Yuriy Tsurilo

On May 4th 1994, the 4th anniversary of Latvia’s splintering from the Soviet Union, rookie police investigator Aldis Karklins is tasked with solving the murder of Natalia Nolle, an influental behind-the-scenes political figure. The trail leads the 23-year-old Aldis in to the underbelly of organized crime and KGB conspiracies that outlive the Soviot Union. A miniseries in seven episodes, based on the novel "Don't Call Me, Don't Look for me! Life of Soviet Secret Agent" (Meklējiet sievieti) by acclaimed Latvian crime fiction writer Andris Kolbergs.

An impressing war drama, a story of life and heroism of Naum Balapan - an academic psychiatrist, Doctor of Medicine, a chief doctor of the Sevastopol psychiatric hospital since 1922. With the help of his wife he saved dozens of innocent people from Genocide during Nazi Occupation until his tragic death in 1942.


Peace and tranquility have set in Belogorie. The evil was defeated and Ivan is now enjoying his well-deserved fame. He is surrounded by his family, friends and small wonders from the modern world that help him lead a comfortable life. Luckily, he has his Magic Sword to cut a gap between the worlds to get some supplies quite regularly. But when an ancient evil rises and the existence of the magic world is put to danger, Ivan has to team up with his old friends and his new rivals. They will set out on a long journey beyond the known world to find a way to defeat the enemies and to return peace to Belogorie.

In the regional centre Kuznetsky the mayor has been killed in his office. The murderer is Dimur Kavsadze, in charge of commercial construction work for the city administration. A squall of public concern beleaguers the city. Alexander Danilin is an undercover curator, an intermediary between the business and the authorities; he tries to eliminate trouble and return life to normal. The cause of the tragedy was a construction project, which wrapped itself around Kuznetsky like a tumour, and which was a source of profit for the authorities and the local builders. The construction “devours” free land, the souls of people and even what seems beyond the law of profit: the family. Neither the death of people, nor common sense can stop the construction…


As a result of a chain of tragic accidents on a distant planet, the cosmonaut Chapayev is left alone. His life is in constant danger. Something inexplicable, which he came into contact with, will forever change his life. From now on, he will be lost not only for himself but for the people of earth as well. And he have to die many times in order to prove that he is alive.


A new era is about to begin in Eastern Europe. Scythians, the proud warriors, are all but gone and most of the few remaining descendants have become ruthless mercenary assassins. Lutobor, a warrior who becomes involved in intertribal conflicts, sets off on a perilous journey to save his family guided by a captive Scythian.


A story about the life of Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov, the lead Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer.

A modern take on the classic novel by Alexander Pushkin. Vladimir is a successful banker and a regular at trendy night clubs. Masha is a diligent graduate of a British college and a loving daughter. It looks like they have bright future ahead. However, an unexpected quarrel between two eccentric fathers forces their offspring to live through the conflict of Pushkin's novel.


A comedy about how two unlucky heroes, one of whom dreamed of becoming a pilot, and the other an actor, accidentally get a chance to fulfill both dreams at once on the set of a new film. However, in the very first scene, they manage to crash a sponsor’s helicopter, which promises them a lot of problems. To compensate for the damage, the friends are forced to go into all seriousness - try to rob the oligarch, make money in kind, and even try to hijack a helicopter from an American air base.


A woman who works for a non-governmental organization (NGO) forms a special relationship with a young boy in war-torn Chechnya.


Early 18th century. Cartographer Jonathan Green undertakes a scientific voyage from Europe to the East. Having passed through Transylvania and crossed the Carpathian Mountains, he finds himself in a small village lost in impassible woods. Nothing but chance and heavy fog could bring him to this cursed place. People who live here do not resemble any other people which the traveler saw before that. The villagers, having dug a deep moat to fend themselves from the rest of the world, share a naive belief that they could save themselves from evil, failing to understand that evil has made its nest in their souls and is waiting for an opportunity to gush out upon the world.


The Fool is a movie about a simple plumber. An honest man, he is up against an entire system of corrupted bureaucrats. At stake are the lives of 800 inhabitants of an old dorm that is at risk of collapsing within the span of the night.


A group of scientists is sent to the planet Arkanar to help the local civilization, which is in the Medieval phase of its own history, to find the right path to progress. Their task is a difficult one: they cannot interfere violently and in no case can they kill. The scientist Rumata tries to save the local intellectuals from their punishment and cannot avoid taking a position. As if the question were: what would you do in God's place?


