Yukio Yamato

Amidst the swirl of Tokyo's seamy nightlife of designer drugs, casual sex, and American slang, Zhou turns 30. It's a spiritual crisis for this Chinese immigrant who quotes Confucius, this Lothario and con artist who fences stolen goods. He falls for Kyoko, a seemingly shy provincial woman looking for the man who jilted her sister. As their relationship plays out, Hanawa intercuts stories of Kazuo, a hyper- kinetic artist who loves the trendy Yoko (Kazuo bores her and she pursues the indifferent Zhou), and Ali, a Pakistani Muslim who, broke and forlorn, stands outside a convenience store love-struck by a clerk because she looked into his eyes (she thought he was shop-lifting)


Rei, a beautiful psychotherapist confronts a crazy cult evil group, known for their brainwashing methods.

A gang of young thieves try to rob a mob boss, but their heist is interrupted by an officer of the Tokyo Police Department's elite Zero Division. They get away with the loot, but the officer, a beautiful, more-than-slightly psychotic young woman who also happens to be an excellent shot, is tracking them down. To bring the case to a successful conclusion, she must deal with rival crime gangs, small- time crooks, and the wavering loyalties of her own partner.


Psychiatrist Setsuko Suma is called in to help the police solve an ongoing case of female-centric serial murder in the local subway system. Her investigation leads to her former mentor and lover, who becomes the prime suspect in the case.


A detective vs an international drug syndicate

Two brothers, Jinta and Wataru, are raised in a travelling circus. After an accident, Jinta decides to leave the circus and travels the countryside working as a con-man. After a run-in with a local gang of yakuza, he is invited to join their ranks, where he makes the mistake of falling for a boss's mistress. Wataru stays with the circus and works hard to regain its former glory
