Zezé Macedo

"Portraits and excerpts from Brazilian films from all times. Actors, directors and images that affirm cinema."

The Angel is a millionaire playboy who fights the forces of crime, especially his deadly enemy, the arch-villain Scarlet Scorpion, who recently has kidnapped the fashion designer Glória Campos, who is in love with our hero.


A misogynist and shabby farmer, brother of other three goofy hillbillies leaves to the big city searching for a wife and wins the heart of a hot tempered woman.


Two stories chronicle the days of the bohemian, libertine youth of 1960s Rio de Janeiro.


Reg owns the store "Tem Tudo... E Muito Mais" (Has Everything... And Much More). To satisfy his customers, he is forced to perform the most strange functions.


Comedy in two segments. In the first, an important businessman becomes temporarily paralyzed after taking too much of a potent aphrodisiac. To take his place, his employee finds a mechanic who is a look-alike. In the second story, a businessman's woman pretends she is jealous in order to conceal her own unfaithfulness, as she is having an affair with her husband's closest employee.


"Como É Boa a Nossa Empregada" is an erotic comedy from the 70's (called "pornochanchada" genre) divided in three segments: 1) "Lula e a Copeira": Lula uses frogs, bats and spiders to scare the ugly kitchen maid of his house and force her to quit the job. When his parents put an advertisement on the newspaper to hire a new maid, he waits the candidates outside the house to choose one very hot, telling lies about his family to the others. They hire the sexy Clara, who is subjected to a sexual harassment from Lula's father Rivadávia, the family's friend Dr. Ricardo and Lula, leading the trio to troubled situations. 2) "O Terror das Empregadas": The sixteen years old Bebeto chases all the maids of his house and neighborhood trying to have intercourse with them. His mother takes him to the psychologist Dr. Leonel, who convinces her that her son needs to have a sexual experience with a whore to help his self-esteem, and suggests the sexy and expensive prostitute Leila Sandra.


Daily scenes of a grotesque family living in the metaphorical island of Babaloo.


Born a fully grown black man in a village in the Brazilian jungle, Macunaíma later magically transforms into a white man before making an adventure-filled trip to the city of São Paulo. Once there, he becomes something of a dandy, falling in love with Ci, a revolutionary who dies in an accidental bombing. After robbing a ruthless industrialist, Macunaima returns to his village where he finds his newly acquired knowledge and possessions of little use.


A scientist and his nephew are hosts of Lana, queen of the Amazons, while other crew men try to find and take hold of the legendary Amazons' treasure.


UFO falls on a hillbilly's hencoop and he tries to sell it. Soon international missions are sent to the place, for there's a suspicion it might be the famous Russian satellite, the Sputnik.


Dona Xepa is a vegetable stand owner. She dreams about the success of her scientist son. The film is based on the play by Pedro Bloch.


Madame Janete is an aging music hall star who insists on doing roles far beneath her real age, and whose secretary keeps her fans in a payroll. One day she meets young author Paulo and falls for him; but he is in love and engaged to ballerina Vilma, and misunderstandings abound.


Three young women sharing a room in a boarding house owned by a very strict matron dream of becoming famous in show busines


Industrialist's son returns from the USA, where he'd been supposedly studying Nuclear Physics, when in fact he'd devoted himself to pop music, without his father's knowledge.


Quartet from Northeast Brazil arrive in Rio de Janeiro, to try their luck in the big city.
