Cristina Pereira

Young, intense and authentic, Dani just wants a normal life. However, since she was a child, she has been misaligned with her world.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1950. In the conservative home of the Gusmão family, Eurídice and Guida are two inseparable sisters who support each other. While Guida can share with her younger sister the details of her romantic adventures, Eurídice finds in her older sister the encouragement she needs to pursue her dream of becoming a professional pianist.


The success of the Sex Delícia franchise takes Alice on a trip around the world, visiting various countries in non-stop work. With no time to spare for her home and family, her husband João assumes the role of housekeeper, taking care of their children Paulinho and Clarinha. Tired of all the hustle, Alice decides to retire and give the command of her business to her mother. However, the arrival of Leona, a young competitor, forces her to a change of plans.


Ângela Cristina, mother of teenager Maria de Lourdes, has to deal with the difficulties and delights of guiding her daughter during one of the most complicated stages of life.


Selminha is a lower-class woman who receives a family inheritance, but only if she meets the challenge of spending 30 million reais in 30 days, without accumulating anything. However, in this marathon, she will find out that there are things that money does not buy.


Alice owns a network of sex shops and workaholic who, in trying to reconcile the harsh routine of work and family life, suffers nervous breakdown, she is forced by her husband to go to spa. Precisely at this time, appears unique opportunity to expand its business in New York. Using fun gimmicks, risks his health, leaves spa party there with family to ride, but actually in order to facilitate their professional interests. In trying to reconcile the agendas, engage in hilarious situations and mistakes that culminate in the possible separation of the couple.


After being left by her husband and fired from her work, a workaholic businesswoman is forced to go through a big change in her life and becomes a partner on a decadent sex shop.


Olímpia loves her bosses, Inês and Eduardo. Eduardo loves Inês, his wife, who loves Eduardo, her husband. Inês is a friend of Lígia´s, who loves her husband Cristiano. Cristiano loves Lígia, his wife. Vera loves Cláudio, her husband, who doesnt love Vera. Inês thinks that Eduardo is having an affair with Salete, Cristiano thinks that Lígia is having an affair with Ricco, Vera thinks that Cláudio has an affair with Inês and Eduardo thinks that Inês has an affair with Cláudio. The action takes place in a middle class condo where Olímpia, a clumsy maid, carries out the most unbelievable confusions, making everybody believes that love is a game in which one always cheats.


In Rio de Janeiro, the teenagers Lia and Rodrigo have opposite behaviors and personalities. The clumsy Rodrigo is responsible and good student, while the emancipated Lia is totally irresponsible. They have their first sexual intercourse together on April 23rd, and they schedule to meet each other every year in the same date. Along the years, Rodrigo graduates in engineering and gets married with Clara (Christine Fernandes), having a son. The single mother Lia has a life without any commitment, moves to Paris and comes back to Brazil later. After a comedown, Rodrigo leaves his family and quits his job to live with Lia. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Sofia goes to her cousin Matheus's to take care of his two children, Júlia and Lucas, while he goes to a party. She finds a magic book, which transports them to a Magic Forest, where they meet some fairytale characters such as Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood. But their presence starts interfering with the original stories, and so Matheus tries to bring them back to the real world.


Kira (Xuxa), a botanist who is also the daughter of elves, must fight the evil wicked witch Algaz (Betty Lagp). To fight it, Kira will help Epifania (Deborah Secco), the good witch, elf Daphnis (Thiago Fragoso) and even the Queen Dara (Vera Fisher), the fairy mother.


The tumultuous lives of a woman and her three daughters who used to live in Paris, and are now living in Bairro Alto.

The dictator of a small Caribbean island receives the New York Times daily, sent by a nephew. Through the newspaper, he gets in touch with the world. Guerrilla groups try to neutralize this information system.


Fausta is a survivor who dreams of building a house on land she's buying on the installment plan. Meanwhile she lives in a one-room tin-roofed hovel with her idle husband, João, and she works as a maid. Through it all she's a scourge, arguing, jeering and being jeered, but also displaying the spirit and energy of her idol, Tina Turner.


Financial problems in a religious school for girls force the government to interfere. While waiting in the conference hall to communicate the fact to the school administrators, the intervenor falls asleep and a crazy dream begins, involving teachers, students and strange characters.


A woman runs away in the company of her daughter, the ultimate brat, in a journey full of bizarre events.


Sought after by several reputable women, a bohemian becomes obsessed with a prostitute.


The fun and inspiring journey of a woman, from her 8 to 40 years of age, in search of herself and her own pursuit of happiness. When pressured by her family and society, Suzi becomes different from the sensitive girl she once was. Throughout the years, she interacts with different contemporary feminine archetypes: the married woman, the woman who has attitude, the intelligent woman, the successful woman, the depressed woman, the enlightened woman and the desperate woman. Until she meets with her aunt Suely, the free woman, who makes her revisit her story and connect with her past. Suzi stops living in a way to make others happy and goes back to being her own self. A delicate comedy about a woman, who gets tired of corresponding to others 'expectations and goes after fulfillment in her own terms.