Željko Hrš

In the revolutionary year of 1968, Stane is an active rebel student. Mojca is a freshman, has a boyfriend named Vid, whom she met at the carnival party. There she also met her later husband Stane. Vid leaves for military service, while Stane successfully avoids it. During the glorification of this event, Mojca and Stane come together intimately. Upon his return from the army, Vid discovers this love triangle. Stane and Mojca get married. The death of the child and the awareness that Stane is cheating on her, leads Mojca to divorce.

The life of a man who dared to unfold the corruption and mismanagement in his factory takes a wrong turn as his marriage ends, his lover leaves him and he finds himself in a psychiatric hospital. After completing his stay in this mental institution, the gates of the factory are now closed for him. Will he be forced to apologize, or blood must be shed?


Set in the Tolminsko province of Slovenia in 1713, shortly after the Peasants' Uprising. The Grogovc family are forced to live in exile in a wasteland area of the country, where they suffer from the plague which gradually kills off the colony.

Based on the novel by Josip Jurcic and set in rural Yugoslavia in the 1840's. The tenth brother of a family returns to the family home to take revenge on his father who had abandoned him as a child.


A TV journalist making a documentary in a factory finds out that the workers have been on strike and tries to analyze the strike in his film, but is thwarted by the TV company. His failure at his job is interwoven with his failed marriage.