Yuriy Itskov

"The spirit breathes where it wants, and you hear its voice, but you don't know where it comes from or where it goes." The film is a kind of interpretation of the gospel phrase taken as an epigraph. Each of the characters in the two stories that make up the film appears to the viewer, being in the border space between life and death.

A conversation between famous politician and a teenager changes both of them...

A prototype of a new cutting edge tank is being taken on a secret mission to Moscow, to Comrade Stalin. Soon the cross-country run turns into a ruthless race. Followed by Nazis, the tanks' team defeats their pursuers and proves the great ability and vast superiority of the machine that is about to become a legendary T-34.


Corrupted criminal investigation officer, Sergey Volkov, got into serious trouble - for another trick while being drunk, the boss sends him into exile - into the ranks of exemplary mounted police. All the staff of the regiment seemed to him fabulous creatures with ancient notions of duty and homeland. Not wanting to linger on a new place, Volkov wants to leave to settle his personal affairs, but having learned that his new colleagues have fallen into a powerful batch, he nevertheless decides to come to the rescue.


Leningrad, February 1942. A German air raid has destroyed Block A of the Institute of Experimental Medicine where lethal viruses are researched. The containers with those viruses have disappeared. Severe frosts prevent the outbreak of an epidemic in the besieged city. However, spring is approach- ing and the thaw will set in soon. A young lady doctor, Maritskaya, and an NKVD officer have only 72 hours to prevent a disaster. Life and death, love and betrayal are interlaced in the rapidly unfolding events...


March 1965. In the heat of the Cold War, the USA and the USSR are competing for supremacy in space. What both superpowers aim for in this race, is to be the first to have a man walk in outer space. To accomplish that, no price is too high and no risk is too great. Now it’s up to the unlikely duo of a seasoned war veteran and a hot-headed test-pilot to fulfill this mission. Two men in a tiny spaceship, without proper testing, facing the complete unknown… They were supposed to do what no man has done before — and no man imagined what would happen next…


A six-grader is looking for ancient reassure during winter vacations.


The Role is about a brilliant actor in revolutionary Russia who takes on the greatest role of his life - the role of another man. Influenced by the ideas of symbolism and the Silver Age, he decides to slip into the life of his doppelganger – a revolutionary leader in the new Soviet Russia. First intrigued, then obsessed, he flings himself into the role and lives it to the hilt… even when the play of the life he is writing heads towards a tragic finale. Based on true incidents in the lives of Russia’s symbolists, this gripping film explores how far one man will go for the role of a lifetime.


USSR, 1941. She is a famous actress, he is a well known journalist. But their meeting point is already set to GULAG.


A young truck driver from a small, nameless Russian town sets off on a spiritual journey that has no actual purpose and no verifiable destination, encountering lonely women and small time crooks along the way.


During the Cold War, a local Polish officer and a young Soviet woman wedded to a Soviet officer are drawn together by music.


A group of American pilots from Alaska ferry Airacobra fighter planes across the ocean on Lend-lease. The orderly course of life is disrupted when it becomes clear that the American pilots are attractive and charming young women. The feelings of the Russian young men collide into barriers of culture and language resulting in a host of awkward, funny, and sometimes tragic situations.It is the story of Russians, Americans, and natives of the Far North. It is the story of man and woman in war. Love and death are squeezed between the hills as human fates are destroyed and born.


After the war ended, Bachurin returned home with awards, where his family and a huge garden, which he had loved since childhood, were waiting for him. But a decree was issued on the taxation of fruit trees in private estates. And Bachurin ruined the garden, scalding the apple trees with boiling water. So he got his first big term ...
