Yoji Sawamukai

Hideo Sakiki, a man who once crushed a hostile organization by himself, is back. This is because the funeral of the leader who was taken care of. However, the existence of Hideo stimulates other organizations as well as dislike...

Tomo, the senior bancho of Aitoku school, ran off with a stripper! Toru and Hiroshi decide to support their love... A youthful emotional giant that shines with the innocence of a mans heart!

A gangster girl from Osaka causes a fight in the city. A fierce battle explodes with the female professional wrestling dynamite Kansai as a guest!

Maria is in need of money. Because her day-time job doesn't pay enough, she works at night at a cabaret. She needs the money so that she can pay for her sister, Nana's eyes operation. When both Maria and Nana were younger, Maria burned down the home, causing her sister's blindness and killing their father (mother survived.) Shiro is a famous concert pianist. However, he isn't happy with his marriage or his life in general. Maria and Shiro are united through a traffic accident, causing Shiro to be hospitalized. Faking amnesia and his identity, he stays at Maria's place and eventually starts to work at the cabaret as a piano player. As you will find out later on, life was not meant for Maria and Shiro to find one another.
