craft.


Speeding cars. Rainy St. Petersburg. Nightclubs. The opera. Drugs. Shootouts. Leather coats. Fights. Hotel rooms. Tattoos. Death... The main stake in the game is the body of the deceased "Captain", who even in his death manages to cause a lot of trouble for those who knew him.


This charming comedy tracks the lives of several romantic pairs through trials and tribulations. The main focus of the story is a young soldier with a good heart but little ambition and his fiancée, who feels torn when a charming and sophisticated intellectual enters her life and sweeps her off her feet. There are also several side stories, also all dealing with relationships, most significantly the soldier's mother, whose comfortable but unexceptional marriage is threatened when a past love returns to her life.
