Yuriy Solomin

"The Maltese Cross" - Prince Dmitry a descendant of the Romanov dynasty is kidnapped by a mafia boss - who also claims to have royal blood and sees himself as the new Russian emperor.


Retired police colonel starts his own murder investigation.


A seemingly ordinary car accident turns out to be a murder investigation...


Television version of the play based on the comedy by N. Gogol "The Inspector" performed by the State Academic Maly Theater of the USSR.

Members of the Shield and Helmet Masonic Lodge, sent by the CIA, are preparing a coup in one of the western countries. The criminal chronicle reporter manages to infiltrate the headquarters of the conspirators. The information he produces will play a decisive role in preventing the putsch. However, the successful journalist soon became convinced that he had discovered only the tip of the iceberg...


The film tells the life story of the famous Russian scientist, researcher, traveler and pioneer Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay. The film shows the most interesting moments from the life of a scientist and his travels. Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay was the first to land in New Guinea, getting acquainted with the aborigines, their customs. Among the natives of New Guinea, Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay lives for several years. The scientist also falls in love with the daughter of the Vice President of Australia, the film shows the relationship between Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay and his lover.

The struggle of Soviet and American intelligence agencies during the Cold War era


After a strange incident, a group of russian space commandos starts developing supernatural powers. But how did they acquire such abilities and what is their intentions?


Six years old boy decides to start school and going by himself to first grade instead of kindergarten.


The life of Mr. Kettle, an executive of a single bank in a small provincial English town Brickmill, is strictly organized: 7 a.m. stand up, then breakfast, at 9 a.m. work, at 13 p.m. diner, then work, at 18 p.m.- the end of a workday, then club, home, sleep. But one dull English morning almost having reached his work, he stops near a shop window, trading toys. How is Mrs. Twigg, Kettle's housekeeper amazed when she sees seem at home with bags and hears him saying that he is not intended to go to work any longer. This is the day when Mr. Kettle suddenly meets his love, and after a series of funny and tragic situations both choose a new life free and joyful.


A wizard invents characters who all come to life and start to arrive at his house: a King, his servants, a princes, a bear trapped in a man's body - the usual lot. The Plot mainly rotates around the bear, who the wizard had turned into a man. The Bear, who wishes to be a bear once again, can turn into his old self if he were to kiss a princess. It gets complicated when he falls in love with that princess, that arrived at the wizard's house. For how can they be together, if a single kiss will destroy their love?


Eisenstein gets in trouble for shooting a grouse. He is told that he must go to prison for his crime. However, his friend has invited him to an aristocratic ball. Eisenstein, despite being married, wants to go to the ball to meet women. Eisenstein lies to his wife. He tells her that he is going to prison but actually he goes to the ball. His story arises the suspicion of his wife. His wife devises a plot to catch her womanizing husband.


A group of musicians are trying to prevent the stealing of rare musical instruments in Russia during the twenties.


The ten-graders Gosha and Zosya are in love with each other. The last school waltz has been played and it seems nothing stands any longer in the way of the young people being together. However, getting the news that he’s going to be a father soon, Gosha chooses a “free life” and… marries Dina who has long been in love with him, though with no reciprocity. But already at the registry office, the lucky winner realizes that getting Gosha as her husband doesn’t mean getting his love, that unintentionally she made her loved one unhappy and they have no future together…


A military explorer meets and befriends a Goldi man in Russia’s unmapped forests. A deep and abiding bond evolves between the two men, one civilized in the usual sense, the other at home in the glacial Siberian woods.


A chronicle of life in a small village in the Baikal Region on the eve of World War I and at the time of the October Revolution. The age-old foundations are crumbling, the process of social stratification is underway and, as a result, some people go to defend the revolution, and others - to fight against it. The main hero is the young Cossack Roman Ulybin. At first, this carefree daredevil is preoccupied only with one problem: whether his sweetheart, Dashutka, is to marry him or a merchant’s son, Alyoshka. Roman is killing time fist-fighting with his rival. But little by little, the young man realizes that the world around him has changed, that people are fighting for equality and social justice, and, being a real Cossack, he can’t remain on the sidelines…


American journalist gets a sensational material but is afraid to publish it...


A detective investigating the robbery also tries to help young man to avoid criminal future.


Adyutant ego prevoskhoditelstva


Based on Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel "Farewell, Gyulsary!" The story of Tanabai the blacksmith, father of three children, who upon his return from war became a herdsman, and his tragic love for the soldier’s widow Byubyudzhan. The lyrical poem has an additional storyline concerning the horse Gyulsary and his master Tanabai.


Story of a Russian intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov (known as lieutenant Paul Wilhelm Zibert) who worked in the capital of occupied by fascist troops Ukraine. 960 days and nights were left until the end of the Second World War.


A war drama set in Germany at the end od WWII.


A young engineer, Pavel Kaurov, goes to his first destination - to the port city of Sibirsk. He is appointed to lead a group of portal and floating cranes. After several troubles, Pavel masters port work and receives a serious assignment. Meanwhile, his bride Nina, an architect by profession, arrives in Sibirsk...
