Yuen Lung-Kui

Fred (Nat Chan) is a dopey jewelry company employee due to wed the impossibly pretty Tina (Michelle Reis). But Fred's stash of diamonds is stolen, leaving him with no feasible dowry with which to please Tina's tough dad (Wu Fung). To replenish his depleted funds, Fred schemes with smarmy buddy Seng (Sin Lap Man) to steal some diamonds from his own company. But the plan doesn't exactly go as intended, and soon a gang of robbers, the cops, and even Tina's dad all seem to be after Fred and Seng! Can Fred win over Tina's dad, clear his name, and still marry the impossibly pretty Tina?


A short-tempered, violent criminal named "White Tiger" is on the run from the police and joins a theater troupe for disguise, killing anyone who angers him or who suspects his identity. One person he unsuccessfully tries to kill several times is a cowardly laundry man named "Mousy" who manages to escape mostly by running and hiding. When a very close friend of Mousy's is killed by the White Tiger, Mousy overcomes his cowardliness enough to seek revenge. Spectacular martial arts and acrobatics highlight the film, including a well choreographed fight between two pairs of men in dragon costume.


Beggar So is trying to keep his two star students, brother and sister team Cheong and Gam Fa, in line and well-trained. But So's old enemy Grasshopper Bill Chan and his brother Cougar cause trouble. Bill helps young Kai to be pledged in marriage to Gam Fa against her wishes, but actually plans to have her for himself.
