Zhu Wen

German artist meets Han goatherd...perhaps.


Divorcé Ma Yong is in love with his new girlfriend Zhao Hui. However, he has a hang-up about his ex-wife, Xiaohong who puts obstacles in the way of him and his girlfriend. So he decides to introduce his best friend to his ex-wife.


Xu Zi is living beyond their means living by writing, in his girlfriend Hayashi's encouragement, he was determined to be self-reliant, and became a taxi drivers, strange things come one after another. A lot of weird things since appeared. Xu Zi and Hayashi decided to reveal the layers of mystery.

Xu Daqin, a retired Chinese factory worker, returns to the remote Yunnan province, where he hopes to reconcile himself with the life and opportunity he passed up in this place 40 years ago.


Zhang Xiaomei (Jin Ze), is a prostitute living in Beijing. When relationship problems with her boyfriend erupt, she flees to the resort city of Beidaihe and takes a room in a small hotel where she contemplates committing suicide. There she meets a young poet. The next morning, she wakes and learns that the poet has slit his wrists. When the police arrive, she meets Deng Jianguo (Cheng Taisheng), a middle-aged officer who questions her over the poet's death. Their relationship soon grows increasingly complicated as Deng learns of Xiaomei's plans to commit suicide. Over the course of several days, he takes her to eat seafood dinners, extolling the virtues and health benefits of the diet, including a claim that it makes him a more potent lover. When Xiaomei tries to commit suicide in a nearby town, she is thwarted by Deng who brings her back to Beidaihe and proceeds to rape her. Xiaomei eventually leaves the seaside town for Beijing again.


Is a simple family drama that evolves into a moving study of immutable family ties and is also a scathing indictment of the political and penal system in China.


A policeman investigates an introverted signal-station manager suspected of raping a hotel clerk.
