Cristovão Campos

As a result of the pandemic and the economic crisis, there is a widespread revolt in the main cities of the country and Paulo and Cristina, an upper-middle-class couple with a newborn child, only do not join the popular indignation because they agreed, that same night, to organize a dinner for two friends: João, going through a divorce process that plunges him into a strange depression; and Raquel, Cristina's childhood friend who has spent the last few years crossing the planet on a journey of self-discovery. It's a night where, while the world changes outside, people reveal themselves inside, in this apartment where the confrontation between the real and the virtual reveals the most terrible truths.

A historical fiction series that, from the biographies and cultural and civic intervention of the poet Natalia Correia, the editor Snu Abecassis and the journalist Vera Lagoa (pseudonym of Maria Armanda Falcão), recalls the last years of the Estado Novo (Second Republic) - 1961 to 1973 - from the beginning of the colonial War to the eve of the April Revolution.

A New age remake of a portguese classic, Pátio das Cantigas shows the lives of a neighbourhood in the Old Lisbon, including their desires, happiness and sadness, always with a good humour.


Laura works as a newscaster and José Maria as a stockbroker, and while they live in the same housing complex, their lives never cross directly. Nevertheless, he watches her from a distance, seeing all her movements without her knowledge. But their lives finally meet when he is invited onto her news program. From there, a romance begins which coincides with the desire of two beings who finally find a reason to seek love once again.


Mariana is a 17 year old girl, who, after being rapped by drug addict, finds out she's pregnant and, in her path, discovers how difficult it can be entering adulthood.


A woman gets into a fight with her boyfriend, concerning her lack of humanism. Leaving him abruptly at the Santa Apolónia Station, she strikes a conversation with an interesting homeless man whom she decides to take home to just to show her boyfriend that she cares.