Zakaria Atifi

At the pinnacle of her career as a lawyer, Lucie goes to Morocco on a business trip, a long way from home and her husband. On her arrival in Tangier, she is struck by the chaotic agitation of the city, where it seems that anything could happen. When, out of nowhere, a Nigerian teenager gives Lucie her baby and asks her to protect it, she is completely thrown off balance. Braving the dark corners of the city, Lucie will attempt to rescue this young woman from a dangerous human trafficking ring. But she hadn't foreseen the growing attachment she feels toward the child...


King of the Persians, summons his attractive wife Vashti, to show off her beauty to the guests, the proud queen refuses to come. The king promptly bans her from ever entering his presence again, and gives orders for the most beautiful young virgins in the land to be brought to him. The young Jewess Esther, adopted daughter of her uncle Mordecai, is among the girls selected;