Driven by trust and self-persuasion, one anesthesiologist sets out to find his missing brother and meets a stranger with unusual right hand.

The film tells about the tragic date in the history of the Crimean Tatar people — May 18, 1944 — Stalin’s deportation of the Crimean Tatars. The plot of the film — a pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Amethan Sultan. In May, 1944, a year after liberation of Sevastopol Amethan goes on vacation to his native town Alupka. On May 18 his eyes witness begining of deportation of the Crimean Tatars.


Adam’s first wife Lilith is mentioned in the ancient Oriental legends, in Talmud and in the medieval books of Cabala. According to these sources, she was not created from Adam's rib like Eve but from clay like he himself. Nevertheless Lilith was not recognised by Adam as his equal and left him after a quarrel heading for Babylon. She has no soul, and she is immortal. Lilith assumes different names, can change her appearance, and takes possession of men against their will. Once it's accomplished, she leaves her victims forever, marking them for either spiritual, or physical death. Whatever she does it is neither Good nor Evil. She is made of an altogether different matter. Inspired by the works of French writer Anatole France, Yevgeny Pashkevich‘s GULF STREAM UNDER THE ICEBERG consists of three dramatically interwoven stories with the immortal Lilith stalking through time and space with her demonic mission.


Russia, early 90s. A fictional story inspired by financier Sergey Mavrodi, his securities company "MMM", and the pyramid scheme he ran that left upwards of fifteen million investors with nothing when it crashed.


Present days. A man and his companion go on a journey to cremate the dead body of the former beloved wife, on a riverbank in the area where they spent their honeymoon.


Father Alexander is trying to maintain peaceful life for his church amidst the Nazi occupation during WWII.


A young music video director, a ballet dancer and a dolce vita seeker - they come to Moscow to conquer the city, but each of them goes their own way. Sooner or later the three of them realize: to get what you are striving for you might risk many things, but friendship and love.


Retirees Rud and Sem come into possession of a suitcase full of mob money... a comic adventure ensues.


Writer Dmitry Rodionov detective stories work out easily. Could he have thought that such a thing would happen to him?

Лента рассказывает о реальных событиях конца февраля 2000 года, произошедших в Аргунском ущелье в Чечне. Бойцы 6-й роты 104 парашютно-десантного полка Псковской дивизии ВДВ вступили в жестокий бой с двадцатикратно превосходящими силами террористов. Десантники не дрогнули, не отступили и выполнили задание, ценой своей жизни преградив путь бандитам, прорывающимся из окружения.


Terror from within by Yury Felshtinsky and Alexander Litvinenko, representing them as parts of the plan masterminded and sponsored by exiled tycoon Pokrovsky (obvious hint at Boris Berezovsky in real life) and aimed to discredit Russian security services. As this plan has failed, Pokrovsky assisted by some terrorists organizes a hostage taking in a Moscow circus (very similar to Moscow theater hostage crisis in real life) in order to return to Russia, acting as a saver of the hostages during negotiations. However, he fails to do so. The movie also depicts the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia as a place where an important Islamic militant hides, which was a common allegation by Russian authorities in real life around that time, and depicts destruction of a base of terrorists and allies of Pokrovsky in Qatar which might hint at the assassination of Zelimkhan Yandarbiev. Overall, the movie was widely considered propaganda.


A Russian detective series, based on 8 works of Andrei Konstantinov ("lawyer", "Justice / Attorney-2", "The Thief / Journalist-2", "Writer", "Inventor / Writer-2", "The prisoner "," Cop "," Scavenger ") and four works by other writers.

Military doctor General Klenski is arrested in Stalin's Russia in 1953 during an anti-Semitic political campaign accused of being a participant in so-called "doctors' plot".


Talented engineer does not promote the service and its project of trying to buy for next to nothing. To implement the project itself - we need a lot of money. There is an opportunity to get them: a friend in whom he doted, and who meets him in return gives a list of debtors of her brother ...


The priceless treasure “The Golden Phallus” - a unique work of art of the ancient civilization of the Indians of South America - turned out to be in a bizarre way in Russia during the time of Peter the Great. These days, he was captured by a criminal Moscow group ...


The student rowing team of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) was defeated in the competition. The coach drops the team and leaves, taking the best rowers with him. The remaining athletes decide to assemble a new team, and the management of the institute appoints a new coach for them — a teacher of hydrodynamics.


New film by Klim Kozinsky


2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.