Yılmaz Güney

A documentary detailing the extraordinary life and career of Turkish actor and director Yilmaz Güney, who wrote many of his films from prison and broke out of jail to edit "Yol". The film includes the last interview Guney did before his death.


Produced, written and directed by Yılmaz Güney within his own personal experiences of capital offense, he dedicates Duvar to male teenagers aged 13 to 19 living behind the bars under diabolical treatments. These teenagers get barbaric corporal punishments, injurious harrows, tortures and sexual abuses just for taking the responsibility of their destiny on a wrong turn.


When five Kurdish prisoners are granted one week's home leave, they find to their dismay that they face continued oppression outside of prison from their families, the culture, and the government.


During the 1982 Cannes Film Festival, Wenders asks a number of global film directors to, one at a time, go into a hotel room, turn on the camera and answer a simple question: "What is the future of cinema?"


Ismail (Aytac Arman) is the educated Turk who travels to Asia from Istanbul to escape crushing unemployment in this somber social drama. With an ailing mother-in-law, a bitter wife, and a pretty young daughter to support, he takes a job as a dog killer. Ismail is saddened to see young women his daughter's age forced into prostitution. When he returns home to ask his father and brother for an advance on his inheritance, his wife leaves him. The enemy in question refers to unemployment.


Because of a local blood feud, a peasant family decides to sell its sheep - a most precious commodity - in far away Ankara. During their long train ride, bribes must be paid to petty officials, sheep are stolen or die in the packed, airless wagons, and the sick wife of one of the family's sons becomes deathly ill.


The Poor Ones tells the semi-melodramatic story of three poor friends who met in prison where have been sent to on various offenses. These three friends do not want to get out when they are released. What are Abuzer, Haci and Arap going to do when they will be out? They have no one, no jobs... Apart from Haci and Arap, everything will be the same for Abuzer, who doesn't know where to go. He will still be alone, starving on the streets of the big city.


Based on Yılmaz Güney's script and filmed in semi-documentary style, the movie provides a fresh perspective on the history of labor issues in 1970s.


After betraying his social class, denying his peasant roots and fleeing his native village, Ahmed has become a successful businessman and has found a place in the sun among the bourgeoisie. Azem, his childhood friend, has followed a quite different way. refusing the rat race, he has remained close to people of humble origin. Politically committed, he aspires to be useful to his country and more particularly to the forsaken rural world. The two former friends meet again. Due to the influence of Azem, Ahmed gradually becomes aware that his life is a failure.


Coban and his four comrades are smugglers who live in the bleak, inaccesable mountains. They are hard, pitiless men like the county they live in, whose daily commerce is in greed, danger, betrayal and murder.


A fatherless child and his mother struggle to make ends meet meanwhile the fatherless child is not aware that the strange he has met is actually his father who abandoned him and his mother years ago.


O.K. so the serious bad-ass badman Firat can not have this gorgeous blonde with huge hair and equally huge false eyelashes not because he is a bad-ass outlaw that she will have to worry about reading his obituary every day. They can not consummate their passions because... now brace yourself, because Firat's badman partners won't allow him (Firat is the top crime dog) to have a girl friend.


"Baba" is a bitter melodrama set in Istambul. A father is not able to earn enough money to feed his family. He is waiting to emigrate to Germany. When his landlord's son kills a man while drunk, the father is prepared to answer for the deed himself, provided that the landlord supports his wife and children. As there is little difference for the father between ten years in prison or ten years in a foreign country, he regards this to be the best solution.


Directed by Yilmaz Güney.


"Umut" is the story of an illiterate man and his family, whose existence depends on his income as a horse cab driver. When one of his horses is killed by an automobile, and when it is clear that neither justice nor charity will prevail, the man, played by Güney, begins a slow slide into despair. On the advice of a local holy man, and fuelled by an indefatigable optimism, he sets out into the desert in quest of a mythical lost treasure, slipping further and further into that final, ineluctable moment where hope itself becomes the last terrible delusion.


The Magnificent Seven, Turksploitation style.


A photographer who is a well known criminal gets his hands full when an old flame reporter starts throwing him in the headlines.


An old mafia leader tries to quit his old bloody past after getting out of jail but his rivals don't let him realize his plan. Asim Mavzer, played by Yilmaz Guney has to take the revenge for his daughter.


Memed is a fugitive with a sole purpose to find and execute bandits in the mountains to avenge the death of his wife. One day he saves a woman from the hands of bandits…


"A Bad Man" - Bino is a contract killer. The owners of a dance hall hires Bino to kill Hayati Hamzaoglu, who collects tribute from their business. Bino is paid by the weight of his victims.


In this rural revenge drama, Güney plays Seyyit Han, a poor man in love with a woman from his Anatolian village who returns his affection. Seyyit Han postpones their marriage so that he can make his fortune elsewhere and return to the village to claim his "bride of the earth." During his prolonged absence, a rich landowner begins to woo the lonely woman, and her brother, intent upon making this propitious wedding happen, spreads the rumor that Seyyit Han has died.


Directed by Atif Yilmaz.


The daughter of the lord of the village and a poor herdsman cannot get married for traditional reasons, but the village elders find a way out of this dilemma: if the herdsman manages to make his thirsty sheep cross the river without drinking from the water then the marriage will be allowed.


Raised on the mountain like a son, Alicik's path intersects with pure and clean mayfly. The love between the two becomes a challenge to life.


In order to keep his ailing son alive, an impoverished man agrees to sneak a herd of sheep across the border.


Turkish thriller inspired by PSYCHO.


Duygu Sagiroglu, known as an art director, depicts the class conflict and exposes the injustice and contradictions of the modern Turkish life. Yilmaz Güney confirms his acting qualities with a pathetic composition.


A whole gang of racketeers in Istanbul share their interests in the next amnesty proclamation, for Osman (Yilmaz Güney), lying in prison for murder, belongs to those who are expected to benefit from this amnesty law...


Belma is a beautiful and charming woman who makes everyone's head spin. All the men in the village are in love with her.


"İkisi de Cesurdu" (Both Were Brave) produced in 1963, tells the story of a gang leader in exile.


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During a day of deer hunting, Karaca Ali Aga (Talat Gözbak) finds a girl wandering around, and immediately falls in love with her. Some time later, when Aga goes back to marry her, he instructs his men to eliminate the obstacle, namely Halil (Yilmaz Güney)...


During the dark days of the war of independence, Kemal (Ali Ekdal) sneaks his way to deliver the secret letter to Ankara.
