Zaki Youssef

In a desperate attempt to cure his midlife crisis, Martin has fled his family to live high up in the Norwegian mountains. Hunting and gathering like his ancestors did thousands of years ago before supermarkets and smartphones ruined everything. But Martins self-actualization project is turned upside down when he meets Musa. A drug runner, lost deep in the woods, injured and bleeding after a car accident. The odd couple must join forces, as they are chased through the wilderness by the local chief of police, Musa’s rivals and Martin’s unknowing wife.

Denmark, in the near future. One year after a major bomb attack in Copenhagen, political radicalization has intensified and ethnic tensions are increasing. As next year's parliamentary elections approach, in which nationalist leader Martin Nordahl hopes for a landslide victory, Zakaria becomes involved in a radical organization, where he befriends Ali.


A LOVE ODYSSEY is an intense and life-affirming story of the difficult love between two people challenged by ambitions of wanting to save mankind from destruction by reaching the deepest place on earth, at the bottom of the ocean.