Zbigniew Kuźmiński

Adaptation of novel by Eliza Orzeszkowa. The film is set in 1886 in Lithuania, is spins around a conflict between Bohatyrowicz family and aristocrat family in Korczyn. Against the background of the social and family disputes was shown topic of love between Justyna Orzelska, niece of Benedykt Korczyński, and Jan Bohatyrowicz. Will their love be strong enough to break the mental barrier that separates the world of Bohatyrowicz from the world of Korczyński?


After the death of his mother, fifteen-year-old Piotr goes to boarding school. He makes friends with Mirek there.


Jerzy Szajnowicz-Ivanov, the son of Polish mother and Russian father, raised in Greece, reports to the Carpathian Brigade in the spring of 1941. Poles are wary at first. English recommend him to arrange the intelligence grid and sabotage in the Athens area. Soon the grid starts to work: intelligence flows, transports fly into the air, ships sink...


A group of juvenile delinquents working in a shipyard try to clear themselves of a false accusation.


After the death of his wife, Marcin stays alone with his growing son on the farm.


As directed by Aleksander Ford in 1952, this Polish-language period drama chronicles the life, times and accomplishments of revered Warsaw-born Romantic composer Frederic Chopin, here played by Czeslaw Wollejko (Danton). The feature focuses exclusively on the youth of Chopin (who died at age 39), spanning his 15th year (c. 1825) through his 21st year (c. 1831); it also depicts Chopin as both prodigiously gifted and one filled with a tremendous spirit of Polish nationalism. Ford concludes with the onset of the illness that eventually killed Ford, set against the backdrop of the famous November Uprising in 1830.
