Christine Laszar

Directed by Jean Mailland (as Jean Michaud-Mailland) .


Seventeen-year-old Martina has a paralyzing fear of heights, which prevents her from fulfilling her father’s wish that they perform a tightrope act together. As she is quite taken with the black panthers in the circus, as well as their trainer Dittrich, she decides to be an animal trainer instead.


The plot takes place in a picturesque Montenegrin islet of Sveti Stefan. The local authorities investigate the murder of a tourist, which background turns out to be connected with the Nazi crimes.

Stasi agent Alexander Berg has to uncover a plot of sabotage.


A murder has been committed in "Pension Boulanka", a famous guesthouse for artists and circus people. Captain Bruckner is heading the investigating team.


After WWII a soldier returns to his Polish homeland from Scotland.


The "Concordia" trading company in Würzburg is a secret headquarters of the MID, a secret service agency of the US Army. For years, espionage, sabotage, and diversion operations originated from here in order to undermine the Socialist Republic of Germany. A favorable moment for a military attack approaches and plans are developed. These plans are placed in the hands of Major Collins, who keeps them in a safe. Hansen has worked for him for many years, but also for the Stasi as a double agent. Security Chief Colonel Rock knows there is a leak, but Hansen has passed every test thrown at him. He is trying to deal with his current assignment: acquiring the plans so they can be made public. His mission is to get them out of the safe and into the GDR without getting caught.


The film chronicles the last ten years in the life of Nobel Peace Prize recipient Carl von Ossietzky (1889-1938).

A humorous and satirical comedy, which places a man from the year 2222 one day in the (then) present day life in GDR, East Germany under Communist regime. Using a crystal for mind reading he uncovers some improprieties and moral weaknesses in the "Beautiful future" professed by VEB ("Volkseigener Betrieb" - "State Owned Holdings").

Film by Johannes Knittel.

A military officer falls sick because of test runs of atomic bombs.
