Yuri Medvedev

Funny and entertaining story about the history of the film "Funny guys"by G. Alexandrov.

По мотивам повести Михаила Казовского "Пояс Титимити". Участковый иснспектор Павел Храпунцов "отслеживает" в своем микрорайоне секту с мистическим уклоном. В поступающих в милицию сигналах описываются действия некой Клементины, умеющей превращать людей в зверей и растения... Убежденный материалист Храпунцов не сразу понимает сложный мир Клементины и ее друзей.

The police received a statement about the disappearance of the collective farm procurer with a large amount of money. This served as the basis for the investigation of a complex criminal case related to major theft and murder. The case is being investigated by the investigator for particularly important cases, Stasenko ...


Five best friends have only one problem to deal with: where to get something to drink...


A palace steward conspires with bandits to kidnap an infant czar's son and an orphan adopted by the czar, replacing the prince with the steward's son. Two decades later the true prince and his foster brother are slaves in a quarry, the changeling grew up as a prince, and his mother has been elevated to the highest position in the state for "saving" the prince, but losing her own child. Then the brothers escape, the changeling prince departs to fight an immortal wizard and vanishes, and the brothers have to deal with the wizard. Which includes stealing a bird-woman from a Mid-Eastern khan and figuring where the wizard's death is.


A father takes he six years old son to the nature in order to make him a real man.


The first movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.

The first movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.


A story of young serving in the Soviet Army boy and his adventures during WWII.

The wonderful children’s author Eduard Uspensky has give us Cheburashka and Crocodile Ghena, “School of Clowns” and “Down Along the Magical River”, on which this magnificent film is based, one of the best children’s films of the 1980s-1990s. A very witty, kind and merry film! Just watch Tatiana Peltser alone as Baba-Yaga! Going to vacation at his grandmother’s in a village, the boy Mitya could never imagine that he would become a participant of the extraordinary adventures in a fairy-tale land. And all this because his grandma is Baba-Yaga, albeit a kind one… Together with his grandma Yagorovna, Vasilissa the Wisest, House Spirit and Russian Herculeses, Mitya came out to fight the army of Koschei the Deathless (a fine work by Alexander Filippenko), One-Eyed Evil and Nightingale the Robber (Oleg Anofriyev)…


A young graduate of a Musical teacher's training school, having got an allocation to one of the collective farms of Nonblack Soil Zone, she goes there with one desire return to city as soon as possible and continue her career of pop singer. Villagers are rejoiced by arrival of a new club head, and do all their best to make her stay: give good lodging, telephone, color TV-set, and even accordion. And the farms head (B.Nevzorov) is not intended to let her go before the set date, moreover, he falls in love with her. A skeptical modern city girl, mixing with villagers and step-by-step delving into their routine life and chores, gets filled with local beauties and engulfing feeling towards a young farms head, starts hesitating.


Twenty-Six Days in the Life of Dostoyevsky was entered on February 16th at the 1981 Berlin Film Festival to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Dostoyevsky's death on February 9th, 1881, and won a "Best Actor" award for Anatoly Solonitsyn as Dostoyevsky. Solonitsyn was a favorite actor in Andrei Tarkovsky's films, and this was to be his penultimate role. This brief imaginary period in the famed Russian writer's life encapsulates one of his darker moments in 1866. At that time he was still a relatively unknown writer whose first widely acclaimed work, Crime and Punishment, was just on the horizon. His life was at a very low ebb as he struggled with debts he could not pay, and as he fought depression over the loss of his wife to tuberculosis, and the death of his brother, who was very close to him. His first literary journal had to be scrapped because of political reasons, and the second venture needed funding.


The main character is a talented, but timid writer of the Filippok experiencing with his country the difficult years of revolution, devastation and war. Adversity helps him overcome the unrequited and faithful love for the widow of Commissioner Zinochka, who bossily manages his career, not hesitating to start novels with other men. Filippok will describe the story of his life in a book that at the end of days will be presented by a terminally ill, but still dearly beloved wife, with gratitude for the experience.


A love story based on a famous Ivan Turgenev novel.


