Yuri Vizbor

After a painful break up a journalist is traveling to the Elbrus mountains where he meets another woman.


По мотивам одноименного романа А. Бахвалова. В основе сюжета рассказ-интервью об испытаниях нового стратегического ракетаносца Ту-22K и Ту-22М2/М3 (по известным причинам в крупных планах вместо них в фильме снят менее секретный тогда Ту-134 УБЛ — учебно-боевая лаборатория) и трагических событиях, связанных с ними, данный журналисту Одинцову (Юрий Визбор) летчиком-испытателем Боровским (Игорь Ледогоров). Испытания нового реактивного самолета, психология человеческой жизни, проблемы и радости жизни летчиков — все это тесно переплетено в фильме. Герои фильма — друзья летчики-испытатели Долотов (Геннадий Шкуратов) и Санин (Паул Буткевич) — всю жизнь прошагали вместе. Но случилось так, что один из них, Долотов, однажды был несправедливо отстранен от полетов, Санин же не сумел защитить и поддержать своего друга. Дороги друзей разошлись…


A Soviet spy is tasked with disrupting the negotiations between Karl Wolff and Allen Dulles taking place in Switzerland, aimed at forging a separate peace between Germany and the Western Allies.


Two young talented neurosurgeons — Pyotr and Sasha — are enthusiastically working on a complex medical experiment. But in search of stability and a better life, Pyotr goes to work in Stockholm, Sasha becomes a major official. Pyotrr's overseas life does not add up, and he returns to Moscow. Realizing that his friend has a completely different life, Pyotr goes to Siberia, where he works on an ambulance. There he meets a girl with a brain disease, the study of which he had once been involved in, but did not finish the job. Feeling in vain of a lived, failed life, a sense of professional guilt in front of this sick girl, whom no one can help, torment him, and he again recalls his true destiny.


The heroes of the movie last seen each other on the Belarusian railway station in the summer of 1945. A quarter-century, they meet at the funeral of comrade.


The film tells the story of high school graduates, their first — still school — problems and challenges, Hobbies and disappointments, friendship and dreams.


Film almanac, consisting of four novels, United by one theme — a short stay of the characters in the capital. About the sailor who met his love in Moscow, about the birth of a little girl and about other, no less interesting events.


A talented girl from the provincial Russian town Pasha Stroganova dreams of becoming an actress. She plays the role of Baba Yaga in the amateur theatre — and does it so organically that the visiting filmmaker offers her the most difficult role in the historical drama about Joan of Arc. She was given not only great acting talent, but the talent of deep, selfless love. A dream comes true: she is invited to the main role, and she begins a completely different life, full of real creative torment, insights and true happiness.


A short film based on the story by Valentin Rasputin.


Torn by personal guilt Italian General Umberto Nobile reminisces about his 1928 failed Arctic expedition aboard the airship Italia.


A woman is forced to examine the emptiness of her life in this stark drama from the Soviet Union. Lena (Yevgenya Uralova) is a woman in her late twenties who loves her boyfriend (Aleksandr Belyavsky) but in time comes to see that their relationship serves no useful function. What's more, she sees that her friends are for the most part empty-headed lackeys, causing her to wonder just what is the point of her life.


The continuation of a story started by Alexander Stolper epic movie "Zhivye i Myortvye".
