Yuri Temirkanov

The Italian Character: a film within music and about music. The Italian character is the story of one of the most renowned orchestras in the world, enriched by archive material of the last thirty years about the great conductors who have been performing on the most famous rostrum in Rome.


The recording took place in Teatro Farnese di Parma, a kind of "mini-Verona" stage, but under roof. Probably good acoustics. But that doesn't rescue this perfomance of the Requiem mass, the fault is mainly being the conductor's, Yuri Temirkanov. He doesn't at all seems inspired of this work and not interested in whats happens on stage, if judged by the video. Particularly, he seems unintersted in the choir. The tenor, Francesco Meli, delivers a very inspired Ingemisco, but the other soloists are probably affected by the conductor.

This recording of "Il Trovatore" was held in Parma in 2010. The production is minimalistic. The scenario reminds, vaguely, the lunar surface. In the background, in several scenes, there is a huge full moon, sometimes white, sometimes red - the effect is beautiful and suitable for the nocturnal atmosphere of this opera. Few objects in the scene, including a big horse and giant candles. The costume indicates, directly, who is who: soldiers, nuns, gypsies. Regarding the musical aspects: excellent participation of choir and orchestra. The conductor is the seasoned Yuri Temirkanov. He keeps the orchestra under control (though there is one or two moments of disagreement with the singers), with some pleasant surprises.

A look at the rich history of the Mariinsky Theatre in the birth and growth of the Russian tradition in opera, music and ballet.

Part of Tutto Verdi series - La Traviata (2007) Parma. 'La traviata' ('The Fallen Woman') is an opera in three acts by Giuseppe Verdi set to an Italian libretto by Francesco Maria Piave. It is based on 'La dame aux Camélias' (1852), a play adapted from the novel by Alexandre Dumas, fils. The opera was originally titled 'Violetta', after the main character. It was first performed on 6 March 1853 at the La Fenice opera house in Venice. Piave and Verdi wanted to follow Dumas in giving the opera a contemporary setting, but the authorities at La Fenice insisted that it be set in the past, "c. 1700". It was not until the 1880s that the composer and librettist's original wishes were carried out and "realistic" productions were staged.
