Yuliya Aug

For the journalist Lyuba, everything is going according to plan: the work of the presenter on the TV channel, the successful and wealthy fiance Robert. The plan goes to hell when Lyuba's phone goes down, and she asks to call a random passerby from the phone. It turned out to be Sergey, who also had a calm and measured life until that day. This meeting will launch a series of events that will completely change the life of Lyuba, and Sergey, and themselves.

The story of two lovers growing apart and drifting into their isolated realms. Like stars in space, Vera and her astronaut husband Aleksei drift further apart with every unspoken word between them. When the truth finally comes out, a painful void has already taken over their formerly close relationship.

Seraphim, who unjustly served ten years in prison, was released.

Reflections of the shift worker Ivan, who, due to life circumstances, overcomes more than 9000 km to return home. On his way he meets many interesting people: military, students, mothers with children, men, women, old people. The landscapes outside the window, time zones, people are changing. But their stories remain, stories about life, love, hope and faith.

The three not-so-lucky guys are having the most difficult, weirdest and funniest day of their lives. Meanwhile, in Moscow, a gang of Kyrgyz conspirators begins to wield, a sexist gynecologist and a feminist traumatologist come to work, a film producer is cheating on the Motherland, and clay policemen are uncovering their batons. The only question is which of these meetings will become fatal for our friends.

This is the story of one day in the life of Elizabeth Glinka, the head of "Fair Care" foundation, a philanthropist, a doctor and a human rights activist. As the day starts, Elizaveta and her husband Gleb are going to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Liza is planning to spend some time with her family, waiting for her sons and close friends to arrive. The last thing to do is to drop by Paveletsky train station to check the campaign of the Fund for sending humanitarian supplies to people in need. Suddenly, she is addressed by the father of a girl suffering from a severe disease, and Doctor Lisa agrees to help. This request yields lots of unexpected circumstances into the well-planned day.

Hoping to change her life, Marina, a small town girl, embarks on a journey to a life coaching event. But an unexpected delay at a St. Petersburg airport sends her on a 24 hour comedic spree, which may ultimately provide her with the key to her happiness.


Sailor, Tillage and Salazhonok. They met only once, in the summer of 1945, in the Far East, in arms and with serious intentions. Everything ended in a firefight, and each of the participants is sure that he killed the other two. However, fate gave them all a long, eventful life. It will take more than half a century and in one of the days in different parts of the Earth there will be events associated with that fateful meeting of the summer of 1945, and the viewer will learn how she has drastically changed the life of each hero and not only.

The Humorist is a film about a week in the life of Boris Arkadiev, a fictional Soviet stand-up comedian. Boris is tormented not only by external oppression and censorship but also by his own insecurities that poison all his relationships.


The shift worker Ivan covers more than 9000 km by train. Landscapes, time zones, people are changing. But their stories of life, love, hope and faith remain.


Contemporary Moscow. Svyatoslav, a poor boy, falls in love with Asya, a rich girl, and wants to marry her. To support her in the manner in which she is accustomed, he opens an upscale restaurant. But he soon discovers he has a unseen enemy.


“The Interview” tells the story of Sonya, who grew up with her mum. Sonya enrols in the faculty of journalism in Moscow. Once she decides to meet her father, whom never saw, and take an interview with him under the guise of a journalist so she would get answers to the questions that have long troubled her


Heroes call a taxi to throw out the accumulated. The new mobile psychologist service is gaining popularity as the feeling of loneliness, longing and meaninglessness of life grows with the passengers of the future. With this set, “patients” sit in the car to the silent driver, one of whom confesses: “Sometimes I feel like a robot. But not more often than ordinary people. ”


How to part with a jealous girl? And if she is also a rare bitch? Maxim does not know, because he "wants everyone to be well." While mother and elder sister are pouring in with useless advice, Maxim comes up with the most absurd excuse for a break, which leads to catastrophic consequences ...

