Zheng Min

The side story narrates the effort of relocating a cultural relic safeguarded beneath an ancient tomb during the Sino-Japanese era. Er Yue Hong undertook this mission by approaching the tomb which on the surface is a heavily pre-occupied Japanese army base. Tapping his skills for Chinese opera and utilizing his connections, he performed as an opera singer while fighting off the Japanese soldiers on the other. With his wisdom and bravery, he strives with his might to recover the relic.

A Chinese drama


Based on the famous novel of the same name by well-known author Ba Jin, this movie traces the decline of a large, wealthy family in the early part of the twentieth century. The story focuses on three brothers and how they respond to the expectation that they will each marry women whom their grandfather has selected for them. The lure of family money on the one hand and modern individualism on the other plays out differently among the young men. Critics consider this movie an indictment against feudal ideas.


PLA send scouts to get through Yangtze River to collect enemy information of defense.
