Yu Lu

On the day of Wei Jiahuan's birthday, his father Wei successfully accompany her to board the yacht around the sea, but a sudden shipwreck broke everything. The whole yacht rolled over and everyone fell into the water. Wei Chenggong woke up from his cry and found himself on a deserted island. He saw Wei Jiahuan being carried away by a giant snake, so he followed the crowd into the jungle and set out on the road to rescue. In this isolated jungle, countless weird prehistoric creatures are hidden, and the long journey to rescue her daughter is full of murderous means. On the other side, Wei Jiahuan and others woke up in the snake's lair. In the closed environment that lost the rules, the human nature of the survivors also endured a great test.

The director of a department store is murdered. He is discovered in a park, a bunch of daffodils on his chest.

Clandestinely filmed on location in Chinese-ruled Tibet (several actors and crew members had their names withheld for fear of reprisal), documentarian Paul Wagner's compelling drama follows three young Tibetans faced with moral dilemmas: a rising pop star asked by her Chinese official boyfriend to sing pro-government songs; her brother, an embittered drunk; and their cousin, a Buddhist nun savagely beaten after shouting anti-Chinese slogans.


A day in the life of several sex workers in an upscale Manhattan brothel. The film is a stark portrayal of the women, the male customers and the motivations of both. Watch as the madam manipulates her "girls". Watch as she answers the phone by saying "Hello John, what's new and different?" Watch as the "johns" try to manipulate the "girls". Part nudie exploitation, part sociological thesis.


Three tales taken from author Pu Songling's collection of famous classical ghost stories. Wu Qiuyue- Wang Ding falls in love with a ghost and fights with the guards of Hades to bring her back. Monk Lu Shan-A monk takes Wang Qi as pupil and teaches him the act of walking through walls. A Woman's Head- Li Sheng marries Rui niang only to discover that she is a headless ghost.


Another Cathay Wu Xia flick featuring Melinda Chen Manling.

The late-1960s and early-1970s saw a resurgence of swordplay films across Taiwan and Hong Kong, with the most spectacular ones coming from the Shaw Brothers studio in Hong Kong. At the same time, the much lower budget Taiwanese dialect films were tapping into the booming market of Southeast Asia. With its balletic choreography, expressive cinematography and kinetic editing, Vengeance of the Phoenix Sisters rivals the best Shaw Brothers swordplay films of the era. This tale of generational revenge features three of the Taiwanese dialect cinema’s biggest names: opera superstars Yang Li-hua and Liu Ching as the eldest and second sisters, and the goddess of melodrama Chin Mei as the third sister.-UCLAFilm&TV