After the fight with Dagestanis, the novice rapper Bonus, along with his friend, drug addict and drug dealer Gashik, must disappear for several weeks from the home village of Volodarovka, which is located in the Astrakhan region. They decide to go to Moscow, where Gashik will try to become the driver of the businessman’s son, and Bonus - to become a rap artist.


Leningrad, one summer in the early eighties. Smuggling LP’s by Lou Reed and David Bowie, the underground rock scene is boiling ahead of the Perestroika. Mike and his beautiful wife Natasha meet with young Viktor Tsoï. Together with friends, they will change the destiny of rock’n’roll in the Soviet Union.


Hurry, work, career, time, forgotten dreams. Someday the Faith will be different. How to find time in the cycle of life for loved ones? For yourself this? Stay!

Love is longer than life, memory is stronger than death.

April 1958. Maria Krapivina, a graduate of the law faculty of Leningrad University, Department of criminal procedure and criminalistics, is assigned to the UGRO of the Central district police Department. Just a girl, an excellent student, the daughter of intelligent parents falls into a team consisting of rough and experienced operatives who have passed the war. On the first day, Masha wants to quit. But she gets her hands on information about a traitor in the Department associated with a large and audacious gang. Masha decides that it is her duty to stay and uncover the "mole". And also to prove that it is worth something. Everyone falls under suspicion, including the head of the Opera Department of the Swedes ,the "uncouth lout", with whom Masha unexpectedly falls in love, and every day more and more..

A story about two Moscow young girls one of them is trying to become an architect and other is a beginner singer.

The story takes place in 18th century russia. empress elizabeth’s confessor, monk named Lavr, is exiled to a monastery in a haunted mountainous region, taking his secret ancient knowledge with him. Years later, the empress sends her godson Andrey to bring the monk back. Andrey travels to the ill-famed place and meets with Lavr, but before they can return to St. Petersburg they must face evil forces and creatures of the dark side.


The young man experiences a breakup with his beloved girl and remembers the main fear in his life inspired by the first teacher. A distant school and recent events sweep through his head at the moment when he thinks he is about to die.

New Russian experimental film, which combines fiction and documentary scenes in one continuous narration. The shooting of the film took place in Buryatia - a South-Eastern part of Russia that is considered the center of Buddhism in Russia. In the fictional story a Moscow actress comes to faraway Buryatia to find the man she once loved. She is terminally ill and Buryatia gives her a second chance, she does not believe in miracles, but miracle happens. The real actress Julia Aug, like her character, is also in Buryatia for the first time. The documentary, filmed during the shooting of the film, shows the real Julia's feelings and experiences while she discovers the unique atmosphere, nature and culture of Buryatia.


Literary magazine editor mentally cheats on his young lover with his own wife, a university professor of Maths. He still feels the need in her fine and concise brain and their intellectually rich and direct discussions. After having a crash on the young girl he rejoins his wife. The constant irony helps them find a compromise solution to what has happened. But the real challenge is deeper, than usual crisis of the middle age and sexual dissatisfaction. The small family is broken apart together with the society.


Veniamin, a teenager in the midst of a mystical crisis, has his mother, schoolmates and entire high school turned upside down by his questions. - Can girls go to their swimming classes in bikinis? - Does sex education have a place in school? - Should the theory of evolution be taught as part of the Natural Sciences? The adults are soon overwhelmed by the certitudes of the youngster who swears only by Scripture. No one but Elena, his biology teacher, will alone challenge him on his own ground.


A story about a friendship between talented famous musician and eleven years old girl.


The main character is an extraordinary and mysterious person, at the same time, he (Rodion Meglin) is an outstanding inspector. Rodion is used to work alone in order to keep the secrecy of his unusual method. Young graduate Esenya Steklova is eager to get the internship with the glorious investigator but she could hardly expect the challenges she would face while working with Rodion. Together they investigate the cruelest crimes that took place in the history of Russian criminality.


The Second World War. Leningrad was in blockade in the winter of 1941. The only way to deliver food and other supplies to the city is through the icy Lake Ladoga, the so-called “Road of Life”. The path itself passes through the ice of the lake. But the Nazis are preparing a diversion along the way, and their informant is most likely a truck driver. To deal with this situation entrusted to the captain of the NKVD Sergienko ...


