Zachary Browne

When Shiloh's abusive previous owner, Judd Travers, tries to retake Shiloh again, Ray tries to find a way to end the rivalry and open up the hidden kindness within the town drunk.


Ben Archer is not happy. His mother, Sandy, has just met a man, and it looks like things are pretty serious. Driven by a fear of abandonment, Ben tries anything and everything to ruin the "love bubble" which surrounds his mom. However, after Ben and Jack's experiences in the Indian Guides, the two become much closer.


Jane Morgan gives birth to her baby at the hospital. When she wakes up the next morning, the hospital tells her, that her son died at birth. However from ultrasound reading she had before, she knew she was having a girl. Now the hospital is stone-walling her, saying she is just in denial, due to her loss. Now she is trying to fight the system, to find evidence of the apparent mistake by the hospital. Only it wasn't the hospital's mistake. Nurse Rita Donohue is the one who made the switch. She faked a pregnancy to hang on to her roving boyfriend. But she grabbed the wrong baby, her boyfriend wants a son, so now she's faking a second pregnancy, and making plans to get another baby.
