Yuri Mazhuga

По мотивам одноименной повоести Н.В.Гоголя. История о всепобеждающей любви Вакулы и Оксаны разворачиваются в живописной Диканьке и в царском дворце в Петербурге накануне Рождества. Кто не бывал в украинском селе во время рождественских праздников? Кому не известно, что такое любовь до умопомрачения? Укротить нечистую силу, слетать в гости к царице, сосватать любимую девушку — и все это за одну ночь! Такое возможно только в сочельник и только на хуторе близ Диканьки. Сказочные декорации и костюмы, колоритные персонажи, захватывающие трюки, великолепная музыка Константина Меладзе в исполнении Ф. Киркорова, Лолиты, О. Скрипки, Ани Лорак, Т. Повалий, дуэта "Виа Гра" и других. Этот фильм - добрая традиция телеканала "Интер" преподносить праздничные сюрпризы своей многомиллионной аудитории. Удовольствие, полученное от просмотра фильма, останется с вами и после быстротечных праздников.


Long time ago Ukrainian hetman sent his treasures to the British bank, hoping that later Ukraine will get rid of the Moscow yoke and then gold will help Ukrainian people. In modern times KGB agents and foreign spies hunt for hetman's descendant - Ivan Polubotko, guy phlegmatic and narrow-minded, to use him to get the treasure.


Ukraine. The end of the XV century. All gunpowder made in factories suddenly disappears. The company of cossacks led by Maksim Trituz comes together to find one of the transports that carries gunpowder to the Zaporizhian Sich.

The first secretary of the regional committee, Makhonin, sums up after the meeting of the party's general secretary with the regional economic and party activists. At the same time, he reports to those who allowed themselves critical speeches at this meeting. Central television accidentally records this “debriefing”, finding the material interesting send the film to Moscow by plane. Makhonin finds out about this and, frightened of the consequences, decides to return the plane and destroy the film at all costs...


The police received a statement about the disappearance of the collective farm procurer with a large amount of money. This served as the basis for the investigation of a complex criminal case related to major theft and murder. The case is being investigated by the investigator for particularly important cases, Stasenko ...


A Cold War spy thriller made at Dovzehnko Film Studio in 1984 and set in Munich. A Ukrainian poet visiting his emigre cousin is threatened into working for the CIA's operations through Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

Based on the works of Nikolai Gogol - 'The Old World Landowners', 'The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich', 'Ivan Fyodorovich Shponka and His Aunt'.


The film is based on the stories Anton Chekhov. It is a tribute to the actor Boris Andreyev. He plays a major role that keeps up for the duration of the film. Lively and intelligent Valery Spout largely mitigates underline the drama of the protagonist, while Michael Sveta's role, though small, is bright and memorable.


Irina_Kupchenko stars in this psychological drama by the renowned director/writer team of Yuli Raizman and Yevgeny Gabrilovich. In the story, she is the entirely respectable wife of a career diplomat, with a teenaged son. Suddenly one day, she decides to leave her marriage and go live with her lover.


An intimate drama set in a remote railway station that grows into a tragedy of the whole generation and epoch, based on a Gorki story.


A parable centering on an old man who lives a secluded life in the desert, alone with only his memories and photographs. His wellspring, once a source of joy and hope for thirsty passersby, is now rarely used. No longer able to find comfort in his memories, he turns all his photographs to face the walls.


Based on the story of Viktor Nekrasov “In the Hometown”. Former front-line reconnaissance captain Nikolai Mityasov returns to the ruined city after being wounded and finds out the sad news: his wife, Shura, cheated on him. Bitterness and confusion changed hope. But peace has come, demobilization has begun, it is necessary to restore the homeland. Nikolai finds the strength to continue living, enters the construction institute, gets acquainted with Valya and begins a new happy life without war...
