Yuri Kayurov

The love of brigadier-painter Anfisa and the student of philology Nicholas resulted in a storm of indignation of his parents. Separation followed. And for separation - and the search for lost love ...


В одном из московских переулков милиция обнаружила пострадавшую женщину с травмой головы. Галина Укладова, приехавшая из Магадана, утверждает, что на неё совершил разбойное нападение таксист и отнял у неё крупную сумму денег и документы. Таксиста Воронова, который уже отбывал срок за хулиганство, удалось задержать. Укладова на очной ставке опознаёт в нём нападавшего. Всё свидетельствует о вине Воронова. Однако опытный следователь Митин чувствует, что за рутинным бытовым преступлением кроется нечто большее.


A story about the creation of T-34 tank in Soviet Union during WWII.


The screenplay of his own novel, wrote the grandmaster, the champion of the USSR chess Alexander Kotov. Tape of the world chess champion Alexander Alekhine.


A young engineer Dmitriy Zherekhov who came to the aircraft plant is trying to prove to the director that it is necessary to switch to new methods of organizing production. He is supported by both experienced test engineer Aleksei Sedykh and test engineer Lyudmila Rudneva. Lyudmila likes Dmitriy, but his rigidity and rationalism complicate their relationship...


Based on the play of the same name by A.P. Chekhov.

A story about an events occurred in Belarus in 1944 during the WWII.


A single woman has put all her efforts into raising her only son, Sasha. When Sasha grows up to become a teenager, she thinks that she can have some time for herself, so she responds to the courtship of Nikolai Sergeyevich. One summer, Sasha goes to visit his real father in Novosibirsk, on the other side of the country. When he returns, his mother notices that Sasha has changed. She secretly reads a letter sent to Sasha from his father and finds out that Sasha doesn’t want to live with her any longer. She doesn’t have enough wisdom to understand this desire on someone else’s part. Sasha is shown to have a more delicate and understanding nature than his mother, for when he realizes that she is suffering because of his wish to leave, even though he is tired of her nagging, he decides to stay.


A story about a role of Vladimir Lenin in the electrification of Russia after Civil War.


In 1918, V.I. Lenin and Dzerzhinsky are destroying opponents and strengthening dictatorship using the Soviet secret police, predecessor of KGB.


After the events of 1905, the proletariat slowly retreated with battle. The Lenin headquarters of the leadership of the revolution was moved to Finland. There Lenin and Krupskaya live illegally in safe houses. Vladimir Ilyich works on his articles, occasionally his associates visit him, sometimes he goes to the city for meetings with his party comrades — Gorky, Kalinin, Krasin, and others. By all possible means, Lenin directs the activities of the Bolsheviks in Russia...