Yuri Pobedonostsev

Nina, a young girl from Moscow, suddenly decides to accompany her new friend Anton to Siberia in order to participate in the building of the railroad...


A young girl Marina suddenly meets an evil witch so adventures start...


A funny story about a schoolgirl Nastya who doesn't like anything boring and always looks for adventures.


Adventures of a group of children during Civil War in Russia.

Three friends are bored in eighth grade but everything changes after a new teacher arrives to the class.

Antonina Vasilyevna, as a member of the bureau of the district committee of the party, was instructed to save the Leningrad children, whom the war overtook in the suburban camps. She took them to the Kirov region. After twelve days of hard travel, the children arrived in the village of Supryadki...

Young scientist is going to taiga for his experiments but meets poachers on the way.