A family comedy about a funny adventures of the children in a summer camp during three summer sessions.


Ivan Sergeevich Kashkin — the bath attendant of the most prestigious metropolitan bath. It’s not easy to get to him: reputable diplomats, well-known footballers, and the heads of the ministry are seeking the honor to steam. But Kashkin himself does not need to achieve anything, everything is at his service — from black caviar to tickets to the conservatory. And the hero’s cloudless life would have flowed, but then his twin brother Sergei fell ill and asked Ivan to replace him in his equally strange work.


Popular musical comedy satirising Russian-Armenian relations, featuring Arno Babadzhanyan's hits. Artak has served his military service in the Russian countryside where he meets Valya. But Valya's mother refuses to send her only daughter to “these far highlands, where earthquakes happen all the time”. Artak is forced to ask his contrasting and numerous relatives –Armenian villagers– to visit a remote Russian village to bring a bride to Armenia.


Schoolboy Vasya and his little sister Klasha live on the shore of a picturesque lake, in which trout are bred. With the help of their friends, the dogs of the Quiver and the horse Strelka, the guys detain the poachers.


Interstellar expedition equipped by "pioneers"(soviet scouts) reached Alpha Kassiopea and found that smart robots took control on hole planet. Their only goal - to make happy , as they understand, their masters. Happines was, actually, sutisfactions of primitive needs, and removing "disturbing" emotions like love, responsebility etc. A many years ago they succeded to reach this goal and all aborigines died out. A very little amount of people escaped from "total happening" and their descendants orbiting the planet in a big orbital station for many generations. Brave soviet pioneers land on a planet, destroy robots and bring it back to their residents


Ten years old Alik is invited to star in a movie as a young partisan but almost loses the opportunity.


Start of interstellar expedition equipped by "pioneers"(soviet scouts).


Dramatic story about two young men, two intellectuals of the 1890th. It is a story about a complex human character. Being tortured by ignorance and boredom of life, clerk Laevsky is longing to break the depraved circle of his existence. His moral antipode, naturalist Von Coren is sure that people like Laevsky are worth being destroyed. But regardless characters' will and desires, providence deals with their lives in its own way...


Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-law student, kills an old pawnbroker and her sister, perhaps for money, perhaps to prove a theory about being above the law. He comes to police attention through normal procedures (he was the victim's client), but his outbursts make him the prime suspect of the clever Porfiry. Meanwhile, life swirls around Raskolnikov: his mother and sister come to the city followed by two older men seeking his sister's hand; he meets a drunken clerk who is then killed in a traffic accident, and he falls in love with the man's daughter, Sonia, a young prostitute. She urges him to confess, promising to follow him to Siberia. Will he accept responsibility?


About the friendship of a boy Taborka with a dog named Vulcan and their adventures. The boy lives in Brest and his friends play the war in the Brest Citadel, where the echoes of World War II are alive...


Story is set in deep Russia, on a wild river in woods called "Ugrum-reka" - the Moody river. Son of a dishonest trader, Prohor Gromov wants to become his own man. He takes his fathers order and goes trough the woods to deliver the furs to the byer in the nearest town. He tries to take the shorter way and get`s lost. At the highest point of this, his fathers servant, Abdulla, who is sent with him to guard him almost shoots him driven by hunger, but comes to the senses and saves his life by continuing to go on.


Based on a play by Mayakovsky, the animated film is shown to the audience in the style of innovative technology. In it, the actors are very harmoniously combined with shifts and drawings. It depicts the period of formation of the powerful Soviet state, which played an incredibly huge role in world history and left a huge legacy.

The story about the wild creatures of the wild forest and one impudent Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to him.


A satirical fairy tale about an old tsar Dadon and a golden cockerel who guarded the borders of his kingdom.


A portrait of a Russian community in the late 19th century based on Chekhov's stories, featuring the author as observer and narrator.


The war ended a long time ago, but for the heroine of the film, the former pilot, only those years were filled with genuine meaning. She deeply feels discord with reality, lack of contact with her daughter. She doesn't manage to adapt to this peaceful, everyday life, she doesn't lose her piercing desire to fly...


