Cleia Almeida

Vera, a single mother with two small children, is forced to have two jobs to survive after her children's father has disappeared. She works as a cashier at a supermarket by day and at night works in a strip club, trying not only to raise her children but also to pay off the debts that her ex-partner left her. Harassed in both jobs, one day she reacts violently when a nightclub client is more daring, being sentenced in court to perform community service in a nursing home, where her irreverence and youth will clash with the authoritarianism and inhumanity of the director. For the elderly who live in the nursing home, Vera is a breath of fresh air that little by little will change their lives, becoming the true home fairy…

Pê, a man with terminal cancer, wanders through his city, Lisbon. Throughout the day, he is confronted with a reality unaware of his suffering while he prepares his imminent death by writing a farewell letter to his daughter. When emptying her father’s house, the daughter discovers the letter. It is the beginning of a new encounter.

Sílvia rents a house for the weekend in the south of Portugal with the intention of meeting her secret lover, Clara. Between tanning sessions and swims in the pool, this perfect couples weekend begins to take a turn due to a mysterious evil. Strange events that occur in the house will change their relationship and personal lives forever.


Sara is a portuguese actress who only works in film and is known for her ability to cry on cue. But one day her eyes dry up just like her interest in cinema. The solution? Soap operas.


The pilgramage of 11 women in 9 days and 400km to Fátima.


The journey of 11 women while they go on a pilgrimage from Bragança to Fatima.


A film about General Humberto Delgado's brutal assassination by the Portuguese fascist police in 1965.


Posfácio works at the factory of Madam Cannon and dates her daughter Claudete. Everything would be going great for Posfácio, if it wasn't for terrorist plans from his work buddies Marques and Mendes.


A regular family living in the outskirts of Lisbon sees the serenity of their lives shaken beyond any remedy within a week.


April 1974 saw the fall of a long lasting dictatorship. The young democracy developed in the midst of much social and political turmoil. The armed wing of a leftist group changed the future of one family - the father disappears without trace, the mother denies their past, and the son grows up with unanswered questions. As a young man, Pedro is determined to reach for answers, aided by his apparently batty grandmother. Collecting clues and meeting people who would rather prefer to remain forgotten. His inner journey leads him Portugal to Spanish through the deserted roads of Alentejo. Pedro will find himself, but there is a price to pay.


THE LOVEBIRDS intertwines six stories about love, friendship and survival. The film stars an international cast of American and Portuguese actors who create a colorful mix of off-beat characters that lead us through a complex labyrinth of emotions. Set in the old Romanesque city of Lisbon during the course of one night where love is the art of survival. Written by Anonymous


A disturbing film about the Portuguese underworld of prostitution.


Messias, the husband, a dentist, almost magician. Felizbela, the beautiful wife, almost happy. Joana, the daughter, almost a singer, and Nuts, her boyfriend, almost a filmmaker. Finally the grand father Tobias, a shepherd, almost immortal.


A philosophy-obsessed serial rapist stalks a university campus in broad daylight.


What stops two people from being together? A third one. What stops one person from fighting for another? Nothing. Pedro lives in the suburbs, where he works with his father in a garage. Everyday he takes the bus downtown where he goes to school and meets his friends. It's summertime and they all go down to the river where they spend their free time or even their school time. Among joints, motorbike riding and swimming, everything seems to go well with this group of friends, until the moment when Pedro and his best friend find out that both of them like the same girl. Pedro finds himself inside a downward spiral, where everything around him seems to fall apart. Like a magnet attracts the iron, Pedro seems to attract problems, from the school until his relationship with his parents. This is the story of Pedro, who by having his head being pushed down so much learned how to breathe under water.


Ava, a professional dancer, finds herself in a toxic relationship with her partner, an accomplished choreographer, Nicholas. While he charmingly aims to convince her to go back to the stage, Ava slides towards a break-down.
