Yuri Smirnov

The melodramatic life story of the modern urban intelligentsia. 45 seconds is exactly that short time during which the life of the heroes of the picture has changed. The main character, Tatyana Chernigova, is a successful business woman, a former fearless climber, and she is experiencing a difficult family drama: unsuccessful attempts to have a baby. The trouble does not come alone, and against the background of the heroine’s psychological experiences, a criminal detective tragedy is played out, according to witnesses and participants, she becomes the culprit ...


A thief named "Wolf", who could not be caught, decides to start a new life. Having got a plumber, he repairs a leak in the apartment, which is committed robbery. Wolfy and the owner of the apartment are held hostage by two criminals on the one hand, and the capture group on the other. Operation on neutralization of criminals is directed by the captain of militia — the sworn enemy of the former thief. The captain believes that the attack on the apartment antiquarian — the handiwork of the Top. From this moment, in the life of the Wolf burst events that do not dream even in the most terrible dream…

The famous athlete Tatyana Bolshakova, having met in the south with the lonely and somewhat gloomy Boris, fell in love for the first time. For ridiculous reasons, they broke up, and after a while she had twins. And now it’s hard for her, but she knows that he will return ...


At a meeting of the bureau, under pressure from the first secretary of the district committee of the party, the agronomist of the collective farm Boris Kholmovoy was dismissed and expelled from the party for allegedly arbitrary actions. Disagreeing with the decision of the district committee, Kholmovoy files an appeal. The secretary of the regional party committee Plotnikov, wanting to understand this complicated matter, goes to the collective farm.

Adventurous movie based on classical Robert Louis Stevenson novel.


Ivanhoe is the story of one of the remaining Saxon noble families at a time when the nobility in England was overwhelmingly Norman. It follows the Saxon protagonist, Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe, who is out of favor with his father for his allegiance to the Norman king Richard the Lionheart. The story is set in 1194, after the failure of the Third Crusade, when many of the Crusaders were still returning to their homes in Europe. King Richard, who had been captured by Leopold of Austria on his return journey to England, was believed to still be in captivity.


Sergei Bukreyev arrives with a team of meliorators in another village and immediately draws attention to the director of the farm Anna Talnikova. Her dedication to work scares Sergei, he even wants to persuade her to leave the farm, but understands that Anna will never be happy without her work, and he – without it.

A saga about the life of the Siberian Savelyev family during the period 1902 through the 1960s as they survive through three wars, a revolution, and Soviet government approval.


Private Bumbarash, considered lost in the First World War, suddenly returned to his native village, where no one recognizes, because the money for the memorial service a long time ago employed for other purposes. In a country already in full raging civil war in the tiny village of power is changing every half: red, white, anarchists, gangsters, again red and white for them again, and so on to infinity ... Amid all this chaos Bumbarash tries to arrange his life and personal happiness.


Detective Aniskin lives with his family in a rural village where people call him the "rural detective". Everyone in the village is respectful of Aniskin because of his wisdom and his good disposition. The villagers do not remember having any crime for many years. But one day an accordion is stolen from the manager of the local clubhouse. Detective Aniskin begins the investigation.
