Zvonimir Šimunec

We, Will, Be the World Champions is a story about four pioneers who fathered the “Yugoslav school of basketball” and whose merit is the development of this sport in Europe. They are Nebojša Popović, Borisav Stanković, Radomir Šaper and Aleksandar Nikolić. The central event is the crucial game at World Cup 1970 between Yugoslavia and the United States. From the point of view of the main character, Nebojša Popović, we follow the growth and life path of enthusiasts, whose professional work, ideas, and efforts made their major dream come true, the first gold medal for Yugoslavia in world championships.


The story about the founders of the famous "Yugoslav Basketball School" and the first gold medal at the Championships in Ljubljana in 1970, is based on real events and is dedicated to personalities who have contributed to the emergence and development of basketball in their country.


Coming home to make amends with her estranged father, Eleni finds herself confronted with an unexpected kinship.


A football team from Belgrade, former Republic of Yugoslavia gets a chance to go to the First World Football Championship, but things get complicated along the way.


A story about one team that decides to follow a dream that takes them on a journey to the First World Football Championship in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1930. A dream that allows them to become true stars and living legends.


Movie about secret relations between Yugoslavian, Serbian and Croatian secret police during last 50 years. Here in Balkans truth and lies are so much mixed and it lasts so long that no one knows the difference. That is why this fictitious story looks so true.


Professor Herceg struggling with difficulties, it is not easy to determine how students conveyed knowledge, and even harder to avoid the hatred of the disciples, and sympathy for the students. Arrival of television in school, a poll about the new school, students' imaginations and similar conditions will not relieve his problem.