Another quarrel between the lovers leads to Leonid having a heart attack. The ambulance doctor who came to the call realizes that she is facing a pair of gays. She puts her hatred in a cold medical terms. But it is precisely this situation that allows the hero to take a different look at his life and his fear.


Residents of a big city, each of whom has their own sexual problems and desires, secret and, most often, shameful from the point of view of society, need to solve them. Each of the characters tries to solve their problems in their own way: someone sublimates them, someone turns to a psychotherapist for help, someone rushes into experiments... but sooner or later they all return to where they started, and they have to overcome themselves again and again to get at least a little, even a millimeter closer to their happiness.


A haunting, violent tale of a youth lost in an uncaring world, Bullet Collector is visual, nightmarish masterpiece. A shy 14-year-old boy, disconnected from home life and school, and sent to a hellish reform school, eventually lashes out on the injustices of his life.


This is a collection of portraits: 23 short stories about the Marij women, a sort of Decameron suspended between magic and realism, in which the Autonomous Republic of the Marij El serves as a backdrop for the collective history of a people of ancient tradition. A journey into a mysterious and unknown part of the world.


This story occurred in an ordinary Moscow family, in one of the streets, in one of the houses on the New Year night...


A young Russian businessman is tired of the unprofessional behavior of his employees so he decides to invite a general manager from Japan in order to improve the situation in the firm.


Present days. A man and his companion go on a journey to cremate the dead body of the former beloved wife, on a riverbank in the area where they spent their honeymoon.


Belorussia, summer 1942. The war has moved on, far off to the east. The life of a small town where the German authorities of the region have set themselves up is getting back to "normal". The Germans study Russian, flirt with the local girls, the women wash their clothes and feed them. They have to carry on somehow... But suddenly the teenage son of the film's heroine decides to run away to the partisans and blows up a German train so that they could accept him. He gets caught and the Germans have to execute him in order "to teach others a lesson". That's the order and it can't be disobeyed. The Germans know that this execution will bring an end to their peaceful lives. The local commandant understands this better than anyone as he is already involved in a close relationship with the boy's mother. But he can't ignore an order from his commanders...


A young post-graduate from Minsk Anna Mazurkevich comes to her native village, where she hasnt been for 12 years, to stay in her grannys house. Here, in peace and quiet, she is intended to write a thesis. But suddenly two strangers come and claim that yesterday in Minsk the houses owner let out to them for two weeks, and to convince her they switch on TV-set, where Annas mother confirm their words and asks her to stay for a while with their neighbor ankle Gena. All this looks very strange because not very clear how they managed to organize live broadcast. Then absolutely inexplicable things start to happen. The strangers say that they have to go to the XVIII century to find a genius, living at that moment right here, and take him to the future.


How little people need to go crazy. A little bit to change the usual picture of the world - and you're done ... An asteroid is falling onto the earth, and tomorrow it will be gone.

Student residence, between 1980 and 90 years. It would seem that ordinary everyday life of young students: youthful maximalism, love and quarrels, war with the commandant, friendship and fun. But one of the young people living in her commits suicide. Soon everyone will find out that going beyond the walls of a hostel is tantamount to jumping into the abyss.

Minsk, August 2020. Pasha and Yulia, a young married couple, leave the house at night and find themselves in the midst of peaceful protests. Everyday walk turns into a real hell, in which innocent people are victims of police brutality.

December 1936. The elite First House of Soviets, the House of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (now "House on the Embankment"). The Soviet elite is not yet aware of the massive repressions that will take place next year. The nighttime disappearances of neighbors are regarded as transfers thereof to important tasks of the Communist party. Yakov Natanovich Brandenburgsky, a famous lawyer and employee of the Supreme Court, is included in the "album" lists of the NKVD of the USSR and, being a creative person, finds a way to save his family and himself from "night arrest".