A story of a four sons of a big Ivanov family who are trying to start their own independent life.


A crafty swindler, appointed to be a coach of an amateur sports team, came up with a cheat plan for victory - secretly recruit a number of professional players to his team.


A biographical film about the famous Russian pilot Sergei Utochkin, about the first conquerors of the sky who paved the way for Russian aviation.


Fourteen-year-old Vera Telegina sees the sea, which she had dreamed of since childhood. She is here only because her parents were represse and she is left alone. The police chief Stavridi, having learned about the girl's misfortune, places her in a boarding school. Vera has to go through a lot. But with the concernment of new friends and sympathy of adults Vera survives until the spring of 1953, when the long-awaited telegram from her parents arrives.


A satirical express train sets off on its way. The driver S. Mikhalkov gives a farewell beep ... On the first carriage an inscription - "Summer cottage". The following are 8 short stories ...


People living at a seashore town are frightened by reports of an unknown creature called "the sea devil". Nobody knows what it is, but it's really the son of doctor Salvator. The doctor performed surgery on his son and now young Ichtiander can live under water. This gives him certain advantages, but also creates a lot of problems.


Funny stories about four friends and their adventures in a big city.


Based on the operetta of the same name by Isaak Dunayevsky. The port town of one of the small southern countries. After the Nazi occupiers left, the port's berths were empty, the steamers did not smoke, cargo cranes stood. Fearing retaliation for collaborating with enemies, port owner Georg Stan fled the city. After waiting a while and securing the support of local authorities, Stan nonetheless returns - and loading operations begin in the port. While loading oranges, the sailor Yango and the beautiful Stella are preparing for the wedding. Suddenly, Stan makes a proposal to the girl and tricks her into agreeing. Upon learning of the deception, the girl runs away to Yango. Having discovered weapons intended to support fascism in the drawer of the hold, the heroes do everything possible to make the boxes fall to the bottom of the sea.

On holiday in Yalta, Muscovite banker Dimitri Gurov contrives to meet a young woman who walks her dog. She’s Anna Sergeyovna, trapped in a loveless marriage to a lackey. He’s unhappy in an arranged marriage. With neither spouse at hand, Dimitri and Anna begin an affair. After a short time, she returns to Saratov, he to Moscow, believing it’s good-by forever. All winter he is miserable, enervated, distracted by tristesse. In desperation, he contrives to go to Saratov, surprising her at a concert. Fearing discovery in her home town, she promises to come to Moscow. Will they cast aside reputation to live together, or will theirs be an affair of infrequent encounters in hotel rooms?


A certain number of French fighter pilots who will not accept the Second Armistice at Compiègne nor Vichy's orders decide to join the USSR. Once they have reached Moscow they resume training and form a squadron they call "Normandie". Reinforced in 1944, the squadron wins many victories. Following the acts of valor displayed by its pilots during the Battle of the Nieman River, it becomes the "Normandie-Niemen" squadron for the rest of times...


A young engineer, Pavel Kaurov, goes to his first destination - to the port city of Sibirsk. He is appointed to lead a group of portal and floating cranes. After several troubles, Pavel masters port work and receives a serious assignment. Meanwhile, his bride Nina, an architect by profession, arrives in Sibirsk...


Military doctor Vladimir Ustimenko is a man of duty and honor, committed to the cause he serves, and one single love that he carries through his whole life: Varvara Stepanova is a whimsical girl who dreamed of becoming a great actress but eventually became a geologist. The war will cruelly interfere in the fate of the heroes and confuse their relationship even more.


Tractor driver Matvey Morozov returns to his native village from the prison. And he recalls the story of his marriage, his fatal love, failed betrayal and committed reckless “crime”, in which he doesn't repent at all.


The Trubachyov's pioneers detachment is stuck in the occupied territories during WWII. The children are trying to fight the enemy...


It's a story about two of the most famous russian personages. They become friends, and then go along on the path of glory in parallel.


A family movie about a life of Trubachyov's pioneers detachment during the years before WWII.


An old man suddenly realizes that both his daughters aren't happy so he decides to help them to find happiness.
